Recently, it seems as though Rick Remender can do no wrong. Fresh off his announcement that he’s taking a break from Marvel Comics writing to focus on creator owned work, the writer of Low and Deadly Class is now working with The Authority artist Jonathan Wayshak and colorist Jordan Boyd to bring a new series called Devolution to Dynamite. Described as “a pulp / grindhouse science fiction epic that blends high-octane action, character drama, a world of strange mutations, and social commentary,” Devolution is shaping up to be an incredibly ambitious undertaking, even for Remender. Just take a look at the art:
The obesity epidemic, religion, suburban dysphoria, genetic mutation, and military action all one page. If there were a literal hot button, I think the creative team would be pressing it with maddening glee. Wayshak describes the book as an opportunity for him to “get down-and-dirty and draw some really gnarly stuff.”
Remender is overjoyed to be working with Wayshak and Boyd. He says:
Jon Wayshak and Jordan Boyd are two of the very best guys working and I’m excited to see them take this old story and give it new life. Jon spends much of his time outside of comic books so I feel very fortunate to have roped him into Devolution, and when you see the first issue, you’ll thank me. I wanted to work with Jon since I was first exposed to his madness in an anthology book with Jerome Opeña and Harper Jaten, two of my very favorite art-type people in the world, with whom he shares a stylistic approach. We need Jon. We need his powers to protect us from banal bulls**t that is always attempting to seep in. Jon is a great storyteller, marvelous illustrator, and world-class stylist. His inks and textures are unparalleled. With Jordan doing his usual masterful colors, we have the new superstar art teams in the galaxy of the universe of power and magic and love and d-e-v-o.”
It’s interesting to note that Devolution was originally announced in 2012 with Paul Renard on art. The style has changed a lot since then, but it looks like the heart of the series remains the same. I’m very excited.
Devolution is scheduled for release at the end of 2015.