Can there be too many Wolverine comics? Apparently there can be, so Marvel is changing the name of one of them back to something a little more descriptive of the lead character. Come June, X-23 #1 will be replacing All-New Wolverine in the Marvel lineup.
All-New Wolverine has been a solid performer for Marvel. Issue 31 shipped in February and that’s a lot of issues without a relaunch for a current Marvel title. Still, All-New Wolverine was all about Wolverine’s clone daughter, formerly known as “X-23,” taking up the Wolverine mantle. With Logan back from the dead and presumably coming into his own title soon, having Wolverine, All-New Wolverine and Old Man Logan all on the shelf at the same time might be a tad confusing for the casual reader to keep track of, so X-23 gets her old identity back.
Mariko Tamaki will be stepping in as the new writer and Juann Cabal, the current All-New Wolverine artist, will be continuing on the renamed and relaunched title.
Tamaki’s quote about the new series on Marvel’s website sounds like she has a similar take on the character to what Tom Taylor was doing in All-New Wolverine:
“I am so psyched to have the opportunity to write for X-23. How often do you get to write a comic that has its own iconic sound effect?” says Tamaki. “This is a story about being in the very weird kind of family that someone like Laura/X-23 finds herself in. It’s about what it means to wrestle with legacy and identity when you were created to be a weapon and not someone with a birthday and a sister. I love writing these characters, I love the ferocity that comes with them, and I love the supporting cast we’ve put together for these issues.”
I get not wanting two Wolverines running around (though there are like three characters called Spider-Man in the main Marvel universe right now) but Laura really needs a new, original name. X-23 is, like, her slave name.
Um, there’s more than only two Wolverines running around these days. You got the original. Then X-23 as Wolverine Then Old Man Logan. And finally (I think!) the Ultimates version.
And I think X-23 is a pretty cool name. Never struck me as being some sort of “slave name.”
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