The animated exploits of the Man of Steel are getting a comic book expansion. DC has announced a new tie-in comic for My Adventures with Superman, the Adult Swim series that follows the young trio of Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen, as they investigate mysteries and crime in Metropolis. The new miniseries is written by series producer Josie Campbell and illustrated by Pablo M. Collar, and serves to bridge the gap between the end of the show’s first season and the upcoming beginning of its second.
Here’s how DC describes the My Adventures with Superman comic:
Clark Kent is a bit down and out, spending Christmas alone in Metropolis. But when he gets a tip about a monster in the sewers, Superman, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen spring into action to investigate this mystery. What is this monster that can absorb anything it touches, and why is it here in Metropolis?
The first issue of the miniseries, the length of which is as-yet unknown, is by Carli Squiteri, an animator who designed the characters for the series. Variant covers for the issue will come from Gavin Guidry and Riley Rossmo, and a blank sketch cover will also be available.
Neither Campbell nor Collar are strangers to DC Comics readers. Campbell is set to take over as the new series writer on Shazam! next month, while Collar has contributed to a number of seasonal anthologies for the publisher. In a statement announcing the series, Campbell and Collar both talked about bringing the sensibility of the animated series to Superman’s original medium:
“Being the producer of My Adventures with Superman and bringing Clark Kent to TV screens around the world has been nothing but a dream come true for me,” said Campbell. “So I’m absolutely thrilled that Pablo and I get to bring fans even more adventures with Superman, this time in comic book form!”
“This story is one we actually talked about in the writers room, but we didn’t have space for it in season one,” continued Campbell. “So get ready for romance, comedy, super-powers, Jimmy Olsen talking a lot about how he’s super-rich now, and all the goodness of the show bundled into this action-packed miniseries.”
“I was completely in love with My Adventures with Superman the minute I saw the announcement of the series, and I jumped at the chance to work with Josie on the comic,” said Collar. “Superman has always been the reference and the symbol of all that’s good in us, and being part of something like this is a dream come true, and the whole team will give it our best.”
My Adventures with Superman is a wonderful series, full of humor and heart and everything that makes Superman great, so to see that world expand out into comics is exciting. The first issue of the new miniseries is set to arrive in stores and digitally on Tuesday, June 4th.