We are officially one month out from San Diego Comic Fest. At this point, Comic Fest Chairman Matt Dunford has been busy with the convention’s final touches, as well as spreading the word at every social media outlet he can get his hands on. At a meeting for Comic Fest volunteers held yesterday at local Little Fish Comic Book Studio, Chairman Dunford explained how now is the most important time to “go hard on promotions,” what with the convention season picking up steam. Comic Fest will even have a booth at the upcoming WonderCon, less than a week away from this article’s posting.
Founder Mike Towry, one of the original organizers of San Diego Comic-Con, has also been hard at work for Comic Fest. One of Towry’s special projects for the convention is trying to bring in some industry talent over from Mexico. “It would great if we could have more international representation at Comic Fest,” said Towry.
Programing and guests are both interests of concern for Comic Fest fans, of which Dunford recognized saying, “Programing is the heart and soul… we have such a plethora of guests to work with.” Last year, the convention had all of their programing end each night by 6 p.m. This year, Chairman Dunford intends to extend them out to later in the evening. “Having programing end at 6 p.m. last year seemed to me like a waste,” he said, adding, “I want evening programing to keep the moment rolling, especially because there are plenty of people who stay around late or who are staying at the hotel; we don’t want them bored.”
(Left to Right) Mike Towry, Matt Dunford, and Robery MayaOf Comic Fests’ special guests, it had been mentioned last month that Kelley Jones, known for his work on Doug Moench’s Batman and Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman, was in talks to attend. However, it is now confirmed that he cannot due to a scheduling conflict. Chairman Dunford is still excited for Comic Fest’s other attending guests, of which he says more will be announced in the oncoming days until the convention. “[I believe] we have a better guest lineup than many other big conventions. Because of our intimate setting, you aren’t just sitting in front of these comic book legends; you’re hanging out with them.” Dunford suggested checking SDComicFest.org frequently for updates, of which just recently received a visual update, making it more streamlined and inviting.
There is at least one more Comic Fest meeting slated before their April 20th to 22nd weekend, tentatively on April the 8th. Until then, it is sure Comic Fest’s organizers and volunteers will be even busier with organizing and promoting the convention.
Joke right. That’s a dirt mall guest list
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