The CW has announced that the upcoming sixth season of Supergirl will be the show’s final season. The series, which stars Melissa Benoist as the titular Girl of Steel, is a part of the network’s Arrowverse line of shows, which also includes The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, and Black Lightning.
Deadline reports that production on the series, which was halted earlier this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is set to resume next week, with a pregnant Benoist joining later. The 20-episode final season will also reportedly be longer than new seasons of The CW’s other shows to accommodate wrapping up storylines from the abbreviated fifth season and to give the series a satisfying conclusion.
So far series stars Benoist and Jesse Rath, who plays Brainiac-5, have shared statements on social media regarding the end of the series. Benoist promised “one helluva final season,” while Rath thanked the series’s fans for their support:
The ending of Supergirl is not entirely surprising. The Superman and Lois spin-off series is set to debut next year as well, and it’s hard not to imagine the regular presence of the Man of Steel in the Arrowverse coming to overshadow that of his younger cousin. Supergirl’s absence will definitely be felt across the Arrowverse, though, considering her close friendship with Grant Gustin‘s Flash and charter membership in the Justice League that formed at the end of this year’s Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover (a storyline that also served to finally place Supergirl on the same Earth as all the other Arrowverse heroes). Hopefully the end of the series won’t be the end of seeing Benoist as Supergirl, either on Superman and Lois or as part of the larger Arrowverse crossovers.
The sixth and final season of Supergirl is set to debut on The CW in 2021.