Just a few of the wonderful sights of the show. We have achieved con.
Bad Sunburn Parade: Frazier Irving. Mad Dogs and Englishmen and all that…
Bad sunburn parade: Si Spurrier. Fellows, they have a wonderful new invention called SUNSCREEN.
Bob Fingerman uses sunscreen often and early. He also has an awesome new book out from Dark Horse: RECESS PIECES
Children game in the shadow of Pokémon’s butt.
Life among the costumed crowd
Levan Jihanian, Thien Pham and Jesse Reklaw at the Global Hobo booth.
NOTE TO MEDIA TYPES!: This is where you want to go! The mezzanine. This is where all the fan clubs hang out, and you will get ALL your wacky-geeks-who-like-to-dress-up and talk in Klingon stories. To hell weith graphic literature — this is the good stuff.
The Klingon lifestyle, as presented by the International Klingon…something that begins with V. Vessel. The IKV’ers allowed that the Klingon presence at the con has lessened somewhat over the years, but feel that a comeback is just around the corner.
The Rebel Alliance invaded the Alien Legacy.
Stormtrooper Elvis and ecydysiast Dita Van Tese. Later on we saw Stormtrooper Elvis out of costume, and it was kind of shocking.
James Kochalka at the Top Shelf booth. Alex Robinson in the BG.
Enter the MAW of the Snakes on the Plane!
The Sci-Fi Channel bright Shiny Object has landed again this year.
Halo Graphic Novel signing with Brett Lewis, Maria Cabardo, unidentified and Moebius.
Virgin Comics’ Gotham Chopra, Deepak Chopra and Grant Morrison explain it all for you.
Playin’ with lightsabers
The new getaway spot at the con.
Friend of Lulu prexy Ketie Merritt of Green Brain Comics.
New FoL Hall of Famer Roberta Gregory who pledged to start drawing a bunch of new comics. Congrats, Roberta.
Lee Marrs presents the Lulu of the Year Award to Scholastics Sheila Keenan and Jana Morashita.
Hey, Heidi. You forgot to put categories on this post. Hope you are having fun.
ecdysiast (one y).
That’s Phil Hale next to Moebius in the Halo signing pic.
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Dang that is a killer burn, it hurts to even look at it. Get some aloe vera! It helps with the soothing immediately.
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