Hot off the announcement of Powerless, a DC Comics inspired TV comedy about an insurance company that deals with damage caused by superheroics, NBC has put up the pilot episode for another comics-influenced comedy, Stunted, on their YouTube channel.


Littered with comics and other nerd culture references, Stunted focuses on Eric (played by series creator Jeff Galante), a recently heartbroken comic book artist who thinks getting a new phone will change his life; Nora, a snarky copywriter trying to come up with a slogan for beef pockets; and Spenser, a smooth-talking hustler who loves his free Uber rides.  The show is sponsored by Valiant, which gets some choice product placement during the show.

The pilot is being launched as part of NBC Playground, a sitcom pilot competition where the winner will see their show receive a full webseries order.  You can vote for Stunted or other shows here.  Check out the pilot below: