Following their documentary features on Grant Morrison, Warren Ellis and Image Comics, Sequart’s next documentary project will be on women in comics. Directed by Marisa Stotter, ‘She Makes Comics’ will be talking with a number of influential women in the comics industry, including Karen Berger, Shelly Bond, Joan Hilty, Janelle Asselin and more.
To fund the project, Stotter has taken to Kickstarter, and looks to already be well on the way to getting the project funded. There are some stonking rewards on there too if you decide to pledge – Jill Thompson, Colleen Doran are amongst those drawing original work to donate to the Kickstarter.
Perhaps the most exciting part of the documentary is the statement that the makers are planning to highlight and discuss the contributions made by women during the ‘golden age’ of comics – a time which has not remembered the influence of female talent as much as anyone would like. With 28 days to go, this looks like a pretty brilliant project – you can find out more here.
Thanks for covering this important project!
I’m still waiting for my Chris Claremont and Image Revolution dvds i preordered like two years ago
We’ve already sent out all of the digital downloads, and we’re sending the DVDs to the press in the next week.
Thanks SO much for donating!!!
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