Back in 2016, prolific comic creator Bryan Lee O’Malley, best known for Scott Pilgrim, teamed up with artist Leslie Hung for Snotgirl. The series followed Lottie Person, the titular character and a prolific fashion blogger who is plagued by inner demons. When she realizes that her public life is a glamour that hides the allergy-ridden, friendless person Lottie actually is, she decides to embark on a quest to change herself.

It’s been over four years since the last issue of the Snotgirl comic series came out. It goes without saying a lot has happened in time since and understandably O’Malley has had his hands full with various other projects including the Scott Pilgrim animated series. Fans can rejoice because Image has announced that Snotgirl returns with issue #16 that will kick off a new story arc in the ongoing series and hit shelves in December.

Details as well as preview art below:

Now that fashion influencer Lottie Person is officially in a relationship with Caroline—the girl of her dreams—what kind of trouble will they get into next? 

“This comic has been cave-aged for four years until the crystalline structures are perfect,” said O’Malley. “It will have an incredible mouthfeel.” 

Hung added only: “Finally, some good food.”

Snotgirl #16 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, December 4:

    • Cover A by Hung – Lunar Code 1024IM312
    • Cover B by O’Malley & Rachael Cohen – Lunar Code 1024IM313

Snotgirl, Vol. 1 trade paperback (ISBN: 9781534300361, Lunar Code 1216IM188) is available now at local comic book shops, independent bookstores, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Indigo, and Waterstones.

Snotgirl, Vol. 2 trade paperback (ISBN: 9781534306615, Lunar Code 0318IM145) is available now at local comic book shops, independent bookstores, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Indigo, and Waterstones.

Snotgirl, Vol. 3 trade paperback (ISBN: 9781534312388, Lunar Code 0120IM220) is available now at local comic book shops, independent bookstores, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Indigo, and Waterstones.

Snotgirl comic series Snotgirl comic series