Tag: 31 days of winter festivals
A Year of Free Comics: A CHRISTMAS MITTAINES totally understands cats better than the...
Let your cat knock ornaments off the tree, lest he become a Scrooge.
31 Days of Winter Festivals Supplemental: Ty Templeton
Ty Templeton's Bun Toons are always a delight. He currently running down the year in cartoons.
31 Days of Winter Festivals: Kate Beaton’s Christmas Comics
Kate Beaton has put all her holiday comics in one massive post. These are finely observed moments of family life, the laughter specific to her loving family, but universal, as well. Beaton has...
Merry Christmas to all
Power is back where I've gone for Christmas, but the internet may be out for days. So no blogging until things are back to "normal."
In the meantime, here's a little old James Jean Santa...
31 days of winter festivals: SuperF*ckers Save Christmas
James Kochalka's unspell-out-able in a family website superheroes are back in a special digital only release called: SuperF*ckers Save Christmas. YOu can purchase it on Comixology.
Currently starring in a web series...
31 Days of Winter Festivals: A Christmas Carol adapted by Joe Staton
Joe Staton is one of those reliable cartoonists who draws everything exactly as it should be with intelligence, grace and greta storytelling. He drew A Christmas Carol for for the late 80s early 90s...
31 days of Winter Festivals: Salem Hyde’s 12 Days of Chistmas by Frank Cammuso
The Misadventures Salem Hyde is a rather charming kids comic that came out earlier this year featuring a young watch named Salem Hyde and her cat familiar Lord Percival J. Whamsford III. Creator Frank...
31 days of Winter Festivals: Dustin Nguyen’s Lil Gotham Christmas
I would buy these.
Via Goonie's tumblr which is all Christmas all the time now.
31 Days of Winter Festivals: Jill Thompson’s Grinch
The great Jill Thompson brings the Seuss on her Tumblr.
What has Jill Thompson been working on anyway? Besides a new Beasts of Burden? Every time we saw her all summer she had some...
31 Days of Winter Festivals: comiXology gives away free comics in 12 Days of...
Okay might have gotten carried away with all the holiday flash up there but the short version is that yesterday kicked off 12 Days of Free Comics at Comixology. Firts up was Batman #13 by Snyder,...
31 Days of Winter Festivals: Mid Century Santa
Heather David has a rockin' Flickr set of Mid-Century Santa, which I can't download, but rust me one click and you'll be mesmerized. It was a time of pastel backgrounds and Santa on a...