Metabunker has continuing coverage on the ongoing turmoil over a El Jueves cover which mocked the Spanish royal family and which has led to legal action against the magazine. Cartoonist Guillermo and writer Manel FontdeVila are set to appear in court today (or did as you read this)

Not content to have forced its retraction by the publishers and closed down most of their website, the state prosecutor (apparently, the royals themselves haven’t addressed the cartoon at all) is going all the way. Guillermo and FontdeVila risk up to two years in jail.

While this sounds like some sort of grandstanding play by the prosecutor all the way, the damage against El Jueves (which we hear the King himself reads regularly) would appear to be clear.

The Con C De Arte blog by cartoonist Pepo also has full coverage en Español for those who can read it.

Related: Remember when the Spanish Royal Family threatened to sue Marvel over a Mike Mayhew swipe of a photo?