It was quite a gathering of comics talent for last night’s Suicide Squad premiere in New York. The crew gathered for the above photo before hand, including many creators who had a hand in various characters from the film. From left to right: Geoff Johns, Jimmy Palmiotti, Misty Lee (in the back), Amanda Conner (wearing two casts from a vacation spill), DC Entertainment president Diane Nelson, Paul Dini, Tom King,Jim Lee, Steve Orlando, Scott Snyder, Frank Miller, Jai Nitz, Brian Azzarello, two fellows I don’t recognize (apologies), John Ostrander, Dan DiDio, two more unknown, Paul Leviz and Mike Gold.
I’ve added a few instagram snaps and then what you’ve all been waiting for, more movie star style. Margot Robie wore a unicorn cress; Jared Leto wore his dressing gown, and in general when children ask “Mom, did people in 2016 really use Transmetropolitan as a fashion guide?” she will just show them pictures from the Suicide Squad premiere and all will be revealed.
Haven’t seen any reviews as I write this which is….interesting.
Director David Ayer shouted “F— Marvel!” at the premiere and had to apologize, but he can be forgiven for a little team spirit I guess.
Sorry about getting caught up in the moment and saying f*ck Marvel. Someone said it. I echoed. Not cool. Respect for my brother filmmakers.
— David Ayer (@DavidAyerMovies) August 2, 2016
And comics stars were spotted on the red carpet as well. Click for captions:
(PS: I may juuust have my own personal Scott Eastwood gallery for quiet times.]
I believe the embargo is up at noon today, so they’ll be plenty of review fodder to go around before it opens on Thursday. Regardless of the reception of this film, due to how sideswiped WB seemed to be after the reception of B vs S, I’d probably be gunshy about releasing reviews too. The fans who have been to screenings seem to like it so far.
Erik makes sense, except that if they had actually shown BvS to normal people and not an echo chamber of anxious yes-sayers they wouldn’t have been blindsided.
I believe it is Adam Glass & Greg Capullo between Ostrander & Levitz
The reviews are HORRENDOUS
The movie is flawed, but the characters and actors are amazing and the movie is just plain fun. Its a summer blockbuster on many levels and Amanda and I had a great time watching Margo and Smith steal the movie.
JImmy: I think it sounds like it will be insanely successful and I’m sure the follow-ups will correct some of the problems. Going to see it tomorrow night myself!
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