It’s all happening at SDCC this year, and Megan Byrd has been on hand to document it all for us. Here’s some more photos from yesterday, featuring cosplay en masse, the Eisner Awards, and a DC portrait gallery!
Megan Byrd is a photographer from Chicago. You can find her @ComicBookCandy!
Putty arrow Bro from Hawkeye is brilliant.
A quite frankly startling amount of Namors. But hell, look at dem abs, they clearly earned going shirtless.
And hipster princesses and Putty Arrow Bro from Hawkeye FTW.
Any chance of getting higher rez versions of the Marvel cosplay group shots emailed to me? Mainly the X-men ones please?
MyBrassClue – send me an e-mail at info @ and I can get you the high res files.
Awesome. I will do.
Thank you.
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