A few weeks ago we alerted you to this epic Love and Rocket skirt, but it seems that Pin Up Girl Clothing is releasing an entire line of Los Bros. Hernandez clothes. WANT! The Love and Rockets Collection by Pinup Couture has 20 itesm and uses three fabric designs, one based on the “Dance Party” art, one on Jaime’s wrestling women, one on Gilbert’s Space babes. The range includes dresses, leggings and men’s shirt but how can you choose just one or two?
How did such a wondrous thing happen? It seems that Sarah Dyer is the Art Director for the line, and she worked closely with Jaime and Gilbert Hernandez to design the line. Dyer is perhaps best known for her Action Girl anthology of the 90s but also an animation writer, and if you’ve ever seen her in person, an icon of stylish retro fashion herself.
The clothes will debut for viewing at WonderCon (There’s a whole comics-themed Wonderful WonderCon line here) and be available for sale on the PinupGirl website and at their PinupGirl Boutique in Burbank.
The fabric prints in the collection are: “Space Babes” features illustrations by Gilbert Hernandez in the science fiction pinup style he’s known for; “Lady Wrestlers” features illustrations by Jaime Hernandez bringing you a fictional 60s women’s wrestling fed; and “Dance Party” is a recreation of the iconic cover to Love and Rockets #20, using the original artwork after it was recently rediscovered.
Love and Rockets has been an important influence on Head Creatrix Laura Byrnes and her clothing designs. “Love and Rockets changed my life. The first issue I bought was #10. As soon as I was done reading it I cut my hair like Hopey’s and dyed it blonde. I saw so much of myself in the little, angry teenage rebel. Izzy, the older, introverted Goth mother-hen, offered me a window into my future self. And the beautiful, charismatic, built-like-a-brick-sh**house Penny Century became my muse. I have been dressing Penny Century since I was making dresses. Looking at this [Dance Party] print, there are so many dresses that could be PUG dresses!”
Did I see Aloha style shirts? I want.
Nothing for guys? Sexist! I demand SJ, ASAP!
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