Saturday, I spent time on the show floor, visiting the sides (3-A, 3-D, 3-E) which aren’t as crowded as the middle mega booths (which I perused Thursday).
The view from Eleventh Avenue, at 10:04 AM, as I walk towards the Blue Entrance. This doorway opens onto the DC Comics exhibition (see below), which means that these attendees walked all the way from 38th Street back to 35th.
Two minutes later, from the third floor Crystal Palace area.
The Block
Yes, that Pop! vampire figure is covered in velvet.
Front and back views of Godzilla.
Spoke Art Gallery Buy stuff here.
Deliberately shot from a distance, so as not to infringe on the artist’s rights. A hilarious parody of Volkswagen’s classic print campaign ! (I own the cartoon book.)
Bigshot Toyworks
Okay… I want to see a medieval version of Pokemon using these boxes.
Boundless Brooklyn
Don’t like Star Wars? Wait a few months…
Simplicity Creative Group I kinda like that Wonder Woman tutu…
Cross a Game Boy and a Famicom, and you get this, from Retro Bit .
While this… the Super Retro Trio… plays three different generations of Nintendo consoles.
More photos here!
Paper models, but printed on metal. From SD Toys . There’s also a model of the Bluesmobile.
The Warriors
Oooh…. two more Batmobiles!
For fans of both versions… from Star Ace Toys Limited .
At the Weta Workshop booth. Well designed with nice display cases, as well as a workshop area. You can award yourself here.
…and more photos from Funko!
Actually, this should be half Superman, half Batman.
“I will hug him and pet him and name him ‘Yorkie’.”
Who would win in a battle? Hulkbuster Iron Man, or MechaBatman?
I believe this was part of the Jurassic World display. What with the sunlight and the attendees walking through the hallway, I couldn’t resist.
…or was this some nexus from a parallel mystical land?
I don’t believe she was wearing makeup, just that the light accented her fair complexion, making the cosplay even more striking!
The concourse, at 2:45 PM.
The trick I learned (on Sunday)? Go outside, and walk along the driveway, then re-enter the building at 1-A.
The crowd headed towards Artist Allley.
A hidden corner of Javits
Yet another minifig book from DK! This one is more of a collectibles guide, with a chapter on rare figures. Also, there were quite a few Lego minifig retailers at the show.
Dreams of Christmases Past. I never got the Galaxy Explorer, or the Moon Landing set, or the Universal Building Set with the yellow motor.
Why three authors? David Fisher wrote the original teleplay, to take place in Paris. Extra money was found for location shooting, but Fisher wasn’t available to revise the script. Douglas Adams, script editor of Doctor Who, revised it over a weekend. And Mr. Goss adapted it into prose, because the original licensee of the Doctor Who books was too cheap to meet Adam’s fee. And now I must go and seek out the DVD…
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