The Small Press Spotlight is checking out a new title by Ryan Estrada from Iron Circus Comics, Student Ambassador: The Silver City. Axur Eneas and Alejanda Zuniga round out the creative team.
Check out details on the series:
The STUDENT AMBASSADOR series is about a plucky kid who travels on a student ambassador program but winds up having real diplomatic adventures instead of the boring stuff he’s meant to be doing. He’s got a knack for pointing out when adults are wrong about political things, which I love (kids love it, too). In this volume there’s a mystery involving ghosts in an old mine beneath the city, so it’s got some Scooby Doo vibes, and this preview captures that. 

“The ex-president has an international incident that only a younger version of him can solve! He needs . . . a student ambassador!”

Eight-year-old student ambassador Joseph Bazan made a big splash on the international scene when he cracked the case of The Missing Dragon and kept the nation of Rhutar from going to war. Now, he’s back to being a regular kid and, to be honest, real life is a tad boring!

When former president Tex Olman, impressed by Joseph’s character and creative problem-solving, asks for his help on a trip to Mexico, it’s a dream come true. Not only does he have the adventure itch, Joseph has always wanted to learn more about his ancestral roots in the vibrant, ancient city of Zacatecas. But this vacation isn’t all churros and museums (though it does have those!). There’s a legend that ghosts haunt the city’s famous silver mines, and it’s starting to seem like more than just a story!

Joseph will need his deep knowledge, knack for friendship, and adventurous mettle to decode secret messages, explore dangerous caves, and save the city . . . that is, if the Ghosts of Zacatecas don’t get him first! Student Ambassador is a globe-trotting action-adventure set in the real world where dangers mount, the stakes are high, and smarts save the day!

Published on May 14, the middle-grade book is a fun adventure for young readers. Check out some art below before grabbing your copy.