Saturday is here, and that means Weekend Reading 126 has arrived! We’re hoping you’ll share your reading plans with us, either here in the comment section or over on social media @comicsbeat.
AVERY KAPLAN: I’m having a double Who HQ weekend! The nonfiction kids graphic novel series has secured some very talented creators. First up is Who Was a Daring Pioneer of the Skies? Amelia Earhart written by Melanie Gillman and illustrated by A.C. Esguerra. Then, it’s on to Who Was the First Man on the Moon? Neil Armstrong by Nathan Page and Drew Shannon.
ADAM KARENINA SHERIF: I’ve been really enjoying picking up single issues that I simply feel like reading and not stressing about having all the preceding issues. “Every issue is someone’s first issue” and all that goodness. This week’s haul included Black Adam #2 by Priest and Rafa Sandoval, Sword Of Azrael: Dark Knight Of The Soul by Dan Watters and Nikola Čižmešija, and Edge Of Spider-Verse #2 featuring the debut of Spider-UK by Ramzee and Ruairí Coleman which I am particularly jazzed about.
ZACK QUAINTANCE: I am finishing a novel that I have absolutely been devouring — Severance by Ling Ma (no relation to the show). It’s as good of an end-of-the-world story as I’ve read, and while not as flashy as something like Station Eleven, I imagine fans of that one would still like Severance a lot. As for comics, the Mike Grell Green Arrow read I’m doing is down to just three more issues, and I’ll be reading start to finish Phenomena: The Golden City of Eyes, a forthcoming graphic novel from writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist André Lima Araújo.
TAIMUR DAR: I’ve been fascinated seeing the decreasing dependence of Hollywood films on the Chinese box office with films like Top Gun: Maverick and Spider-Man: No Way Home. So I’m going to read up on the history with Red Carpet: Hollywood, China, and the Global Battle for Cultural Supremacy by Erich Schwartzel. And much like Zack, I picked up and started reading Phenomena: The Golden City of Eyes during SDCC but I’ve been so busy since returning I haven’t had a chance to finish it. So I’m hoping to get to the graphic novel as well.
DEAN SIMONS: Last weekend turned out to be surprisingly busy – and this one looks to be also – so my reading of this month’s Forever Magazine has carried over. Also, I finally was able to watch Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero this week and it made me rather nostalgic for the early manga so I am revisiting Akira Toriyama’s original DB comics this weekend. Dragon Ball Z was the first anime I was religiously hooked on as a kid (though Teknoman was up there) and it was thanks to that I started reading manga. Nice to be able to revisit that time.