As usual, brave Jamie Coville has recorded the Eisner Award ceremony and 21 other panels (one or two with me on it) for your listening pleasure. These all sound pretty amazing, from Paul Gulacy to We Need Diverse Comics to Emily Carroll.
And for an added bonus, listen to the Eisner Awards for th immortal “Macabre” moment that none who were present will EVER forget.
The audio for all panels is here, the pictures all here, and the Eisner audio here and pictures here.
San Diego Comic Con 2016 (July 20 – 24) – 101 Photos
Peter David Spotlight (52:06, 47.7mb)
Peter got an Inkpot Award from San Diego Comic Con. He started off reading a part of Chapter 1 from his new Pyramid Schemes. He also revealed he wrote the Marvel Future Fight. He told a story about his stroke,
Stephen King visiting him in the hospital, how that lead to more Dark Tower work and flying on Stephen King’s personal plane. Peter also spoke about the 3rd Hidden Earth Book, Fallen Angel, Star Trek Novels and
the comic book adaptation of his screen play. He told a story about his hanging out with Tom Galloway and pissing off one fan. He gave his thoughts on the new Star Trek movies, the new TV show and told a funny
story about getting Sulu’s first name into the movies. He discussed meeting David Tennant, Harlan Ellison, Leonard Kirk, She Hulk, Spider-man 2099 and the Hulk.
Howard Chaykin Spotlight (50:19, 46.1mb)
Howard walked around with a microphone talking about his early career and what he believes is a realistic assessment of his skill set back in the 1970s. He spoke of where his love of comics came from, his love of Gil Kane,
his influences, why he dislikes the term fan and prefers enthusiasts, why he’s still active in comics, American Flagg, politics, upcoming work and what comics he reads. He also discussed how he’s adapted his art and his
changing views of Photoshop, superhero movies, Wally Wood, Alex Toth, John Severin. He gave recommendations and he sang a song at the end.
We Need Diverse Comics (57:51, 53mb)
On the panel was Raina Telgemeier, Nilah Magruder, Ron Wimberly, Ben Hatke, Nidhi Chanani and moderator Glen Weldon. Among the topics discussed were: Diversity as a trend and not a buzzword, it being turned into a commodity
and sold commercially without diverse creators working on them (EG Marvel’s Hip Hop variant covers), Raina and Ben talked about adding people of colour into their books and how they do it, the group talked about how important
it is to see characters like themselves in comics, Ron discussed needing to create a new visual language because traditional comics sometimes doesn’t have anything established on how to portray some ethnicities which is new
and exciting, how reviewers miss the storytelling in the art, who should be held accountable when whitewashing happens because sometimes the creative team is now allowed to be diverse, why are there no people of colour in the
backgrounds of comics, online movements like Trans rights and Black Lives Matter and do they feel they should represent that in their comics.
Christopher J. Priest: Adventures in the Funnybook Game (52:25, 48mb)
The panel began with Priest receiving an Inkpot Award for his work in comics. Priest gave his history with Marvel and DC saying which books he edited and wrote, how he gave Joe Quesada and many other creators their first work
and why, things that happened that were demoralizing, writing Green Lantern Sleepers prose books and how that made him want to write prose. He said somehow over his career he went from being a writer who worked on Spider-Man
and Batman to a “black writer” and was only offered jobs on writing black characters. He talked about how today he is writing the new Deathstroke (who is not black) and went into some detail on how he’s writing him as a
villain, which characters will appear in the comic and more. He spoke about the difference between Marvel and DC, what it was like working at Marvel in the 80s and what caused him to get fired. He revealed what he did for
Milestone as it was being formed and what he’s doing for them now. He also said what characters he still wants to write and he talked about Green Lantern Emerald Dawn.
The New Comics Journalism: Representation for All (47:45, 43.7mb)
On the panel was moderator Heidi MacDonald (,
Brett Schenker (,
Megan Purdy (
and Mark Stack (
The group talked about what day jobs they were doing when they decided to write about comics, the history of their respective websites and how they get contributors, the attitudes of news sites now and how it compares to
early TCJ, them looking at other sites and how they cover comics, how they deal with interviews that are given under the condition that they focus on upcoming product, the ethics in covering comics and working in them,
why they keep writing about comics and where do they want comics journalism to go.
It Gets Geekier: How being Gay and Nerdy Turned out for the Best (52:22, 48mb)
Moderated by Joshua Yehl, the panelists were: James Tynion IV, Steve Orlando, Kris Anka, Noelle Stevenson and Brett White. Joshua started off on his campaign to get an openly gay character in Star Wars and have them named
after his departed friend Christopher Andrew “Drew” Leinonen. Other topics discussed were when they felt scared to come out in comics, characters they liked growing up because they believed them to be gay or imagined them
as gay, which comic stories affected them as gay people, characters they’d like to be gay, how they deal with homophobic creators and how that changes their relationship with their work.
George Clayton Johnson Memorial Panel (1:21:35, 74.6mb)
On the panel was Scott Smith, Clayton Moore, Floyd Norman, Jimmy Diggs, Craig Miller, Anthony Keith, Gene Henderson and moderator Greg Koudoulian. The group told funny stories about George, including one where Timothy Leary
showed up at comic con and on TV he and George got into a discussion about the future with each one trying to outdo the other with more radical predictions. They said George was very smart and did a lot of research into the
topics that he was interested in. Jimmy Diggs talked about meeting George and just thinking he was a cool guy and it wasn’t until his 3rd time at Comic Con after he revealed he got a job interning for Star Trek: TNG that
George revealed he had written for the original series. Others also confirmed George was very low key about his important professional accomplishments. They also said George was very supportive of people, he was constantly
meeting new fans, was genuinely interested in what they were doing, he would also talk positively to friends about you and your work. They talked about his writing an episode of Kung Fu and David Carradine directed it, many
people in the audience also knew George and told stories about him. They also talked about the advice that George would give.
Comics Arts Conference #7: The Twisted Roots of Comics: Pulp Magazines (50:51, 46.6mb)
Panelists included Nicky Wheeler-Nicholson, Gerard Jones, Nathan Vernon Madison, Brad Ricca and Michael Uslan. Peter Coogan gave an introduction. The group gave a general introduction to what Pulp Magazines were and why many
Jews worked in the industry and in comics. Among the topics discussed were: Max Gaines, Harry Donenfeld and Jack Liebowitz, the origin of the pulps, the plagiarism of the pulps for early Superhero characters, they also
revealed a new public database at that has information on the pulps.
Comics Arts Conference #8: Costumes and Copyrights (50:48, 46.5mb)
Introduction was by Peter Coogan. Jeff Trexler questioned Susan Scafidi (Lawyer) and Cindy Levitt (Hot Topic). Susan started off talking about intellectual property law as it applies to fashion and gave several examples of how
dress designs can be copied by other companies and the original designers can do very little about it. Susan did reveal where protections do exist and also discussed how one case she’s involved in is surprisingly going to the
Supreme Court. Cindy discussed getting licensed clothes from companies, how they come up with fashions for them, how the approval process works, and the likelihood of doing mashups between two different properties in today’s
environment. There was also discussion about how all this affects cosplay, what would be illegal and if companies would act on it to sue somebody.
Acquiring Distribution through Diamond Comics (41:34, 38.1mb)
The panelists had Jay Spence and Trevor Richardson, both brand managers at Diamond. The first talked about what Diamond is. They then discussed different methods of comics distribution and why you would submit to Diamond vs
using other methods. They went through the submission process, what Diamond is looking for, creating comics vs publishing comics, the benefits of using a publisher – even a small one, researching the market, starting off with
ongoing or limited series, the submission sheet details, having a marketing plan, things not to include, what Diamond is looking for, what to avoid, they said 9 brand managers reviews the comics and the decision is made by
majority vote. They also talked about the tough sells, what’s been popular and the math of making and selling a comic. The panel was cut short due to IT issues.
Spy Vixens and the Master of Kung Fu: Paul Gulacy (50:52, 46.6mb)
Paul Gulacy answered questions from Steve Mattsson and from the audience. Paul first talked about his early influences, meeting other pro’s who lived In his area, breaking in comics, The Master of Kung Fu, Sabre, him
quitting Marvel, Six from Sirius and working with paint. They talked briefly about a large number of characters he worked on including Batman, Deathlok, Shanna the She Devil, James Bond, Turok, Star Wars, Catwoman,
Jonah Hex, Time Bomb and mentioned he was doing the Rook. Within this was discussion about frequent partner Doug Moench, Star Wars Toys and some proposals that almost went through.
Daniel Clowes Spotlight (42:35, 39mb)
Eric Reynolds talks with Daniel Clowes. Among the topics discussed are: His views on success, his first con and first panel, his son, future predictions, book cohesion, why he did his current book (Patience) as a spread, his
books as movies, writing screen plays, looking back on his work, how he refines his process over time, how he comes up with dialogue, his original art, how he chooses which idea to make into a comic, a part of Wilson
appearing in the New Yorker, getting the voices of the characters, a book that he abandoned and his views on collaboration. [Note: I came in about 5 minutes late for this panel]
Comics Arts Conference #11: Trina Robbins Spotlight (51:29, 47.1mb)
Kathleen McClancy gave an introduction and Jennifer K. Stuller interviewed Trina Robbins about her career. They started with Trina’s youth, her time in LA as a fashion designer, an acid trip that lead to her being published,
getting published in the East Village Other, Trina meeting Joni Mitchel and how one of Joni’s songs references Trina, moving to San Francisco, It Ain’t Me Babe, Wimmen’s Comix, Obscenity Laws and how they shut down the
headshops, Paper Dolls, Vampirella’s costume, books she worked on, Wonder Woman, Meet Misty, Barbie, Go Girl and Honey West. She talked about her women history books, Friends of Lulu, her collection of original art by female
cartoonists that is in museums, what work she’s proudest of and a reprint of work she did in the 80s that will be coming out soon.
Celebrating 40 years of Fantagraphics (43:15, 39.6mb)
On the panel was Gary Groth, Eric Reynolds, Daniel Clowes, Jaime and Gilbert Hernandez and Simon Hanselmann. Among the topics discussed are how they survived 40 years, how their readers have changed during that time, the
decision to have the characters in Love and Rockets grow older, the appeal of Love and Rockets to female readers, what “makes” a book a Fantagraphics book, surprise hits, Gary’s relationship with Charles Shultz and Peanuts
in particular and how the books helped stabilized the company financially. Simon discussed growing up loving Fantagraphic books and becoming part of the family, Clowes said he submits his books finished and the only thing
Fantagraphic changes if fix a few typos, Jaime talked about letting the characters write the story, Clowes and the Hernandez Bros discussed if they thought they’d still be doing comics all these years later, Gary told a
funny story about a submission from an 87 year old man. The group also talked about Kim Thompson, how he got involved with the company, what he brought to it and some funny stories about him.
Mike Baron Spotlight (38:35, 35.3mb)
Mike discussed defining what your story is as it helps when doing your proposal, the purpose of the story, creating a protagonist, doing an outline before writing, needing to surprise yourself in order to surprise the reader,
needing to be entertaining and original and dragging your protagonist through hell. He spoke about what characters and books he loved growing up. He compared music and comics saying where the two are similar. He also spoke
about his Flash run and what he would do with the Punisher if he was writing him today. Mike revealed what he’s writing now in terms of prose books and said a new Badger Comic was coming out soon.
The Best and Worst Manga of 2016 (49:43, 45.5mb)
Moderated by Chris Butcher, panelists included Deb Aoki, David Brothers, Eva Volin and Brigid Alverson. The group went through several categories: Best New Manga for Kids and Teens, Best New Manga for Grown Ups, Best Continuing
Manga for Kids and Teens, Best Continuing Manga for Adults, Worst Manga for Everybody, Underrated but Great Manga, Most Anticipated New Manga and Most Wanted Manga. They limited their discussion of the specific books to under a
minute (with an alarm going off if they went over) for a fast and furious roundtable of the past year’s manga.
Darwyn Cook Tribute (51:21, 47mb)
The panelists included many of Darwyn’s friends including: Jimmy Palmotti, Amanda Conner, Bruce Timm, Cully Hammer, Frank Tieri, Mark Chiarello, Mike Allred, Scott Dunbier, Shelly Bond and Laura Allred. They started off
reading a letter from Darwyn’s wife Marsha who couldn’t be there. The group talked about his work on Catwoman, Bruce Timm talked about him working for Batman: The Animated Series, lots of funny stories were told about
Darwyn as he was a character. Mark Chiarello talked about finding Darwyn’s work in a slush pile and trying to hire him but he just accepted animation work. Mike and Laura Allred talked about doing conventions with Darwyn.
Scott Dunbier talked about editing Darwyn on the Spirit, his loyalty and attending his Wedding, Shelly Bond talked about setting up Darwyn and Gilbert Hernandez working together at Vertigo.
The Complete Wimmen’s Comix: A Her-story (48:08, 44.1mb)
On this panel were a number of founders and contributors of the underground All Wimmen’s Comix anthology. They were Trina Robbins, Terre Richards, Sharon Ruduhl, Lee Marrs, Rebecka Wright, Mary Fleener, Joan Hilty and
Barbara “Willy” Mendes. Trina started off by reading an introduction, Terre talked about how inclusive the group was to beginner comic artists and how many of them spread off into the mainstream, they discussed being
welcomed at San Diego Comic Con, each panelist discussed what they were doing prior to Wimmen’s Comix and what they are doing now, the International contributors to the book and how it was reprinted outside of the US,
reactions from men in the underground movement, they specifically called out Spain Rodriguez as being supportive as his mother was an artist, they also said how they were told Gay comic creators have since followed their
lead in doing their own books.
YA? Why Not? The Importance of Teen and Young Adult Comics (46:47, 42.8mb)
Sierra Hahn moderated this panel with Hope Larson, Raina Telgemeier, Cecil Castellucci, James Dashner and Brenden Fletcher. The group introduced themselves and talked about the power that comics had on them, writing for
Young Adults, they discussed the differences between the bookstore and direct market for YA books, where to shelve books in stores and libraries, Adult readers of YA books, inspiring kids to read and write, how they decide
what content is too adult for YA books and what backlash they’ve received and the digital market for YA books.
Emily Carroll Spotlight (46:52, 42.9mb)
Adam Conover interviewed Emily Carroll. They talked about Emily growing up, learning art, her first webcomic, the pacing of webcomics and adaptations into print, which ideas for comics she peruses based on her abilities,
learning how to write horror, what the forest is doing in her comics, her love of horror movies, scary fairy tales, her work on a video game, artistic tools she uses, the desire to do long form comics, how to work through
the feeling that the comic is not working out right, her influences, not having an editor on webcomics vs having one on a print book, her graphic design sense and her lettering.
Fan vs Pro Comic Book Trivia Contest (34.09, 31.1mb)
Tom Galloway was the moderator. The fan team consisted of Derek McCaw, Peter S. Svensson and from the audience David Crowe. The Pro’s were Len Wein, Paul Levitz and Glenn Hauman. The questions were about Watchmen, Jimmy Olsen,
Captain America, Blackhawk, Black Canary, Speedster heroes, Captain Comet, Justice Society of America, Fantastic Four, The Avengers, Mr. Miracle, The Aton, Space Ghost, Wonder Woman, Justice League of America, Hawkman, Plastic
Man and Green Arrow.
Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards 2016 (July 22) – 100 Photos
2016 Will Eisner Awards (3:13:23, 177mb)
The 2016 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards was held in the Indigo Room at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront. The welcome was done by Jackie Estrada, Eisner Awards Administrator. The Awards were hosted by John Barrowman.
Among the presenters were Lynda Barry, Matt Groening, Mike and Laura Allred, Michael Trucco, Annie Wersching, Bill Morrison, Kayre Morrison, Anina Bennett, Phil LaMarr, Drew Roy, Chris Gorham, Beau Smith and the cast of
Wyatt Earp, Ron Wimberly, Jason Latour, Andrew Aydin, Congressman John Lewis and Nate Powell. The Bill Finger Award was presented by Mark Evanier. The Spirit of Comics Retailer Award was presented by Joe Ferrara. The Hall of Fame was presented by
Sergio Aragonés. The Bob Clampett Humanitarian Award was presented by Ruth Clampett. Maggie Thompson did the Memoriam. The Winners can be found at the
Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards page.