Ed Brubaker has a veritable slew of projects in development for TV and feature films, including Rising Suns, an espionage thriller to air on NBC and an adaptation of his graphic novel Coward, that Electric City is producing (via THR and Deadline)
Woot! Master MC, The RZA of the Wu Tang Clan, is teaming up with Grant Morrison to develop his new comics series, Happy!, which debuted last month from Image. If you ask me, that’s almost too much awesome in one item (via Heat Vision)
It looks like a Peanuts movie will be brought to you by Fox Animation and Blue Sky Entertainment (via Deadline)
Dr. Horrible 2 is getting more for realz every day (via HuffPo)
And while we’re talking #2’s, Ridley Scott’s has confirmed that the Blade Runner sequel is totally happening (via Metro UK)
The reviews are in and the consensus seems to be that, hey, Arrow is pretty OK. The ratings were certainly good. Graeme McMillan, writing for Spinoff Online, has an interesting analysis of why the show is working so well on TV, while E! Online points out that when it gets down to it, Steve Amell is pretty ab-tastic in this rather Batmanly interpretation of the iconic DC character (via THR, Fanbolt, SFGate, Deadline, Spinoff Online, and E! Online)
The Walking Dead premieres this Sunday night. Buddy TV has sneak peek preview clips of the first episode, which will show the survivors jumping forward in time a bit from last season’s finale. They sure do look scruffier…Executive Producer, Gale Anne Hurd did an interesting and lengthy interview with fan site, The Daily Dead. Among other interesting tidbits, including how The Governor was casted, she says that there “will continue to be iconic moments from the comic book (on the TV show) but always with a twist which will keep people off balance.” There is also a whole bunch of behind the scenes videos over at EW (via Buddy TV, The Daily Dead and EW)
It’s going to be a nice day for a Red Wedding – here is a link to a leaked casting notice for Game of Thrones Season 3 which points to the infamous scene from George RR Martins’ Song of Ice and Fire series (via Westeros.org)
Jeff Wadlow, the director of Kickass 2, is getting people all a twitter with his tweeting of pics from the set of sequel which is set for a June, 2013 release (via ComingSoon.net)
Aaaannddd let’s close it out with yet more sequel news – Emily Blunt is being considered for the role of Ms. Marvel in the 2nd Avengers film (via HuffPo)
Have fun this weekend! If you are at NYCC, I whole-heartedly hope you are enjoying your picturesque NYC Fall weekend with a bunch of a sweaty nerds.
The Blade Runner sequel is happening? Awesome! I can’t wait for the people who thought Speed Racer was the second coming of Kurosawa to complain about how awful a Ridley Scott movie continuation of a 20 year old property was!
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