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Tag: 10 days that changed the world

dark horse retailer support output

Dark Horse downsizes

Dark Horse has reportedly laid off more than a dozen staffers, as troubles at their parent company may have caught up with them.

Ike Perlmutter: I don’t care about making money, just SAVING money

Ike Perlmutter spoke to the Wall Street Journal, claiming he was fired for being fixated on saving money
dc logo

DC Comics restructures

DC had a few mote layoffs yesterday, but the cuts were said to be small, and editorial was not affected.

Report: Ike Perlmutter attempted a shadow Disney board coup over the summer…and it’s not...

New filings reveal former Marvel chairman Ike Perlmutter trying to get a pal appointed to Disney's board - and the battle isn't over.
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SHOCKER: DC announces return to shipping comics for 4/27 with alternative distributors

  On the day that Diamond announced a plan to return to distributing product Mid-May, DC Comics made their own announcement: that, as previously announced, they are pursuing alternative distribution methods and will start shipping...
lee lifford and didio and changes at dc comics

DC Update – a promotion for Javins, questions for DiDio and Lee

DiDio and Lee speak out on the current state of DC, including graphic novels, digital and MAD.

CBR founder Jonah Weiland celebrates his new VP job at DC by baking bread

He'll head up marketing, publicity and creative services.