Yes. They went there. And “Granpa Wins” would be the correct analogy…
Official PR follows:
Bestselling comics superstars Donny Cates (GOD COUNTRY) and Lisandro Estherren cook up a jaw-droppingly shocking, mouth-wateringly delicious finale to the second story arc of their hit series in—REDNECK#12. Image/Skyound Entertainment is pleased to reveal an April Fools cover featuring art by Gabriel Hernandez Walta.
In the smoldering fallout of last issue’s shocking ending, the Bowman clan must escape the tide of blood licking at their heels. But not everyone is fast enough to outrun the crashing waves…
REDNECK #12 Cover A (Diamond Code FEB180671) and REDNECK #12 Cover B by Walta (Diamond Code FEB188374) hit stores on Wednesday, April 25th. The final order cutoff for comics retailers is Monday, April 2nd.