Marvel has just announced New Fantastic Four, a limited series by Peter David and Alan Robinson that explores a brief detour but star-studded degtour of continuity,
We’re old enough to remember many outrageous membership changes in the FF – starting with Herbie the robot – but one of the most unlikely happened in 1991 with FANTASTIC FOUR #347, in which Walter Simonson and Arthur Adams teamed up Wolverine, Spider-Man, Ghost Rider and Hulk as the Fantastic Four.
As brief as the teaming was, it is still fodder for a modern day retelling by David and Robinson, who is making his Marvel debut.
NEW FANTASTIC FOUR will be set shortly after the events of the fan-favorite group’s first appearance, taking readers back to a classic era with a brand-new tale in the same vein as hit titles like X-MEN LEGENDS, MAESTRO, and SILVER SURFER REBIRTH.
Wolverine, Hulk (AKA Joe Fixit), Ghost Rider and Spider-Man have reunited to investigate a surge of violence in Las Vegas. And with demonic masterminds pulling the strings, they’re going to need some extra help… This all-new adventure will feature surprise guest stars aplenty, including the original FF and a series of mystery villains that you’ll never see coming!
“Although their original stint was extremely short-lived, the alternate version of the FF has had its fans for years, including myself,” David said. “I am fortunate Marvel has given me the opportunity to revisit with them and take their battles to new heights in a new location with new allies and new enemies.”
“Talk about debuting with a big bang in Marvel Comics!” Robinson added. “With characters such as Spider-Man, Hulk, Ghost Rider and Wolverine, and written by the awesome Peter David, no less! This is a dream come true for me as an artist and as a fan, and the story gets richer with each page. A total blast!”
The series sports a wrap-around cover by Nick Bradshaw. Issue #1 hits on May 25.