by Xavier Lancel
Welcome to my new analysis of the Marvel sales. Reminder: I’m French, that’s why I’m talking funny. Please address your complaints to my “no matter what you think of us, remember that the French financed Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me” country. For any information about the French magazine on US comics I’m editing, please send me a message using my e-mail address from any of my own commentaries
Hey, this column is monthly again! This could be a great time for celebration but, helas, time are grim for Marvel sales reports. The crisis is here. Anything selling more than 40K is a supra–hit and any title managing to not fall under 20K before its 12th issue can be deemed a moderate success. Yet, variant covers keep appearing like blind spots as Marvel is slowly falling into unconsciousness. And the shouting of multi-spreading events keep hammering our head. Gee, talk about a hangover!
As if things weren’t weird enough, something weird happened: Marvel teamed with Archie Comics for the task of producing digest sizes collections, starting with Spider-Man. Never has a Marvel book been such a bargain. More on that whenever I’ll receive my first issue. I’m really surprised everybody has been quite mute about such an event.
As the brand new X-men line is flourishing, with some ongoing solo series launches being quite daring–if not suicidal–the Inhumans brand is erasing its family name from all its siblings. Selling Inhumans products without them being marketed as Inhumans, that’s quite an unusual approach. As always, Marvel is trying to convince us that everything will change with their all new approach, using the same exact b*llshit they keep feeding us with each crossover-event. If their readers are growing up and getting older and older, Marvel keep talking to them as if they were still 12 years old. Nobody has said that communicating at the same time with grandpas and youngsters is easy, but there’s one surrogate parent who’s clearly in the middle of a long-lasting family crisis. Perhaps they should give a call to their rival, who used to deal with a lot of crises over the years?
Reminder: these sales are estimates, sales to comics shops in North America, and doesn’t includes sales to the UK. Also keep in mind that if a copy is sold to a shop, it’s not necessarily sold to a customer. This would be way too easy. Digital sales are not included.
Many thanks to Milton Griepp and for the permission to use their figures. Also thanks to the Comics Zone shop in Lyon (my city in France!) for its help.
1- 8- 280-SECRET EMPIRE LTD ($5) 04/17 Secret Empire #0 - 168,751 [+6,033] 05/17 Secret Empire # 1 - 157,517 (- 6.7%) 05/17 Secret Empire # 2 - 100,983 (-35.9%) 05/17 Secret Empire # 3 - 91,611 (- 9.3%)
That’s weird. All first three issues are tagged at $5, then #3 is $4. Of course, it can’t be a concern for Marvel that people would find it hard to pay $15 only to follow their core event series. There probably wasn’t enough art finished to justify charging their customers $5. Wait, that would mean they would at least care a tiny bit about it. OK, that’s probably a trick from Hydra. Doing perfectly ok so far.
2- VENOM ($6) 11/15 Venom Spaceknight #1 - 59,151 12/15 Venom Spaceknight #2 - 32,210 (-45.5%) 01/16 Venom Spaceknight #3 - 25,770 (-20.0%) 02/16 Venom Spaceknight #4 - 21,545 (-16.4%) 03/16 Venom Spaceknight #5 - 18,807 (-12.7%) 04/16 Venom Spaceknight #6 - 17,894 (- 4.9%) 05/16 Venom spaceknight #7 - 17,370 (- 3.0%) 06/16 Venom Spaceknight #8 - 16,658 (- 4.1%) 06/16 Venom Spaceknight #9 - 16,006 (- 3.9%) 07/16 Venom Spaceknight #10 - 15,650 (- 2.2%) 08/16 Venom Spaceknight #11 - 17,548 (+12.1%) (CV2) 09/16 Venom Spaceknight #12 - 16,193 (- 7.7%) (CV2) 10/16 Venom Spaceknight #13 - 14,577 (-10.0%) 11/16 Venom # 1 - 90,138 12/16 Venom # 2 - 38,043 (-57.9%) 01/17 Venom # 3 - 55,255 (+45.2%) 02/17 Venom # 4 - 38,337 (-30.6%) 03/17 Venom # 5 - 32,088 (-16.3%) 04/17 Venom # 6 - 62,747 (+95.5%) 05/17 Venom #150 – 141,757 (+125.9%) Since issue #2: +272.6%
Many many variants covers and the return of the original 90’s Venom with teeth, tongue and violence. And a cheap trick to make it an anniversary issue, at $6 a piece. There is probably a lot of overshipping here but you can clearly see all the signs of a new comics meme. Venom will be the new hot properly for the next six months. Be ready for 3 others Venom-related titles pretty soon.
5- GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY MISSION BREAKOUT LTD ($5) 05/17 GoG Mission Breakout Ltd #1 - 104,217
There is for sure a special deal on this one, explaining such huge numbers. This is the comic adaptation of a new Disney theme park ride apparently. All the money spent giving a lot of them away will come back in the form of entrance fees at Disney parks to test the new attraction.
9- 26- GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 03/13 Guardians of the Galaxy #1- 211,312 … 04/15 Guardians v3 #26 - 54,124 (-12.4%) 05/15 Guardians v3 #27 - 49,308 (- 8.9%) 07/15 Guardians of Knowhere Ltd #1 - 81,902 ... 09/15 Guardians of Knowhere Ltd #4 - 39,523 (-22.4%) 10/15 Guardians of the Galaxy #1 - 118,342 11/15 Guardians of the Galaxy #2 - 51,690 (-56.3%) ... 01/17 Guardians of the Galaxy #16- 32,890 (-48.1%) 02/17 Guardians of the Galaxy #17- 31,093 (- 5.5%) 03/17 Guardians of the Galaxy #18- 27,094 (-12.9%) 04/17 Guardians of the Galaxy #19- 30,028 (+55.4%) 05/17 Guardians of Galaxy # 1 - 82,439 05/17 Guardians of Galaxy # 2 – 51,830 (-37.1%)
So far, at the same level than the previous volume, which would be a success if it would confirm this trend. Yesterday sales standards were higher than today’s!< p>
12- STAR WARS 01/15 Star Wars #1 - 1,070,137 02/15 Star Wars #2 - 212,089 (-80.0%) 03/15 Star Wars #3 - 175,579 (-17.2%) 04/15 Star Wars #4 - 203,817 (+16.1%) 05/15 Star Wars #5 - 146,850 (-27.9%) 06/15 Star Wars #6 - 152,652 (+ 4.0%) 07/15 Star Wars #7 - 160,000 (+ 1.0%) 08/15 Star Wars #8 - 151,221 (- 5.5%) 09/15 Star Wars #9 - 135,817 (-10.2%) 10/15 Star Wars#10 - 134,613 (- 0.9%) 11/15 Star Wars#11 - 126,780 (- 5.8%) 11/15 Star Wars#12 - 123,133 (- 2.9%) 12/15 Star Wars#13 - 139,918 (+13.6%) (Vader Down) 01/16 Star Wars#14 - 118,471 (- 15.3%) 01/16 Star Wars#15 - 107,858 (- 9.0%) 02/16 Star Wars#16- 110,407 (+ 2.4%) 03/16 Star Wars#17- 107,058 (- 3.0%) 04/16 Star Wars#18- 98,880 (- 7.6%) 05/16 Star Wars#19- 95,156 (- 3.8%) 06/16 Star Wars#20- 96,047 (+ 0.9%) 07/16 Star Wars#21- 90,863 (- 5.4%) 08/16 Star Wars#22- 85,126 (- 6.3%) 09/16 Star Wars#23- 82,570 (- 3.0%) 10/16 Star Wars#24- 78,160 (- 5.3%) 11/16 Star Wars#25- 75,234 (- 3.7%) 12/16 Star Wars#26- 104,563 (+39.0%) 01/17 Star Wars#27- 72,331 (- 30.8%) 02/17 Star Wars#28- 74,002 (+ 2.3%) 03/17 Star Wars#29 - 72,017 (- 2.7%) 04/17 Star Wars#30- 70,175 (- 2.6%) 05/17 Star Wars#31- 70,907 (+ 1.0%) (SC) Since issue #2: -66.6% STAR WARS TPB VOL.1: 41,581 [+720] STAR WARS TPB VOL.2: 11,678 STAR WARS TOP VOL.3: 6,689 STAR WARS TPB VOL.4: 4,907
While the floppy series won’t give up on the 70K –thanks to a Screaming Citadel tag–sales of the first TPB continue to climb to stratospheric levels.
13- 84- JEAN GREY 05/17 Jean Grey # 1 – 70,702 05/17 Jean Grey # 2 - 29,349 (-58.5%)
This character is such a mess that they had to name the series Jean Grey because between Phoenix, Marvel Girl, Madelyne Pryor, her dead and past version–and probably her clone version, haven’t they done that already?–only her full name can give her some true identity.
STAR WARS SCREAMING CITADEL LTD ($5) 05/17 SW Screaming Citadel Ltd # 1 – 69,019
No idea what it is related to in the Star Wars mythology but this event, to follow in all the Star Wars titles, sold well, obviously.
16- CABLE 05/17 Cable # 1 – 60,845
James Robinson is BACK on Cable! Remember his run from the late 90’s! That was one of the few times when reading Cable in public was not shameful! Too bad the spear is not back. Instead, Cable is playing yet again the big virile guy with enormous smoking guns on the covers….
18- 24- 220-X-MEN GOLD 04/17 X-Men Gold #1 - 124,200 [+9,868] 04/17 X-Men Gold #2 - 62,283 (-49.9%) 05/17 X-Men Gold #3 - 57,553 (- 7.6%) 05/17 X-Men Gold #4 - 52,710 (- 8.4%) Since issue #2: -15.4%
The 40k-50k sales is probably the zone Marvel wants the title to occupy.
27- AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 04/14 Amazing v3 #1 - 532,586 ( 293.1%) 05/14 Amazing v3 #2 - 123,945 ( -76.7%) ... 04/15 Amazing v3 #17 - 99,964 ( +8.3%) 05/15 Amazing v3 #18 - 88,338 (-11.6%) ... 10/15 Amazing Spider-Man #1 - 265,073 10/15 Amazing Spider-Man #2 - 111,322 (-58.0%) 11/15 Amazing Spider-Man #3 - 93,848 (-15.7%) 12/15 Amazing Spider-Man #4 - 82,066 (-22.6%) 12/15 Amazing Spider-Man #5 - 79,122 (- 3.6%) 01/16 Amazing Spider-Man #6 - 76,517 (- 3.3%) 02/16 Amazing Spider-Man #7 - 75,357 (- 1.5%) 02/16 Amazing Spider-Man #8 - 71,599 (- 5.0%) 03/16 Amazing Spider-Man #9 - 88,164 (+23.1%) 04/16 Amazing Spider-Man#10 - 73,643 (- 16.5%) 04/16 Amazing Spider-Man#11 - 67,446 (- 8.4%) 05/16 Amazing Spider-Man#12 - 74,963 (+11.1%) 06/16 Amazing Spider-Man#13 - 65,519 (-12.6%) 06/16 Amazing Spider-Man#14 - 65,646 (+ 0.2%) 07/16 Amazing Spider-Man#15 - 93,582 (+42.6%) 08/16 Amazing Spider-Man#16 - 185,342 (+98.1%) 08/16 Amazing Spider-Man#17 - 74,869 (-59.6%) 09/16 Amazing Spider-Man#18 - 71,159 (- 5.0%) 10/16 Amazing Spider-Man#19 - 73,215 (+ 2.9%) 10/16 Amazing Spider-Man#20 - 67,530 (- 7.8%) (CC) 11/16 Amazing Spider-Man#21 - 63,052 (- 6.4%) (CC) 12/16 Amazing Spider-Man#22 - 63,359 (+ 0.5%) (CC) 01/17 Amazing Spider-Man#23 - 73,773 (+16.4%) (CC) 02/17 Amazing Spider-Man#24- 61,953 (-16.0%) (CC) 03/17 Amazing Spider-Man#25- 113,934 (+83.9%) ($10!) 04/17 Amazing Spider-Man#26- 62,515 (-54.9%) 05/17 Amazing Spider-Man#27- 51,404 (-17.8%) Since #2: -53.8%
That’s a really surprising blow that Amazing is taking here, hinting that indeed, times are changing. As soon as next month, there could be no more ongoing Marvel Universe title over 50K!
29- 33- 204-X-MEN BLUE 04/17 X-Men Blue # 1 - 119,565 [+10,726] 04/17 X-Men Blue # 2 - 54,074 (-54.8%) 05/17 X-Men Blue # 3 - 48,354 (-10.6%) 05/17 X-Men Blue # 4 - 44,576 (- 7.8%) Since issue #2: -17.6%
Even if performing quite well, the Blue team books is selling 8K less than the Gold one. Both have significant reorder activity on their #1 issue.
30- 34- OLD MAN LOGAN 05/15 Old Man Logan Ltd #1 - 122,702 ... 10/15 Old Man Logan Ltd #5 - 62,716 (- 9.3%) 11/15 --- 12/15 --- 01/16 Old Man Logan #1 - 104,362 02/16 Old Man Logan #2 - 63,932 (-38.7%) 03/16 Old Man Logan #3 - 58,855 (- 7.9%) 04/16 Old Man Logan #4 - 59,174 (+ 0.5%) 04/16 Old Man Logan #5 - 58,870 (- 0.5%) 05/16 Old Man Logan #6 - 52,761 (-10.4%) 06/16 Old Man Logan #7 - 51,926 (- 1.6%) 07/16 Old Man Logan #8 - 55,311 (+ 6.5%) 07/16 Old Man Logan #9 - 49,804 (-10.0%) 08/16 Old Man Logan #10 - 52,175 (+ 4.8%) 09/16 Old Man Logan #11 - 47,248 (- 9.4%) 10/16 Old Man Logan #12 - 45,384 (- 3.5%) 11/16 Old Man Logan #13 - 43,609 (- 3.9%) 11/16 Old Man Logan #14 - 42,574 (- 2.4%) 12/16 Old Man Logan #15 - 42,216 (- 0.8%) 01/17 Old Man Logan #16 - 45,807 (+ 8.5%) 02/17 Old Man Logan #17- 38,851 (- 15.2%) 02/17 Old Man Logan #18- 38,679 (- 0.4%) 03/17 Old Man Logan #19- 47,428 (+22.6%) 03/17 Old Man Logan #20- 38,151 (-19.6%) 04/17 Old Man Logan #21- 44,806 (+17.4%) 04/17 Old Man Logan #22- 44,026 (- 1.7%) 05/17 Old Man Logan #23- 46,260 (+ 5.1%) 05/17 Old Man Logan #24- 44,170 (- 4.5%) Since issue #2: -30.9% OLD MAN LOGAN VOL.1 : 10,907 [+729] OLD MAN LOGAN VOL.2 : 7,142 OLD MAN LOGAN VOL.3: 5,626 [+491]
One of the few MU star titles, both in floppy and TPB formats.
32- 80-GENERATION X 05/17 Generation X # 1 – 45,028 05/17 Generation X # 2 – 30,396 (-32.5%)
I don’t understand at all the nostalgia around this 90’s team.
36-STAR WARS DOCTOR APHRA 12/16 SW Dr Aphra #1 - 99,067 12/16 SW Dr Aphra #2 - 61,417 (-38.0%) 01/17 SW Dr Aphra #3 - 48,592 (-20.9%) 02/17 SW Dr Aphra #4 - 43,475 (-10.5%) 03/17 SW Dr Aphra #5 - 42,465 (- 2.3%) 04/17 SW Dr Aphra #6 - 40,458 (- 4.7%) 05/17 SW Dr Aphra #7 - 43,763 (+ 8.2%) (SC)
Screaming Citadel issue, hence the bump.
51 WEAPON X 04/17 Weapon X # 1 - 68,874 04/17 Weapon X # 2 - 42,471 (-38.3%) 05/17 Weapon X # 3 - 37,409 (-11.9%)
It’s like a catalog of 90’s characters. This time: Domino!
53- SECRET EMPIRE UPRISING LTD ($5) 05/17 Secret Empire Uprising Ltd # 1 – 37,225
Secret Empire Uprising Ltd: SEUL. That’s how I felt when having to write a comment about another of those offspring maxi-event mini-serie.
54- 70- STAR WARS POE DAMERON 04/16- SW Poe Dameron #1 - 175,322 05/16 SW Poe Dameron #2 - 68,922 (-60.7%) 06/16 SW Poe Dameron #3 - 60,889 (-11.7%) 07/16 SW Poe Dameron #4 - 57,712 (- 5.2%) 08/16 SW Poe Dameron #5 - 52,281 (- 9.4%) 09/16 SW Poe Dameron #6 - 50,275 (- 3.8%) 10/16 SW Poe Dameron #7 - 47,878 (- 4.7%) 11/16 SW Poe Dameron #8 - 43,034 (- 10.1%) 12/16 SW Poe Dameron #9 - 38,839 (- 9.7%) 01/17 SW Poe Dameron #10 - 40,091 (+3.2%) 02/17 SW Poe Dameron #11 - 40,235 (+0.4%) 03/17 SW Poe Dameron #12 - 38,696 (- 3.8%) 04/17 SW Poe Dameron #13 - 36,994 (- 4.4%) 05/17 SW Poe Dameron #14 - 37,050 (+ 0.2%) 05/17 SW Poe Dameron #15 - 32,658 (-11.9%) Since issue #2: -52.6% POE DAMERON TPB VOL.1: 4,621
In danger. I don’t see Marvel allowing a Star Wars title to sell less than 30K in floppy.
55- ALL NEW WOLVERINE 01/14 Wolverine v5 #13- 31,164 ( -3.4%) 02/14 Wolverine v6 #1 - 88,923 (185.3%) 02/14 Wolverine v6 #2 - 47,339 (-46.8%) ... 08/14 Wolverine v6 #12 - 50,570 ( 2.8%) 09/14 Death of Wolv #1 – 261,975 09/14 Death of Wolv #2 - 129,999 (-50.4%) 10/14 Death of Wolv #3 – 141,567 ( 8.9%) 10/14 Death of Wolv #4 - 165,582 ( 17.0%) 11/15 AN Wolverine #1 - 119,786 11/15 AN Wolverine #2 - 55,634 (-53.6%) 12/15 AN Wolverine #3 - 50,990 (- 8.3%) 01/16 AN Wolverine #4 - 49,978 (- 2.0%) 02/16 AN Wolverine #5 - 43,149 (-13.7%) 03/16 AN Wolverine #6 - 44,668 (+ 3.5%) 04/16 AN Wolverine #7 - 38,168 (-14.6%) 05/16 AN Wolverine #8 - 38,242 (+ 0.2%) 06/16 AN Wolverine #9 - 43,545 (+13.9%) (CV2) 07/16 AN Wolverine #10- 38,579 (-11.4%) (CV2) 08/16 AN Wolverine #11- 40,312 (+ 4.5%) (CV2) 09/16 AN Wolverine #12- 35,481 (-12.0%) (CV2) 10/16 AN Wolverine #13- 38,297 (+ 7.9%) 11/16 AN Wolverine #14- 35,437 (- 7.5%) 12/16 AN Wolverine #15- 31,796 (-10.2%) 01/17 AN Wolverine #16- 35,128 (+10.5%) 02/17 AN Wolverine #17- 29,255 (-16.7%) 03/17 AN Wolverine #18- 46,731 (+59.7%) 04/17 AN Wolverine #19- 57,526 (+23.1%) 05/17 AN Wolverine #20- 36,573 (-36.4%) Since issue #2 : -34.3%
The new set-up has managed to keep the title afloat in the +30K zone.
57- BLACK BOLT 05/17 Black Bolt # 1 – 45,028
Oh, you mean Black Bolt the INHUMAN? Let’s repeat it after me: the king of the INHUMANS, the brand Marvel is desperate to make its readers fond of without naming it anymore.
58- 64- DEADPOOL 11/12 Deadpool #2 - 76,445 ... 03/14 Deadpool #25 - 48,775 (+ 18.6%)(Now) ... 10/14 Deadpool #36 - 46,600 (+ 7.0%)(Axis) ... 03/15 Deadpool #44 - 39,716 (- 11.5%) 04/15 Deadpool #45 - 96.897 (+144.0%) 11/15 Deadpool #1 - 268,392 11/15 Deadpool #2 - 92,008 (-65.7%) 12/15 Deadpool #3 - 72,357 (-21.4%) 12/15 Deadpool #4 - 63,149 (-22.7%) 01/16 Deadpool #5 - 59,645 (- 5.5%) 01/16 Deadpool #6 - 59.006 (- 1.1%) 02/16 Deadpool #7 - 88,264 (+49.6%) 03/16 Deadpool #8 - 72,706 (-17.6%) 04/16 Deadpool #9 - 57,798 (-20.5%) 04/16 Deadpool #10- 64,509 (+11.6%) 05/16 Deadpool #11- 62,900 (- 2.5%) 05/16 Deadpool #12- 57,805 (- 8.1%) 06/16 Deadpool #13- 78,536 (+35.9%) 06/16 Deadpool #14- 63,334 (-19.4%) (CV2) 07/16 Deadpool #15- 67,822 (+ 7.1%) (CV2) 08/16 Deadpool #16- 55,577 (-18.1%) (CV2) 08/16 Deadpool #17- 57,681 (+ 3.8%) (CV2) 09/16 Deadpool #18- 59,027 (+ 2.3%) (CV2) 09/16 Deadpool #19- 47,948 (- 18.8%) 10/16 Deadpool #20- 46,109 (- 3.8%) 10/16 Deadpool #21- 51,351 (+11.4%) 11/16 Deadpool #22- 38,630 (-24.8%) 12/16 Deadpool #23- 39.183 (+ 1.4%) 01/17 Deadpool #24- 40,064 (+ 2.2%) 01/17 Deadpool #25- 42,476 (+6.0%) 02/17 Deadpool #26- 38,560 (- 9.2%) 02/17 Deadpool #27- 32,836 (-14.8%) 03/17 Deadpool #28- 47,026 (+43.2%) 04/17 Deadpool #29- 36,482 (-22.4%) 05/17 Deadpool #30- 36,022 (- 1.3%) 05/17 Deadpool #31- 34,546 (- 4.1%) (SE) Since issue#2 : - 62.5%
It was selling double that in floppy format only one year ago. But it’s still a big success, with TPB sales going over the roof, month after month. Issue #30 is $10 (TEN!)
59- CAPTAIN AMERICA STEVE ROGERS 05/16 Cap America SR #1 -140,222 06/16 Cap America SR #2 - 74,884 (-46.6%) 07/16 Cap America SR #3 - 65,455 (-12.6%) 08/16 Cap America SR #4 - 49,559 (-24.3%) (CV2) 09/16 Cap America SR #5 - 50,536 (+ 2.0%) (CV2) 10/16 Cap America SR #6 - 49,111 (- 2.8%) (CV2) 11/16 Cap America SR #7 - 48,505 (- 1.2%) 12/16 Cap America SR #8 - 38,610 (-20.4%) 01/17 Cap America SR #9 - 42,637 (+10.4%) 01/17 Cap America SR#10- 40,051 (- 6.1%) 02/17 Cap America SR#11- 36,610 (- 8.6%) 02/17 Cap America SR#12- 32,567 (-11.0%) 03/17 Cap America SR#13- 39,454 (+21.1%) 03/17 Cap America SR#14- 31,592 (- 19.9%) 04/17 Cap America SR#15- 34,863 (+10.4%) 04/17 Cap America SR#16- 37,366 (+ 7.1%) 05/17 Cap America SR#17- 35,867 (- 4.0%) (SI) Since issue#2 : -52.1%
Sollicitation text: “In Cap we trust”. Dale Cooper reply: “In cup we trust”.
60- MIGHTY THOR 12/12 Thor v5 #1 - 110,443 ... 02/14 Thor #19.Now– 42.034 ( 10.1%) ... 09/14 Thor v5 #25 – 53,047 ( 38.4%) 10/14 Thor v6 #1 – 150,862 ( 184.4%) 11/14 Thor v6 #2 – 89,131 ( -40.9%) 12/14 Thor v6 #3 – 72,563 ( -18.6%) 01/15 Thor v6 #4 - 69,497 ( -4.2%) 02/15 Thor v6 #5 - 69,513 ( +0.0%) 03/15 Thor v6 #6 - 70,569 ( +1.5%) 04/15 Thor v6 #7 - 71,372 ( +1.1%) 05/15 Thor v6 #8 - 86,222 (+20.1%) ... 11/15 Mighty Thor #1 - 112,053 12/15 Mighty Thor #2 - 70,331 (-37.2%) 01/16 Mighty Thor #3 - 60,345 (-14.2%) 02/16 Mighty Thor #4 - 56,568 (- 6.3%) 03/16 Mighty Thor #5 - 54,568 (- 3.5%) 04/16 Mighty Thor #6 - 52,538 (- 3.7%) 05/16 Mighty Thor #7 - 47,425 (- 9.7%) 06/16 Mighty Thor #8 - 51,300 (+ 8.2%) 07/16 Mighty Thor #9 - 48,712 (- 5.0%) 08/16 Mighty Thor #10- 45,929 (- 5.7%) 09/16 Mighty Thor #11- 46,434 (+ 1.1%) 10/16 Mighty Thor #12- 40,326 (-13.2%) 11/16 Mighty Thor #13- 39,274 (- 2.6%) 12/16 Mighty Thor #14- 37,624 (- 4.2%) 01/17 Mighty Thor #15- 47,038 (+25.0%) 02/17 Mighty Thor #16- 40,175 (-14.6%) 03/17 Mighty Thor #17- 36,106 (-10.1%) 04/17 Mighty Thor #18- 37,505 (+ 3.9%) 05/17 Mighty Thor #19- 35,499 (- 5.3%) Since issue #2: -49.5%
Hunky dreamy beardy Thor is teaming up with chick Thor. No matter what you like, there is a Thor you can fantasize over–yes, even you, dirty French frog lovers!
63- SPIDER-MAN DEADPOOL 01/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #1 - 180,891 02/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #2 - 80,512 03/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #3 - 73,238 (- 9.0%) 04/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #4 - 64,931 (-11.3%) 05/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #5 - 63,821 (- 1.7%) 06/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #6 - 64,630 (+ 1.3%) 07/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #7 - 62,060 (- 4.0%) 08/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #8 - 69,519 (+12.0%) 09/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #9 - 65,502 (- 5.8%) 10/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #10 - 52,468 (-19.9%) 11/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #11 - 51,278 (- 2.3%) 12/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #12 - 43,937 (-14.3%) 01/17 Spider-Man Deadpool #13 - 46,934 (+ 6.8%) 01/17 Spider-Man Deadpool #1.MU ($5) – 45,566 (-2.9%) 02/17 Spider-Man Deadpool #14 - 38,307 (-15.9%) 03/17 Spider-Man Deadpool #15 - 50,691 (+32.3%) 04/17 Spider-Man Deadpool #16 - 40,484 (-20.1%) 05/17 Spider-Man Deadpool #17 - 34,613 (-14.5%) Since issue #2: -57.0% SPIDERMAN DEADPOOL TOP VOL.1: 14,288 [+1,260]
Back to the variantless reality.
66- LUKE CAGE 05/17 Luke cage # 1 – 34,132
This doesn’t spell success at all, but what was Marvel expecting if Power Man and Iron Fist was tanking: that two separate ongoing series taking its place would fare better? There are 3 covers with 3 differents shape of beard for Luke. I’m outraged: isn’t there a beard bible for the character?
71- I AM GROOT 05/17 I Am Groot # 1 – 32,260
The sales expectation for this one are probably the same as for the other “young teen” titles. So staying above 10K with good TPB sales could keep it safe.
73- DOCTOR STRANGE 10/15 Doctor Strange #1 – 145,456 11/15 Doctor Strange #2 - 65,091 (-55.3%) 12/15 Doctor Strange #3 - 57,135 (-12.2%) 01/16 Doctor Strange #4 - 52,388 (- 8.3%) 02/16 Doctor Strange #5 - 43,796 (-16.4%) 03/16 Doctor Strange #6 - 52,440 (+19.7%) 04/16 Doctor Strange #7 - 49,590 (- 5.6%) 05/16 Doctor Strange #8 - 49,427 (- 0.3%) 06/16 Doctor Strange #9 - 46,306 (- 6.3%) 07/16 --- 08/16 Doctor Strange #10 - 50,083 (+ 8.2%) 09/16 Doctor Strange #11 - 53,718 (+ 7.3%) 10/16 Doctor Strange #12 - 72,990 (+35.9%) 10/16 Doctor Strange #13 - 41,290 (-43.4%) 11/16 Doctor Strange #14 - 39,390 (- 4.6%) 12/16 Doctor Strange #15 - 39.549 (+ 0.4%) 01/17 Doctor Strange #16 - 41,426 (+ 4.8%) 02/17 Doctor Strange #17 - 37,686 (- 9.0%) 02/17 Doctor Strange #1.MU ($5) - 27,212 (-27.8%) 03/17 Doctor Strange #18 - 41,801 (+53.6%) 04/17 Doctor Strange #19 - 33,246 (- 20.5%) 05/17 Doctor Strange #21 - 32,142 (- 3.3%) (SE) Since issue #2 : -50.6% DOCTOR STRANGE TPB VOL.1: 4,468
Issue #21 (with a $5 price tag) is on sale before issue #20 hit the stands! #20 will be in next month chart.
74- STAR WARS ROGUE ONE ADAPTATION LTD 04/17 SW Rogue One Ltd #1 - 64,518 05/17 SW Rogue One Ltd #2 - 31,966 (-50.5%)
Every SW movie will have its comics adaptation, no matter what.
75- 110- SECRET WARRIORS 05/17 Secret Warriors # 1 – 31,864 (SE) 05/17 Secret Warriors # 2 - 23,902 (-25.0%) (SE)
A very nice fall from issue #2. God, Ms Marvel is part of yet another team. She has only been around for less than 3 years and has already been part of at least, what, 3 or 4 teams?! Oh, and because Marvel is into this new strategy of promoting Inhumans book without naming them that, let me warn you: this is a new Inhumans team book.
76- 82-DEADPOOL VS PUNISHER LTD 04/17 Deadpool VS Punisher Ltd #1 - 45,509 04/17 Deadpool VS Punisher Ltd #2 - 35,977 (-20.9%) 05/17 Deadpool VS Punisher Ltd #3 - 31,418 (-12.7%) 05/17 Deadpool VS Punisher Ltd #4 - 29,657 (- 5.6%)
Very good results.
77- SPIDER-MAN 02/16 Spider-Man #1 - 99,951 03/16 Spider-Man #2 - 60,627 (-39.3%) 04/16 Spider-Man #3 - 59,789 (- 1.4%) 05/16 Spider-Man #4 - 49,167 (-17.8%) 06/16 Spider-Man #5 - 47,025 (- 4.4%) 07/16 Spider-Man #6 - 52,731 (+12.1%) (CV2) 08/16 Spider-Man #7 - 47,678 (- 9.6%) (CV2) 09/16 Spider-Man #8 - 44,745 (- 6.2%) (CV2) 10/16 --- 11/16 Spider-Man #9 - 39,701 (-11.3%) 12/16 Spider-Man #10 - 40,006 (+0.8%) 12/16 Spider-Man #11 - 35,865 (-10.4%) 01/17 Spider-Man #12 - 47,517 (+32.5%) 02/17 Spider-Man #13 - 34,195 (-28.0%) 03/17 Spider-Man #14- 33,403 (- 2.3%) 04/17 Spider-Man #15- 34,103 (+ 2.1%) 05/17 Spider-Man #16- 30,775 (- 9.8%) Since issue #2: -49.2%
You probably didn’t notice it but we have currently 5 different Spider-Men, each with its ongoing series: Peter, married Peter, Miles, Miguel and Scarlet. One day, Marvel will play the “only one will survive” or “one will die/ be a traitor” storyline gig, à la “Death of Superman”.
78- AVENGERS 11/16 Avengers # 1 - 81,885 12/16 Avengers # 2 - 64,289 (-21.5%) 01/17 Avengers #3 - 44,321 (-31.1%) 01/17 Avengers #1.MU - 30,421 (-31.4%) 02/17 Avengers #4 - 37,383 (+22.9%) 03/17 Avengers #5 - 39,204 (+ 4.9%) 04/17 Avengers #6 - 31,461 (- 19.7%) 05/17 Avengers #7 - 30,681 (- 2.5%) since issue#2: -52.3%
Now would be the right time to stabilize.
83- BEN REILLY SCARLET SIDER 04/17 Ben Reilly scarlet Spider # 1 - 53,240 05/17 Ben Reilly scarlet Spider # 2 - 29,501 (-44.6%)
No surprise here.
86- 105-SPIDER-GWEN 02/15 Spider-Gwen #1 - 278,575 03/15 Spider-Gwen #2 - 107,070 (-61.6%) 04/15 spider-Gwen #3 - 102,234 (- 4.5%) 05/15 Spider-Gwen #4 - 86,586 (-15.3%) 06/15 Spider-Gwen #5 - 67,697 (-21.8%) 07/15 --- 08/15 --- 09/15 --- 10/15 Spider-Gwen #1 - 197,103 11/15 Spider-Gwen #2 - 62,209 (-68.4%) 12/15 Spider-Gwen #3 - 54,844 (-11.8%) 01/16 Spider-Gwen #4 - 48,664 (-11.3%) 02/16 Spider-Gwen #5 - 43,796 (-10.0%) 03/16 Spider-Gwen #6 - 46,060 (+ 5.2%) 04/16 Spider-Gwen #7 - 60,900 (+32.2%) (Spider-Women) 05/16 Spider-Gwen #8 - 49,681 (-18.4%) (Spider-Women) 06/16 Spider-Gwen #9 - 41,713 (-17,1%) 07/16 Spider-Gwen #10- 35,136 (-15.8%) 08/16 Spider-Gwen #11- 36,212 (+ 3.1%) 09/16 Spider-Gwen #12- 34,004 (- 6.1%) 10/16 Spider-Gwen #13- 29,346 (-13.7%) 11/16 Spider-Gwen #14- 28,906 (- 1.5%) 12/16 Spider-Gwen #15- 27,898 (- 3.5%) 01/17 Spider-Gwen #16- 34,768 (+24.6%) 02/17 Spider-Gwen #17- 29,255 (-15.9%) 03/17 Spider-Gwen #18- 34,810 (+19.0%) 04/17 --- 05/17 Spider-Gwen #19- 28,546 (- 18.0%) 05/17 Spider-Gwen #20- 24,603 (- 13.8%) Since issue #2 : - 60.5% SPIDER-GWEN VOL.0: 11,686 SPIDER-GWEN VOL.1: 6,466 SPIDER-GWEN VOL.2: 2,848
Lowest level so far and TPB sales are in hibernation.
89- INVINCIBLE IRON MAN 03/14 Ir. Man #23.NOW - 43,912 ( 51.3%) ... 06/14 Iron Man v6 #28 - 28,027 ( -0.9%) ... 06/15 Sup. Iron Man #9 – 33,989 ( +6.2%) ... 10/15 Invincible Iron Man #1 - 279,514 10/15 Invincible Iron Man #2 - 66,664 (-76.2%) 11/15 Invincible Iron Man #3 - 59,069 (-11.4%) 12/15 Invincible Iron Man #4 - 57,639 (- 2.4%) 01/16 Invincible Iron Man #5 - 49,225 (-14.6%) 02/16 Invincible Iron Man #6 - 63,234 (+28.5%) (War Machines) 03/16 Invincible Iron Man #7 - 57,972 (War Machines) 04/16 Invincible Iron Man #8 - 46,520 (War Machines) 05/16 Invincible Iron Man #9 - 49,334 (+6.0%) (CV2) 06/16 Invincible Iron Man #10- 49,141 (- 0.4%) (CV2) 07/16 Invincible Iron Man #11- 49,439 (+0.6%) (CV2) 08/16 Invincible Iron Man #12- 50,571 (+2.3%) (CV2) 09/16 Invincible Iron Man #13- 48,394 (- 4.3%) (CV2) 10/16 Invincible Iron Man #14- 43,888 (- 9.3%) (CV2) 11/16 Invincible Iron Man # 1- 97,713 12/16 Invincible Iron Man # 2- 81,271 (-16.8%) 01/17 Invincible Iron Man # 3- 44,184 (-45.7%) 02/17 Invincible Iron Man #4- 36,600 (-17.2%) 03/17 Invincible Iron Man #5- 38,746 (+ 5.9%) 04/17 Invincible Iron Man #6- 31,561 (-18.5%) 05/17 Invincible Iron Man #7- 28,266 (-10.4%) Since issue#2: -65.2%
Trouble ahead for Riri: this hemorrhaging has to stop!
90- ROCKETstrong> 01/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #1 - 59,028 02/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #2 - 29,180 (-50.6%) 03/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #3 - 24,855 (-14.8%) 04/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #4 - 24,179 (- 2.7%) 05/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #5 - 21,138 (-12.6%) 06/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #6 - 20,392 (- 3.5%) 07/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #7 - 19,142 (- 6.1%) 08/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #8 - 20,646 (+ 7.9%) (CV2) 09/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #9 - 17,522 (-15.1%) (CV2) 09/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #10- 16,505 (- 5.8%) (CV2) 10/16 --- 11/16 --- 12/16 Rocket Raccoon # 1 - 59,305 01/17 Rocket Raccoon # 2 - 22,113 (-62.7%) 02/17 Rocket Raccoon # 3 – 15,791 (-28.6%) 03/17 Rocket Raccoon # 4 - 14,324 (- 9.3%) 04/17 Rocket Raccoon # 5 – 13,373 (- 6.6%) 05/17 Rocket # 1 – 27,749
Relaunching faster than its shadow. Prepare to be back to square one with issue #3.
92- BLACK PANTHER 04/16- Black Panther #1 - 286,755 05/16 Black Panther #2 - 102,366 06/16 Black Panther #3 - 75,037 (-26.7%) 07/16 Black Panther #4 - 72,302 (- 3.6%) 08/16 Black Panther #5 - 83,756 (+15.8%) 09/16 Black Panther #6 - 58,746 (- 29.9%) 10/16 Black Panther #7 - 60,857 (+ 3.6%) 11/16 Black Panther #8 - 43,451 (- 28.6%) 12/16 Black Panther #9 - 39,123 (- 10.0%) 01/17 Black Panther #10 - 38,741 (- 1.0%) 02/17 Black Panther #11 - 35,492 (- 8.4%) 03/17 Black Panther #12 - 37,612 (+ 6.0%) 04/17 Black Panther #13 - 30,509 (-18.9%) 05/17 Black Panther #14 - 27,287 (-10.6%) Since issue #2: -73.3%
Looking back from which sales level it started from, those results are horrible.
94- DAREDEVIL 02/14 Daredevil v3 #36 – 31,494 ( -1.8%) 03/14 Daredevil v4 #1 - 76,006 (141.3%) 04/14 Daredevil v4 #2 - 42,811 (-11.7%) ... 09/15 Daredevil v4 #18 - 29,945 (+ 0.1%) --- --- 12/15 Daredevil #1 - 84,500 12/15 Daredevil #2 - 49,758 (-41.1%) 01/16 Daredevil #3 - 45,885 (- 7.8%) 02/16 Daredevil #4 - 43,741 ( - 4.7%) 03/16 Daredevil #5 - 44,868 (+ 2.6%) 04/16 Daredevil #6 - 48,745 (+ 8.6%) 05/16 Daredevil #7 - 43,704 (-10.3%) 06/16 Daredevil #8 - 41,172 (- 5.8%) 07/16 Daredevil #9 - 43,009 (+ 4.4%) 08/16 Daredevil #10- 40,775 (- 5.2%) 09/16 Daredevil #11- 39,135 (- 4.0%) 10/16 Daredevil #12- 34,297 (-12.4%) 11/16 Daredevil #13- 33,910 (- 1.1%) 12/16 Daredevil #14- 30,781 (- 9.2%) 01/17 Daredevil #15- 36,014 (+17.0%) 01/17 Daredevil #16- 33,152 (- 7.9%) 02/17 Daredevil #17- 31,794 (- 4.1%) 03/17 Daredevil #18- 28,050 (-11.8%) 04/17 Daredevil #19- 28,867 (+ 2.9%) 05/17 Daredevil #20- 27,163 (- 5.9%) Since issue #2 : - 45.4%
Still a success, even if it lost a large chunk of its momentum.
96- UNCANNY AVENGERS 03/14 U Avengers #18.NOW - 63,516 ( 19.4%) ... 10/14 Uncanny Avengers #25 – 53,263 ( 7.7%) 10/14 Aven & X-Men Axis #1 – 138,966 (180.9%) ... 12/14 Aven & X-Men Axis #9 – 69,518 ( 0.1%) 01/15 Uncanny Avengers v2 #1 – 74,849 02/15 Uncanny Avengers v2 #2 – 51,339 (-31.4%) --- 04/15 Uncanny Avengers v2 #3 – 50,595 (-1.4%) 05/15 Uncanny Avengers v2 #4 – 46,682 (-7.7%) 06/15 Uncanny Avengers v2 #5 – 43,417 (-7.0%) 10/15 Uncanny Avengers #1 - 105,234 11/15 Uncanny Avengers #2 - 55,008 (-47.3%) 12/15 Uncanny Avengers #3 - 53,216 (- 3.3%) 01/16 Uncanny Avengers #4 - 47,172 (-11.4%) 02/16 Uncanny Avengers #5 - 43,618 (- 7.5%) 03/16 Uncanny Avengers #6 - 41,567 (- 4.7%) 03/16 Uncanny Avengers #7 - 47,135 (+13.4%) (Stand Off) 04/16 Uncanny Avengers #8 - 45,659 (- 3.1%) (Stand Off) 05/16 Uncanny Avengers #9 - 40,025 (-12.3%) 06/16 Uncanny Avengers #10- 38,614 (- 3.5%) 07/16 Uncanny Avengers #11- 45,452 (+17.7%) 08/16 Uncanny Avengers #12- 39,337 (-13.5%) 08/16 Uncanny Avengers #13- 37,908 (- 3.6%) (CV2) 09/16 Uncanny Avengers #14- 34,996 (- 7.7%) (CV2) 10/16 Uncanny Avengers #15- 38,058 (+ 8.7%) 11/16 Uncanny Avengers #16- 32,854 (-13.7%) (CV2) 12/16 Uncanny Avengers #17- 31,025 (- 5.6%) 12/16 Uncanny Avengers #18- 30,062 (- 3.1%) 01/17 Uncanny Avengers #19- 33,957 (+13.0%) 02/17 Uncanny Avengers #20- 31,089 (- 8.5%) 03/17 Uncanny Avengers #21- 27,622 (- 11.2%) 04/17 Uncanny Avengers #22- 27,438 (- 0.7%) 05/17 Uncanny Avengers #23- 26,915 (- 1.9%) Since issue #2 : - 51.1%
Wonder Man is back again. Is he trying to beat the Jean Grey or Guardian death record?
99- INFAMOUS IRON MAN 03/16 International Iron Man #1 - 70,824 04/16 International Iron Man #2 - 40,459 (-42.9%) 05/16 International Iron Man #3 - 35,282 (-12.8%) 06/16 International Iron Man #4 - 28,998 (-17.8%) 07/16 International iron Man #5 - 27,697 (- 4.5%) 08/16 International Iron Man #6 - 28,337 (+ 2.3%) 09/16 International Iron Man #7 - 25,496 (-10.0%) (CV2) 10/16 Infamous Iron Man #1 - 73,735 11/16 Infamous Iron Man #2 - 40,225 (-45.4%) 12/16 Infamous Iron Man #3 - 40,546 (+ 0.8%) 01/17 Infamous Iron Man #4 - 36,373 (-10.3%) 02/17 Infamous Iron Man #5 - 29,685 (-18.4%) 03/17 Infamous Iron Man #6 - 28,319 (- 4.6%) 04/17 Infamous Iron Man #7 - 27,032 (- 4.6%) 05/17 Infamous Iron Man #8 - 26,330 (- 2.6%) Since issue #2: -34.5%
Help me try to find the title of its next relaunch: Incorrigible Iron Man? Inflated Iron Man? Inexperienced Iron Man? < p>
101- THANOS 11/16 Thanos # 1 - 54,768 12/16 Thanos # 2 - 35,187 (-35.8%) 01/17 Thanos # 3 - 36,643 (+ 4.1%) 02/17 Thanos # 4 - 32,032 (-12.6%) 03/17 Thanos # 5 - 34,901 (+ 9.0%) 04/17 Thanos # 6 - 27,840 (-20.2%) 05/17 Thanos # 7 - 25,790 (- 7.4%) Since issue #2: -26.3%
That’s not a very healthy sales pattern.
102-AMAZING SPIDER-MAN RENEW YOUR VOWS ( 11/16 ASM Renew your vows # 1 - 96,111 12/16 ASM Renew your vows # 2 - 43,128 (-55.1%) 01/17 ASM Renew your vows # 3 - 41,167 (- 4.5%) 02/17 ASM Renew your vows # 4 - 31,750 (-22.9%) 03/17 ASM Renew your vows # 5 - 37,508 (+18.1%) 04/17 ASM Renew your vows # 6 - 29,131 (-22.3%) 05/17 ASM Renew your vows # 7 - 25,770 (-11.5%) Since issue #2: -40.2%
Still has to find its level.
106- CHAMPIONS 10/16 Champions #1 - 334,937 11/16 Champions #2 - 49,733 (-85.2%) 12/16 Champions #3 - 47,481 (- 4.5%) 01/17 Champions #4 - 34,969 (-26.4%) 02/17 Champions #5 - 31,344 (-10.4%) 02/17 Champions #1.MU ($5) - 20,999 (-33.0%) 03/17 Champions # 6 - 33,220 (+58.2%) 04/17 Champions # 7 - 27,734 (-16.5%) 05/17 Champions # 8 - 24,602 (-11.3%) Since issue #2: - 50.5%
So far, it’s losing more than 10% per issue. It will have to change pattern before reaching #12 or be relaunched again.
108- MOON KNIGHT 04/16- Moon Knight #1 - 65,388 05/16 Moon Knight #2 - 41,147 (-45.7%) 06/16 Moon Knight #3 - 40,752 (- 1.0%) 07/16 Moon Knight #4 - 40,012 (- 1.8%) 08/16 Moon Knight #5 - 37,934 (- 5.2%) 09/16 Moon Knight #6 - 41,884 (+10.4%) 10/16 Moon Knight #7 - 33,866 (-19.1%) 11/16 Moon Knight #8 - 32,562 (- 3.9%) 12/16 Moon Knight #9 - 29,205 (-10.3%) 01/17 Moon Knight #10 - 33,395 (+14.3%) 02/17 Moon Knight #11 - 26,467 (-20.7%) 03/17 Moon Knight #12 - 25,152 (- 5.0%) 04/17 Moon Knight #13 - 24,287 (- 3.4%) 05/17 Moon Knight #14 - 24,283 (- 0.0%) END Since issue #2: -41.0% MOON KNIGHT VOL.1: 6,336
One of Marvel’s few small successes is ending its run. Expect a relaunch with a new creative team soon. It’s not as if Marvel had that many successes to choose from among its last launches….
113- PUNISHER 05/16 Punisher #1 - 110,726 06/16 Punisher #2 - 47,524 (-57.1%) 07/16 Punisher #3 - 46,534 (- 2.1%) 08/16 Punisher #4 - 44,154 (- 5.1%) 09/16 Punisher #5 - 38,052 (-13.8%) 10/16 Punisher #6 - 35,344 (- 7.1%) 11/16 --- 12/16 Punisher #7 - 33,589 (- 5.0%) 01/17 Punisher #8 - 32,937 (- 1.9%) 02/17 Punisher #9 - 27,448 (-16.7%) 03/17 Punisher #10 - 28,433 (+ 3.6%) 04/17 Punisher #11 - 23,863 (- 16.1%) 05/17 Punisher #12 - 23,269 (- 2.5%) Since issue #2 : -51.0% PUNISHER TPB VOL.1: 2,934
Levelling out nicely.
115- JESSICA JONES 10/16 Jessica Jones #1 - 74,291 11/16 Jessica Jones #2 - 36,893 (-50.3%) 12/16 Jessica Jones #3 - 38,601 (+ 4.6%) 01/17 Jessica Jones #4 - 32,252 (-16.4%) 02/17 Jessica Jones #5 - 25,769 (-20.1%) 03/17 Jessica Jones #6 - 27,342 (+ 6.1%) 04/17 Jessica Jones #7 - 23,273 (-14.9%) 05/17 Jessica Jones #8 - 23,043 (- 1.0%) Since issue #2: -37.5%
An oasis in all the current turmoil of the Marvel Universe, both sales wise and story wise.
118- IRON FIST 03/17 Iron Fist #1 - 89,652 04/17 Iron Fist #2 - 28,469 (-68.2%) 05/17 Iron Fist #3 - 22,466 (-20.1%)
Will the customers know which Iron fist #1 paperback to buy if want to try out the paper adventures of their TV hero? There are so many of them…
119- 135- 139- 142- 150- GOG MOTHER ENTROPY LTD 05/17 GoG Mother Entropy Ltd #1 - 22,079 05/17 GoG Mother Entropy Ltd #2 - 18,026 (-18.3%) 05/17 GoG Mother Entropy Ltd #3 - 17,070 (- 5.3%) 05/17 GoG Mother Entropy Ltd #4 - 17,036 (- 0.2%) 05/17 GoG Mother Entropy Ltd #5 - 16,034 (- 5.9%)
What’s the deal with Alan Davis at Marvel? They keep releasing the mini-series he is pencilling all in a row, in the same month. Do they think he has the plague or what?! What’s the purpose? It’s a miracle it selling that well considering the circumstances–and with a lot of Guardians products to buy this month!.
123- HULK 12/16 Hulk #1 - 89,810 01/17 Hulk #2 - 32,585 (-63.7%) 02/17 Hulk #3 - 27,968 (-14.2%) 03/17 Hulk #4 - 30,304 (+ 8.3%) 04/17 Hulk #5 – 22,644 (-25.3%) 05/17 Hulk #6 - 20,482 (- 9.5%) Since issue #2: -37.1%
I wouldn’t bet on it making it past issue #12.
126- ROYALS 04/17 Royals # 1 - 40,941 04/17 Royals #2 - 28,469 (-30.5%) 05/17 Royals #3 - 19,650 (-31.0%)
Clearly, this is not gonna be the title that creates a sudden burst of love for those characters.
128- CAPTAIN AMERICA SAM WILSON 02/14 Capt AmericaV7 #16.Now – 36,534 ( 9.3%) ... 09/14 Captain America v7 #24 – 33,517 ( 8.4%) 10/14 Captain America v7 #25 – 74,183 ( 121.3%) 11/14 Captain America v8 #1 –120,500 ( 62.4%) 12/14 Captain America v8 #2 – 50,077 ( -58.4%) 01/15 Captain America v8 #3 - 50,045 ( -0.1%) 02/15 Captain America v8 #4 - 41,222 (-17.6%) 03/15 Captain America v8 #5 - 38,871 (- 5.7%) 04/15 Captain America v8 #6 - 38,199 (- 1.7%) ... 10/15 CA S. Wilson #1 - 62,535 10/15 CA S. Wilson #2 - 40,224 (-35.7%) 11/15 CA S. Wilson #3 - 33,984 (-15.5%) 12/15 CA S. Wilson #4 - 29,512 (-13.2%) 01/16 CA S. Wilson #5 - 29,081 (- 1.5%) 02/16 CA S. Wilson #6 - 27,111 (- 6.8%) 03/16 CA S. Wilson #7 - 54,881(+102.4%) 04/16 CA S. Wilson #8 - 31,052 (-43.4%) (Stand Off) 05/16 CA S. Wilson #9 - 27,480 (-11.5%) (Stand Off) 06/16 CA S. Wilson #10 - 31,989 (+16.4%) (CV2) 07/16 CA S. Wilson #11 - 29,145 (- 8.2%) (CV2) 08/16 CA S. Wilson #12 - 30,479 (+ 4.6%) (CV2) 09/16 CA S. Wilson #13 - 28,158 (- 7.6%) (CV2) 10/16 CA S. Wilson #14 - 27,702 (- 1.6%) 11/16 CA S. Wilson #15 - 22,006 (-20.6%) 12/16 CA S. Wilson #16 - 21,229 (- 3.5%) 01/17 CA S. Wilson #17 – 22,852 (+ 7.6%) 01/17 CA S. Wilson #18 – 21,848 (- 4.4%) 02/17 CA S. Wilson #19 - 18,105 (-17.1%) 03/17 CA S. Wilson #20 - 17,496 (- 3.4%) 04/17 CA S. Wilson #21 - 18,650 (+ 6.6%) 05/17 CA S. Wilson #22 - 18,523 (- 0.7%) (SI) Since issue #2 : -54.0%
It seems to hover peacefully around 17-18K for the time being.
129- ULTIMATES 11/15 Ultimates #1 - 61,406 12/15 Ultimates #2 - 37,055 (-39.7%) 01/16 Ultimates #3 - 30,068 (-18.9%) 02/16 Ultimates #4 - 27,177 (- 9.6%) 03/16 Ultimates #5 - 28,627 (+ 5.3%) 04/16 Ultimates #6 - 26,146 (- 8.7%) 05/16 Ultimates #7 - 26,500 (+ 1.4%) 06/16 Ultimates #8 - 30,675 (+15.6%) (CV2) 07/16 Ultimates #9 - 27,588 (-10.1%) (CV2) 08/16 Ultimates #10- 26,848 (- 2.7%) (CV2) 09/16 Ultimates #11- 26,030 (- 3.0%) (CV2) 10/16 Ultimates #12- 23,871 (- 8.3%) (CV2) END 11/16 Ultimates 2 # 1- 34,646 12/16 Ultimates 2 # 2- 23,844 (-31.2%) 01/17 Ultimates 2 #3- 24,369 (+2.2%) 02/17 Ultimates 2 #4- 21,235 (-12.9%) 03/17 Ultimates 2 #5- 17,975 (-15.4%) 04/17 Ultimates 2 #6- 17,350 ( -3.5%) 05/17 Ultimates 2 #7- 18,490 (+ 6.6%) (SE) Since issue #2: -22.5%
No variant at all so the jump is really thanks to the Secret Empire tag.
131- MS MARVEL 02/14 Ms. Marvel #1 - 50,286 ( --- ) 03/14 Ms. Marvel #2 - 38,357 (-23.7%) ... 02/15 Ms. Marvel #12 – 29,054 ( -2.7%) 03/15 Ms. Marvel #13 – 32,425 (+11.6%) 04/15 Ms. Marvel #14 – 32,058 (- 1.1%) 05/15 Ms. Marvel #15 – 32,185 (+ 0.4%) 06/15 Ms. Marvel #16 – 32,855 (+ 2.1%) 07/15 --- 08/15 Ms. Marvel #17 – 31,567 (- 3.9%) 09/15 Ms. Marvel #18 - 33,761 (+7.0%) 11/15 Ms Marvel #1 - 79,222 12/15 Ms Marvel #2 - 46,610 (-41.2%) 01/16 Ms Marvel #3 - 32,364 (-30.6%) 02/16 Ms Marvel #4 - 30,916 (- 4.5%) 03/16 Ms Marvel #5 - 31,871 ( +3.1%) 04/16 Ms Marvel #6 - 29,863 (- 6.3%) 05/16 Ms Marvel #7 - 29,840 (- 0.1%) 06/16 Ms Marvel #8 - 31,798 (+ 6.6%) (CV2) 07/16 Ms Marvel #9 - 28,313 (-11.0%) (CV2) 08/16 Ms Marvel #10- 29,395 (+ 3.8%) (CV2) 09/16 Ms Marvel #11- 27,278 (- 7.2%) (CV2) 10/16 Ms Marvel #12- 28,348 (+ 3.9%) 11/16 Ms Marvel #13- 23,621 (-16.7%) 12/16 --- 01/17 Ms Marvel #14- 24,006 (+1.6%) 02/17 Ms Marvel #15- 19,870 (-17.2%) 03/17 Ms Marvel #16- 19,172 (- 3.5%) 04/17 Ms Marvel #17- 20,881 (+ 8.9%) 05/17 Ms Marvel #18- 18,271 (-12.5%) Since issue #2 : -60.8 % VOL.1 : 47,827 [+682] VOL.2 : 18,698 VOL.3 : 11,282 VOL.4 : 6,642 VOL.5 : 5,200 VOL.6: 3,500 HC vol.1 : 1,942 HC vol.2 : 2,653
The problem with Ms. Marvel is that not that many people keep buying the floppy or made the jump from TPB vol.1 to the others remaining volumes.
133- BLACK PANTHER CREW 04/17 BP Crew #1 - 35,604 05/17 BP Crew #2 - 18,183 (-48.9%)
Clearly, a fault in Marvel’s strategy surrounding Black Panther. The main title probably suffered from the multiplication of tiered titles, as it was already struggling to keep its readers.
134- ZOMBIES ASSEMBLE LTD ($5) 05/17 Zombies Assemble Ltd #1 – 18,036
Behind what you think would be a new volume of Marvel Zombies hides the English adaptation of a manga adaptation of Marvel Zombies. Get it? The adaptation of an adaptation. Once people realize that, sales should take a big dip.
136- TOTALLY AWESOME HULK 12/15 Totally Awesome Hulk #1 - 74,471 01/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #2 - 39,469 (-47.0%) 02/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #3 - 35,709 ( - 9.5%) 03/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #4 - 35,285 ( - 1.2%) 04/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #5 - 31,165 (- 11.7%) 05/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #6 - 26,775 (- 14.1%) 06/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #7 - 30,808 (+15.1%) (CV2) 07/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #8 - 27,522 (- 9.2%) (CV2) 07/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #9 - 26,936 (- 2.1%) (CV2) 08/16 --- 09/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #10 - 26,193 (- 2.8%) (CV2) 10/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #11 - 26,259 (+ 1.3%) (CV2) 11/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #12 - 22,448 (-14.5%) 12/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #13 - 22,207 (- 1.1%) 01/17 Totally Awesome Hulk #14 - 22,847 (+ 2.9%) 01/17 Totally Awesome Hulk #15 - 23,623 (+ 3.4%) 02/17 Totally Awesome Hulk #16 - 18,136 (-23.2%) 03/17 Totally Awesome Hulk #17 - 23,020 (+26.9%) 03/17 Totally Awesome Hulk #1.MU - 16,040 (-30.3%) ($5) 04/17 Totally Awesome Hulk #18 - 16,009 (- 0.8%) 05/17 Totally Awesome Hulk #19 - 17,742 (+10.8%) Since issue #2: - 59.6%
Featuring Old Man Logan and all the other Marvel characters who always forget to cut their fingernails.
138- MIGHTY CAPTAIN MARVEL 11/13 Captain Marvel v6 #17 - 18,173 (-20.5%) ... 03/14 Captain Marvel v7 #1 - 44,248 04/14 Captain Marvel v7 #2 - 28,008 (-36.7%) ... 05/15 Captain Marvel v7 #15 – 19,740 (-35.4%) ... 06/15 Cap Marvel & Carol Corps Ltd #1 - 47,302 ... 08/15 Cap Marvel & Carol Corps Ltd #4 - 22,106 (- 9.0%) ... 01/16 Captain Marvel #1 - 52,972 02/16 Captain Marvel #2 - 28,962 (-45.4%) 03/16 Captain Marvel #3 - 28,469 ( -1.7%) 04/16 Captain Marvel #4 - 25,156 (-11.6%) 05/16 Captain Marvel #5 - 23,812 (- 5.3%) 06/16 Captain Marvel #6 - 28,213 (+18.5%) (CV2) 07/16 Captain Marvel #7 - 23,895 (-15.3%) (CV2) 08/16 Captain Marvel #8 - 23,024 (- 3.5%) (CV2) 09/16 Captain Marvel #9 - 24,753 (+ 7.5%) (CV2) 10/16 --- 11/16 Captain Marvel #10 - 19,893 (-19.6%) 12/16 Mighty Captain Marvel #0 - 53,263 01/17 Mighty Captain Marvel #1 - 48,519 (-8.9%) 02/17 Mighty Captain Marvel #2 - 24,172 (-50.2%) 03/17 Mighty Captain Marvel #3 - 28,649 (+17.8%) 04/17 Mighty Captain Marvel #4 - 17,893 (-37.5%) 05/17 Mighty Captain Marvel #5 - 17,164 (- 4.1%)(SE) Since issue #2: -29.0% CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL.1 : 2,409 CAPTAIN MARVEL VOL.2: 1,621
The power of a crossover event tag is less powerful than the variant sales power. Packaging over content: nice results, Marvel!
141- 157- 243-MONSTERS UNLEASHED 01/17 Monsters Unleashed Ltd #1 - 91,154 [+17,047] 02/17 Monsters Unleashed Ltd #2 - 51,389 (-43.6%) [+ 8,034] 02/17 Monsters Unleashed Ltd #3 - 38,205 (-25.7%) 03/17 Monsters Unleashed Ltd #4 - 34,937 (- 8.6%) 03/17 Monsters Unleashed Ltd #5 - 33,205 (- 5.0%) 04/17 Monsters Unleashed #1 - 27,317 05/17 Monsters Unleashed #2 - 15,324 (-43.9%)
On Marvel’s website, this ongoing is not even one of the top titles mentioned as a follow up to the Monsters unleashed mini for reorders or free copies to retailers.
144- NICK FURY 04/17 Nick Fury #1 - 31,683 05/17 Nick Fury #2 - 16,690 (-47.3%)
Clearly, furiously in trouble. Too bad because you have one complete story/journey to graphic extravaganza per issue.
145- US AVENGERS 01/17 US Avengers #1 - 110,729 01/17 US Avengers #2 - 29,523 (-73.3%) 02/17 US Avengers #3 - 19,476 (-33.4%) 03/17 US Avengers #4 - 17,073 04/17 US Avengers #5 - 17,880 (+ 4.7%) 05/17 US Avengers #6 - 16,491 (- 7.8%) (SI) Since issue #2: -44.1%
Even Secret Empire can’t spark people’s interest into this title.
147- AMERICA 04/17 America # 1 - 43,592 04/17 America # 2 - 23,987 (-45.0%) 05/17 America # 3 - 16,262 (-32.2%)
The title everybody loves to hate without having read it.
153-DR STRANGE SORCERORS SUPREME 10/16 Dr Strange Sorcerers Supreme #1 - 149,710 11/16 Dr Strange Sorcerers Supreme #2 - 29,349 (-80.4%) 12/16 Dr Strange Sorcerers Supreme #3 - 25,054 (-14.6%) 01/17 Dr Strange Sorcerers Supreme #4 - 26,098 (+ 4.1%) 02/17 Dr Strange Sorcerers Supreme #5 - 19,402 (-25.7%) 03/17 Dr Strange Sorcerers Supreme #6 - 18,094 (- 6.7%) 04/17 Dr Strange Sorcerers Supreme #7 - 16,887 (- 6.7%) 05/17 Dr Strange Sorcerers Supreme #8 - 15,702 (- 7.0%) Since issue#2: -46.5%
Isaac Newton vs. the sorcerers: gravity always wins in the end, you can see the proof here in numbers.
154 -156- GWENPOOL 04/16- Gwenpool #1 - 100,852 05/16 Gwenpool #2 - 38,162 (-62.2%) 06/16 Gwenpool #3 - 33,018 (-13.5%) 07/16 Gwenpool #4 - 33,174 (+ 0.5%) 08/16 Gwenpool #5 - 30,232 (- 8.9%) 09/16 Gwenpool #6 - 25,890 (-14.4%) 10/16 Gwenpool #7 - 34,365 (+32.7%) 11/16 Gwenpool #8 - 24,395 (- 29.0%) 12/16 Gwenpool #9 - 20,031 (-17.9%) 01/17 Gwenpool #10 - 21,653 (+ 8.1%) 02/17 Gwenpool #11 - 17,975 (-17.0%) 02/17 Gwenpool #12 - 17,080 (- 5.0%) 03/17 Gwenpool #13- 26,850 (+ 57.2%) 04/17 Gwenpool #14- 17,972 (- 33.1%) 05/17 Gwenpool #15- 15,624 (- 12.1%) 05/17 Gwenpool #16- 15,500 (- 0.8%) Since issue #2: -59.4% GWENPOOL VOL.1: 5,310 GWENPOOL VOL.2: 1,971
Guess which character will be forgotten by everyone in one year?
158- HAWKEYE 03/15 All New Hawkeye #1 - 66,608 04/15 All New Hawkeye #2 - 42,730 (-35.8%) 05/15 All New Hawkeye #3 - 38,087 (-10.9%) 06/15 --- 07/15 All New Hawkeye #4 - 31,661 (-16.9%) 08/15 --- 09/15 All New Hawkeye #5 - 31,141 (- 1.6%) 10/15 --- 11/15 All New Hawkeye #1 - 68,933 12/15 All New Hawkeye #2 - 35,363 (-48.7%) 01/16 All New Hawkeye #3 - 26,913 (-23.9%) 02/16 All New Hawkeye #4 - 24,903 (- 7.5%) 03/16 All New Hawkeye #5 - 24,779 (- 0.5%) 04/16 All New Hawkeye #6 - 21,209 (-14.4%) 05/16 --- 06/16 --- 07/16 --- 08/16 --- 09/16 --- 10/16 --- 11/16 --- 12/16 Hawkeye #1 - 70,884 01/17 Hawkeye #2 - 27,049 (-61.8%) 02/17 Hawkeye #3 - 20,089 (-25.7%) 03/17 Hawkeye #4 - 17,234 (-14.2%) 04/17 Hawkeye #5 - 16,031 (- 7.0%) 05/17 Hawkeye #6 - 15,304 (- 4.5%) Since issue#2 : -43.4% VOL.1: 47,268 VOL.2: 25,657 VOL.3: 13,536 VOL.4: 8,814 VOL.5: 4,109 VOL.6: 2,583
VOL.1: 2,210
As the ongoing reach its lowest sales level ever, Marvel changed strategy and started renumbering its TPB, hoping for a new surge of #1 buyers. It totally backfired: sales are more than timid and reorder activity of all the previous volumes is too low to figure in the top 300.
159- SPIDER-MAN 2099 07/14 Spider-Man 2099 #1 - 90,690 ( --- ) 08/14 Spider-Man 2099 #2 - 47,512 (-47.6%) 09/14 Spider-Man 2099 #3 - 43,418 ( -8.6%) 10/14 Spider-Man 2099 #4 - 40,755 ( -6.1%) 10/14 Spider-Man 2099 #5 - 40,880 ( 0.3%) 11/14 Spider-Man 2099 #6 - 38,634 ( -5.5%) --- 01/15 Spider-Man 2099 #7 - 38,455 (-0.5%) 01/15 Spider-Man 2099 #8 - 37,484 (-2.5%) 02/15 Spider-Man 2099 #9 - 34,374 (-8.3%) 03/15 Spider-Man 2099 #10 - 33,528 (-2.5%) 04/15 Spider-Man 2099 #11 - 31,665 (-5.6%) 05/15 Spider-Man 2099 #12 - 28,916 (-8.7%) ... 10/15 Spider-Man 2099 #1 - 57,719 10/15 Spider-Man 2099 #2 - 40,701 (-29.5%) 11/15 Spider-Man 2099 #3 - 34,969 (-14.1%) 12/15 Spider-Man 2099 #4 - 32,464 (- 7.2%) 01/16 Spider-Man 2099 #5 - 28,489 (-12.2%) 02/16 Spider-Man 2099 #6 - 26,626 ( - 6.5%) 02/16 Spider-Man 2099 #7 - 26,163 (- 1.7%) 03/16 Spider-Man 2099 #8 - 28,580 ( +9.2%) 04/16 Spider-Man 2099 #9 - 24,081 (-15.7%) 05/16 Spider-Man 2099 #10- 23,040 (- 4.3%) 06/16 Spider-Man 2099 #11- 22,722 (- 1.4%) 07/16 Spider-Man 2099 #12- 22,480 (- 1.1%) 08/16 Spider-Man 2099 #13- 22,793 (+ 1.4%) (CV2) 08/16 Spider-Man 2099 #14- 21,908 (- 3.9%) (CV2) 09/16 Spider-Man 2099 #15- 21,362 (- 2.5%) (CV2) 10/16 Spider-Man 2099 #16- 20,671 (- 3.2%) (CV2) 11/16 Spider-Man 2099 #17- 19,271 (- 6.8%) 12/16 Spider-Man 2099 #18- 18,053 (- 6.3%) 01/17 Spider-Man 2099 #19- 20,262 (+12.2%) 02/17 Spider-Man 2099 #20- 16,690 (- 17.6%) 03/17 Spider-Man 2099 #21- 15,770 (- 5.5%) 04/17 Spider-Man 2099 #22- 15,273 (- 3.2%) 05/17 Spider-Man 2099 #23- 15,187 (- 0.6%) Since issue #2: -62.7%
A good sales behavior, almost slowing down to a halt.
160- MAN-THING LTD 03/17 Man-Thing Ltd #1 of 5 - 43,131 03/17 Man-Thing Ltd #2 of 5 - 21,116 (-51.0%) 04/17 Man-Thing Ltd #3 of 5 - 16,199 (-23.3%) 05/17 Man-Thing Ltd #4 of 5 - 14,769 (- 8.8%)
Seeing as all the others Marvel characters had it, why not launch a Woman-Thing series? We want equality of jokes on both genders!
163- MOON GIRL AND DEVIL DINOSAUR 11/15 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1 - 38,133 12/15 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #2 - 21,715 (-43.1%) 01/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #3 - 18,424 (-15.2%) 02/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #4 - 14,941 (-18.9%) 03/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #5 - 14,771 (- 1.1%) 04/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #6 - 12,253 (-17.0%) 05/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #7 - 12,879 (+ 5.1%) 06/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #8 - 12,721 (- 1.2%) 07/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #9 - 10,338 (-18.7%) 08/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #10- 11,862 (+14.7%) 09/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #11- 9,765 (-17.7%) 10/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #12- 9,509 (- 2.6%) 11/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #13- 11,113 (+16.9%) 12/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #14- 9,370 (-15.7%) 01/17 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #15- 10,966(+17.0%) 02/17 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #16- 8,440 (-23.0%) 02/17 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #17- 8,273 (- 2.0%) 04/17 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #18- 7,966 (- 3.7%) 05/17 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #19- 14,244(+78.8%) Since issue #2 : -34.4% MOON GIRL AND DEVIL DINOSAUR VOL.1: 4,275 [+558] MOON GIRL AND DEVIL DINOSAUR VOL.2: 1,664
Clearly, some overshipping or special deal thingie at work here.
164- SILVER SURFER 03/14 Silver Surfer #1 - 64,919 ( --- ) 04/14 Silver Surfer #2 - 39,132 (-39.7%) 06/14 Silver Surfer #3 - 36,075 ( -7.8%) 07/14 Silver Surfer #4 - 32,747 ( -9.2%) 08/14 Silver Surfer #5 - 31,125 ( -5.0%) 10/14 Silver Surfer #6 - 28,052 ( -9.9%) 11/14 Silver Surfer #7 - 25,759 ( -8.2%) 12/14 --- 01/15 Silver Surfer #8 - 23,420 (- 9.1%) 02/15 Silver Surfer #9 - 21,716 (- 7.3%) 03/15 Silver Surfer #10 - 21,100 (- 2.8%) 04/15 Silver Surfer #11 - 20,776 (- 1.5%) 05/15 --- 06/15 Silver Surfer #12 - 20,704 (- 0.3%) 07/15 Silver Surfer #13 - 24,321 (+17.5%) 08/15 --- 09/15 Silver Surfer #14 - 23,008 (- 5.4%) 10/15 --- 11/15 Silver Surfer #15 - 21,343 (- 7.2%) 12/15 --- 01/16 Silver Surfer #1 - 57,633 02/16 Silver Surfer #2 - 25,009 (-56.6%) 03/16 - - 04/16 Silver Surfer #3 - 23,151 (- 7.4%) 05/16 Silver Surfer #4 - 21,063 (- 9.0%) 06/16 --- 07/16 Silver Surfer #5 - 20,165 (- 4.3%) 08/16 Silver Surfer #6 - 18,991 (- 5.8%) 09/16 --- 10/16 Silver Surfer #7 - 17,588 (- 7.4%) 11/16 --- 12/16 Silver Surfer #8 - 16,217 (- 7.8%) 01/17 --- 02/17 --- 03/17 Silver Surfer #9 – 16,082 (- 0.8%) 04/17 Silver Surfer #10 – 15,041 (- 6.5%) 05/17 Silver Surfer #11 - 14,202 (- 5.6%) Since issue #2: -38.3%
3 issues in a row, month after month!
165- NOVA 02/14 Nova#13.Now – 26,147 ( 4.4%) 03/14 Nova v5 #14 – 23,459 ( -10.3%) ... 05/15 Nova v5 #31 – 18,129 ( -2.7%) 11/15 Nova #1 - 45,536 12/15 Nova #2 - 27,120 (-40.4%) 01/16 Nova #3 - 23,464 (-13.5%) 02/16 Nova #4 - 18,187 (-22.5%) 03/16 Nova #5 - 16,886 (- 7.2%) 04/16 Nova #6 - 15,795 (- 6.5%) 05/16 Nova #7 - 15,377 (- 2.6%) 06/16 Nova #8 - 19,720 (+28.2%) (CV2) 07/16 Nova #9 - 16,726 (-15.2%) (CV2) 08/16 Nova #10 - 14,766 (-11.7%) 09/16 Nova #11 - 14,341 (- 2.9%) 10/16 --- 11/16 --- 12/16 Nova #1 - 58,393 01/17 Nova #2 - 23,098 (-60.4%) 02/17 Nova #3 - 19,265 (-16.6%) 03/17 Nova #4 - 15,323 (-20.5%) 04/17 Nova #5 - 14,525 (- 5.2%) 05/17 Nova #6 - 14,124 (- 2.8%) since issue #2 : -38.9%
Ramon Perez is not very lucky at Marvel….
175- ELEKTRA 02/17 Elektra #1 - 44,310 03/17 Elektra #2 - 19,712 (-55.5%) 04/17 Elektra #3 - 15,113 (-23.3%) 05/17 Elektra #4 - 13,029 (-13.8%) Since issue #2: -33.9%
A disaster in sales.
186- GAMORA 12/16 Gamora #1 - 65,032 01/17 Gamora #2 - 24,902 (-61.7%) 02/17 Gamora #3 - 15,457 (-37.9%) 03/17 Gamora #4 - 21,136 (+36.7%) 04/17 --- 05/17 Gamora #5 – 12,219 (-42.2%) Since issue #2: -50.9%
Gamora: Game-over!
189- KINGPIN 02/17 Kingpin #1 - 36,095 03/17 Kingpin #2 - 24,789 (-31.3%) 04/17 Kingpin #3 - 13,765 (-44.5%) 05/17 Kingpin #4 - 12,110 (-12.0%) Since issue #2: -51.1%
Will manage to a shorter run than the ill-fated Bruce Jones/Sean Phillips ongoing of the 2000’s.
196- BULLSEYE LTD 02/17 Bullseye # 1 of 5 – 33,511 03/17 Bullseye # 2 of 5 – 16,936 (-49.5%) 04/17 Bullseye # 3 of 5 – 12,912 (-23.8%) 05/17 Bullseye # 4 of 5 – 11,398 (-11.7%)
Missed its target (easy).
198- STAR-LORD 07/14 Star Lord #1 – 78,501 08/14 Star Lord #2 – 37,109 (-52.7%) 09/14 Star Lord #3 – 32,918 (-11.3%) 10/14 Star Lord #4 – 37,123 ( 12.8%) 11/14 Star Lord #5 – 36,905 ( -0.6%) 12/14 Star Lord #6 – 32,863 (-11.0%) 01/15 Star Lord #7 – 28,174 (-14.3%) 01/15 Star Lord #8 – 25,227 (-10.5%) 02/15 Star Lord #9 – 38,655 (+53.2%) B. Vortex 03/15 Star Lord#10 – 40,836 (+ 4.5%) B. Vortex 04/15 Star Lord#11 – 41,325 (+ 1.2%) B. Vortex 05/15 Star Lord#12 – 25,580 (-38.1%) --- 07/15 Star-Lord & Kitty Pryde Ltd #1 - 44,760 08/15 Star-Lord & Kitty Pryde Ltd #2 - 32,578 (-27.2%) 09/15 Star-Lord & Kitty Pryde Ltd #3 - 31,012 (- 4.8%) 11/15 Star-Lord #1 - 47,104 12/15 Star-Lord #2 - 26,348 (-44.1%) 01/16 Star-Lord #3 - 22,698 (-13.9%) 02/16 Star-Lord #4 - 19,117 (-15.8%) 03/16 Star-Lord #5 - 17,374 (-9.1%) 04/16 Star-Lord #6 - 17,653 (+1.6%) 05/16 Star-Lord #7 - 15,147 (-14.2%) 06/16 Star-Lord #8 - 16,762 (+10.7%) 07/16 --- 08/16 --- 09/16 --- 10/16 --- 11/16 --- 12/16 Star-Lord #1 - 52,925 01/17 Star-Lord #2 - 20,246 (-61.7%) 02/17 Star-Lord #3 – 15,002 (-25.9%) 03/17 Star-Lord #4 - 13,162 (-12.3%) 03/17 Star-Lord #5 - 12,761 (- 3.0%) 04/17 Star-Lord #6 - 12,278 (- 3.8%) END 05/17 Star-Lord Annual – 11,245
175- UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL 01/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 - 41,693 02/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2 – 24,621 (-40.9%) 03/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3 – 26,586 ( +8.0%) 04/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4 – 20,987 (-21.1%) 05/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5 – 20,088 (- 4.3%) 06/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6 – 19,341 (- 3.7%) 07/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7 – 19,801 (+ 2.4%) 08/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8 - 19,134 (- 3.4%) 09/15 --- 10/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 - 43,155 11/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2 - 23,064 (-46.6%) 12/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3 - 25,350 (+ 9.9%) 01/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4 - 19,923 (-21.4%) 02/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5 - 17,743 (-10.9%) 03/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6 - 20,739 (+16.9%) 04/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7 - 17,869 (-13.8%) 05/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8 - 15,131 (-15.3%) 06/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #9 - 14,692 (- 2.9%) 07/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #10- 14,590 (- 0.7%) 08/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #11- 13,872 (- 4.9%) 09/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #12- 14,379 (+ 3.7%) 10/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #13- 14,688 (+ 2.1%) 11/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #14- 12,933 (-11.9%) 12/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #15- 12,556 (- 2.9%) 01/17 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #16- 17,569 (+39.9%) 02/17 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #17- 11,898 (-32.3%) 03/17 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #18- 17,765 (+49.3%) 04/17 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #19- 11,074 (-37.7%) 05/17 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #20- 10,999 (- 0.7%) Since issue #2 : -52.3% TPB VOL.2: 8,884 TPB VOL.3 : 2,928 TPB VOL.4: 2,387 TPB VOL.5: 2,151
Just won’t give away any of her nuts…sorry, of her buyers.
224- OCCUPY AVENGERS 11/16 Occupy Avengers # 1 - 38,400 12/16 Occupy Avengers # 2 - 32,974 (-14.1%) 01/17 Occupy Avengers # 3 - 18,499 (-43.9%) 02/17 Occupy Avengers # 4 - 11,965 (-35.7%) 03/17 Occupy Avengers # 5 - 17,413 (+45.5%) 04/17 Occupy Avengers # 6 – 10,296 (-40.8%) 05/17 Occupy Avengers # 7 – 9,624 (- 6.5%) Since issue#2: -70.8%
So much for Marvel political statement in the form of a superhero team.
231- UNSTOPPABLE WASP 01/17 Unstoppable Wasp # 1 - 37,415 02/17 Unstoppable Wasp # 2 - 16,292 (-56.5%) 03/17 Unstoppable Wasp # 3 - 12,324 (-24.4%) 04/17 Unstoppable Wasp # 4 - 9,780 (-20.6%) 05/17 Unstoppable Wasp # 5 - 9,013 (- 7.8%) Since issue #2: -44.7%
Putting “unstoppable” in the title was looking for it to happen….
272- POWERS 05/14 Bureau #10 - 9,002 ( 0.5%) 06/14 --- 07/14 --- 08/14 --- 09/14 Bureau #11 - 8,747 ( -2.8%) 10/14 --- 11/14 Bureau #12 - 8,379 ( -4.2%) ... 01/15 Powers #1 - 16,467 02/15 --- 03/15 Powers #2 - 12,266 (-25.5%) 04/15 --- 05/15 Powers #3 - 10,485 (-14.5%) 06/15 --- 07/15 Powers #4 - 9,806 (- 6.5%) 08/15 --- 09/15 --- 10/15 Powers #5 - 9,381 (- 4.3%) 11/15 --- 12/15 --- 01/16 --- 02/16 --- 03/16 --- 04/16 --- 05/16 Powers #6 - 8,237 (-12.2%) 06/16 --- 07/16 --- 08/16 --- 09/16 --- 10/16 Powers #7 - 7,352 (-10.7%) 11/16 --- 12/16 --- 01/17 --- 02/17 --- 03/17 --- 04/17 --- 05/17 Powers #8 - 6,421 (-12.7%) Since issue#2: -47.7%
8 issues in 2 years and a half. It’s getting worse with each relaunch.
295- MOSAIC 10/16 Mosaic #1 - 44,354 11/16 Mosaic #2 - 31,767 (-28.4%) 12/16 Mosaic #3 - 31,671 (- 0.3%) 01/17 Mosaic #4 - 11,003 (-65.3%) 02/17 Mosaic #5 - 7,313 (-33.5%) 03/17 Mosaic #6 - 6,812 (- 6.9%) 04/17 Mosaic #7 - 5,876 (-13.7%) 05/17 Mosaic #8 - 5,507 (- 6.3%) Since issue #2: -82.7%
Managed to leave before having to suffer the indignity of being expelled from the top 300.
Thanks for reading until the end! I hope to see you next time. Meanwhile, feel free to comment, express your rage or your love for French sarcasm! I’ll hug everyone, no matter what.
And Marvel still will not fire any of the people responsible for this sales disaster…..
Good catch on Marvel trying to sell Inhumans books while not using Inhumans brand. I wonder if due to Ms. Marvel being success they figured out that it is selling not because it is well written book that does new things, but because it doesn’t have directly attached Inhumans brand to it. Yeah, sounds absurd, but anyone has any other theories?
It’s amazing how fast Marvel’s sales are dropping. I wonder how much of it is the price – that’s what is keeping me from buying the few remaining titles that appeal to me (I’m down to two total titles currently, by far the fewest I’ve gotten in my nearly 40 years of comic buying). I do wonder if they might do something like a reboot. They’ve avoided that so far, but it seems like they might have to try something drastic soon.
I found Secret Warriors quite enjoyable. That said, with a lot of the first two issues double-shipping, retailers are ordering blind on the 2nd issues. I expect we’ll see how well sell through is on issue #3 onwards.
Venom #150 brought in large numbers but it was the first book to get legacy numbering and has the benefit of being a favorite for variant covers. Not every title has that fallback.
Marvel has a major marketing problem on their hands.
Marvel’s farming out their digests to Archie makes a certain amount of sense, as Archie’s penetration into the mainstream marketplace with their own digests is legendary; seriously, walk into nearly any supermarket in the U.S. and you’ll find them racked in the checkout lines alongside People magazine and the National Enquirer.
More of a head scratcher is IDW doing the new all-ages Star Wars comic. IDW of course is also doing the Disney comics, so maybe Marvel is afraid of doing anything that might actually sell comics to kids?
“Mike Steele says
07/05/2017 1:34 PM AT 1:34 PM
It’s amazing how fast Marvel’s sales are dropping. I wonder how much of it is the price – that’s what is keeping me from buying the few remaining titles that appeal to me (I’m down to two total titles currently, by far the fewest I’ve gotten in my nearly 40 years of comic buying).”
For me, it’s a combination of price and events/crossovers/random double ship. The $4 comics (with occasional $5 oversized issue) are okay by themselves. When you suddenly have 3 titles part of simultaneous, separate crossovers that each require an extra 2+ books a month, then that $12-15 for three books can easily balloon into $50+. That’s when I start cutting books and once I cut books, I rarely pick them back up.
Thanks for the comments. Oh yeah. Thanks Dave, i wanted to mention also the SW kids comics at IDW then it skipped my mind. When you think about it, it is really akward that the leader of the market is trusting someone else with its marketing strategie towards kids because he know they are gonna do a better job, no matter what.
“The title everybody loves to hate without having read it.”
You sure? I did read issue 2 and it wasn’t just bad in an ordinary way, it was almost unintelligible.
The Marvel comic prices are going up, and the Marvel sales numbers are going down. Marvel readers are dropping virtually every book as each issue is printed.
I still don’t get this industry; each successive issue of a title sells fewer copies? And no one seems to be able to explain how this continues, unless Marvel sales rely just on creative team churn and reboots now?
I forgot Robinson already had a run on Cable. I try not to think about anything other that the Casey/Landronn run because it might lead to a brain hemorrhage.
Andrew, Robinson was on the book right before Casey and set into motion a lot of what Casey ended up doing.
Wow… I thought 32,000 copies on last month’s Nick Fury #1 was heartbreaking….
This month’s 17,000 copies for #2 is downright soul-crushing! What an injustice!!
PS: Truly disturbing that next month may not have a single ongoing Marvel U title selling over 50,000 copies. Marvel desperately needs a change, and “Legacy” isn’t remotely enough.
Wow. This really worries me. Are comics crashing?
SECRET EMPIRE is a disaster compared to Marvel’s previous “event”, CIVIL WAR II. CWII #3 sold twice as many copes as SECRET EMPIRE #3.
VENOM #150 was offered with extra discounts to drive retailer orders.
GOTG #2 had free overshipping to retailers, as I recall. (As did #3.)
CAPTAIN AMERICA STEVE ROGERS has been cancelled. (Of course, it will be relaunched.)
The following books have also been cancelled:
Of course, some of the above titles were (unannounced) mini-series.
Also, several of the “New 53” titles likely won’t survive very long, including MONSTERS UNLEASHED and ROYALS. I’ll be interested to see what Marvel’s line-up looks like in Oct-Dec 2027.
That’s a huge 10k drop for Amazing Spider-man! At issue 27 you’d think it would be down to 1-2k per issue.
The few issues I have seen lately, I wasn’t pleased that his supporting cast were pretty much gone in favour of a few D list heroes instead.
Also, 3 issues and $14 for Secret Empire in 1 month is a bit much! No wonder its plummeting. Curious how #4-6 did when Junes Top 300 gets released.
“Relaunching faster than its shadow”
I see those Lucky Luke gags really kill it with the USA crowd
“Sam says
07/06/2017 5:54 AM AT 5:54 AM
That’s a huge 10k drop for Amazing Spider-man! At issue 27 you’d think it would be down to 1-2k per issue.
Also, 3 issues and $14 for Secret Empire in 1 month is a bit much! No wonder its plummeting. Curious how #4-6 did when Junes Top 300 gets released.”
ASM #25 was a $10 issue. ASM #26 orders were around the same as ASM #24 levels. I wouldn’t be surprised if the big drop in ASM #27 was a delayed reaction to the $10 issue.
Secret Empire is on a biweekly schedule (for the most part) so June only has #4-5. Quite a number of tie-ins and one-shots, though.
I stuck with “America” through #4. One of the worst books I’ve ever read. If there was a money-back guarantee from the editor, I’d actually take advantage of that. There is *no reason* try-out stuff like this from brand-new writers should be $4 a pop.
But I will miss “Unstoppable Wasp”. It’s dialog-heavy, but it is pretty entertaining!
And I must be one of the few that really likes Slott/Allred on Silver Surfer. It’s been fun to read and wonderful to look at.
But, yeah, these numbers are terrible. Flagship books like Avengers at 30K? Unbelievable.
What is Marvel thinking with the $5 price tag for the first issue of the new creative team on Doctor Strange? It’s like they’re just asking people not to try it.
I agree with rui re: Amazing Spider-man drop – seems like a delayed reaction to the $10 issue. It’s easy to get a sales spike for an overpriced “anniversary” issue. What’s hard is building long-term reader retention. But Marvel seems to only think in terms of short-term gain.
“Legacy” seems like more of the same – another shuffling game of issue numbers and creative teams. I’m sure some books will be good and some won’t, but Marvel’s still not dealing with their biggest problem – too many books that are all too expensive. Trim the fat and give readers reasonable pricing. Less is more.
“04/17 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #18- 7,966 (- 3.7%)
05/17 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #19- 14,244(+78.8%)
Clearly, some overshipping or special deal thingie at work here.”
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #19 has a 1:25 variant cover.
Dollar ranking is higher than the $3.99 New Super Man #11 (13,995) so it doesn’t seem like it’s overshipped (at least not in any significant numbers)
Marvel should market their books like they market their movies.
One 50-page self contained story per character per year, by top talent only. Every book would be an event in itself, far removed from the crossover/variant nastiness of today. Works for Asterix and Lucky Luke which both sell by the millions each time so why not.
“One 50-page self contained story per character per year, by top talent only. ”
Interesting idea. Sounds like DC could be experimenting with something like this, based on Scott Snyder’s comments.
In my opinion Marvel’s not thinking nearly big enough in this area. They need to be experimenting with new formats and pricing models. Instead they’re going back to their usual bag of tricks – an expensive $5.99 special to kick off whatever their new initiative they’re promoting, then a barrage of $4.99 and $3.99 relaunches, then the inevitable decline. Legacy’s return to original numbering is a nice nod to fans but otherwise it seems like business as usual. I think they need to break out of their mold in a bigger way if they want to turn things around.
I think DC has been on the right track lately – innovating with format and pricing and earning a lot of good will (and sales) from fans.
Oh, I’ve read all 4 issues of America to date. It’s hot garbage. I gave #1 a shot, and it was one of the worst comics I’ve ever read (including the unintelligible Marvel UK stuff in the 90s). I stuck around for the X-Men guest appearance, and now I’m just hate-reading it because it’s so utterly terrible.
It’s weird, because I tried to find some bad reviews of that first issue online to commiserate with, and instead found only a bunch of 9/10-type glowing reviews. Seems like the idea of the comic is more important than the actual content on the page for a lot of online reviewers.
Am I the only one who likes America (the comic)? It’s a bit like a mix of a Bros Hernandez comic, a Grant Morrison comic and a tumblr account by a drunk teenage girl. Not equal parts, but still.
@Jerry Ray – look on YouTube for some honest reviews of America. The comic sites just pretend to love everything because they need the comic companies.
@Sam Says. Where on youtube? “America comic” a rough search.
Nobody wants to read the majority of Marvel’s output these days, which is trying to reach a non-existent new fanbase at the expense of long time readers. There’s a reason that X-Men Gold and Cable are so much more popular than crashing and burning titles like Occupy Avengers and America.
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