by Xavier Lancel
Welcome to a new analysis of the Marvel sales. Reminder: I’m French, and that’s why I’m talking funny. Please address your complaints to my « let’s bury Paris under filth during the Euro » on-strike-country .
First off, please excuse the lateness of this column. I had some responsibilities at my full-time job that prevented me from publishing this sooner. Please expect May’s sales charts to follow soon after this article.
New titles are dying one after the other in silence, as Marvel prefers not to publicize the fact that most of their new original titles are biting the dust, making the All-New All-Different Marvel Universe less and less different each time one of these daring new titles vanishes. I’ll update TPB sales with the next column.
Given all the terrible things that have been happening around the world these past few weeks, I’d like to lighten the mood by telling you a silly story. I was drinking in a bar in Boston with an American friend in a bar and we were discussing movies. He asked me which American movies and directors I loved. I told him I loved Todd Sollondz and asked, “Have you ever seen Happiness?”
He looked at me surprised, eyes open. The bartender stopped doing what he was doing to listen. My friend replied, “which movie? Say that again?”
“Happiness” I said. my friend and the bartender start laughing. I didin’t understand. My friend asked me to repeat myself again. “HA-PPY-NESS”. They laughted like crazy.
“The way you say that with your French accent is “A-PE-NIS.” :p
Reminder: those sales are estimates, sales to comics shops situated in North America. American comics do get sold somewhere else in their original floppy edition. Keep also in mind that it’s not because a copy is sold to a shop that it’s sold to a customer. This would be way too easy. Digital sales are not taken into account.
Many thanks to Milton Griepp and for the permission to use their figures. Also thanks to the Comics Zone shop in Lyon (my city in France!) for its help.
1- BLACK PANTHER ($5) 04/16- Black Panther #1 - 253,259
Obviously, this is sales number will not end up reflecting the true number of readers this title has with any accuracy. However, any comic that prominently features a black character and sells very good despite all the bigotry and racism still running rampant nowadays is a small victory that should be shouted from the rooftops. Plus, I can’t remember the last time we saw Brian Stelfreeze at the helm of an ongoing mainstream series. All in all, even if these numbers take a severe beating next month, a surviving, well-crafted Black Panther title can only be good news.
2- STAR WARS POE DAMERON ($5) 04/16- SW Poe Dameron Ltd #1 - 175,322
Even after having watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I had to check to see who this character is. Releasing an ongoing series focused on him seemed to me to be quite a daring move -or am I the only one who totally forgot his part in the movie? This book will test the waters to see if any ongoing series featuring somebody other than the popular characters from the original trilogy is able to sell at high sales levels (Kanan wasn’t). Positively for this series, everybody has opened their wallets to buy the #1 issue and its 5 covers (only? :p).
4- STAR WARS SPECIAL C-3PO ($5) 04/16- SW Special C-3PO #1 - 120,841
Better late than never: this one shot explains how C-3PO gained the red arm he was featuring in the movie. Of course, all the SW movie release mania has since gone flat so, with no surprise, this one doesn’t crack the charts as it could have.
6- GWENPOOL ($5) 04/16- Gwenpool #1 - 100,852
Proof that a totally unknown character with no background can catch instantly thanks to internet buzz. Will this be enough to sustain an ongoing series? We should probably hope not, as that sort of precedent could lead to disastrous results for the industry, quality wise. Not that Gwenpool is a bad comics but God knows what results a trend like this could produce if overused. And you know that mainstream main publishers are like kids when it comes down to trends and profits: they just don’t know when to stop…
7- STAR WARS 01/15 Star Wars #1 - 1,070,137 02/15 Star Wars #2 - 212,089 (-80.0%) 03/15 Star Wars #3 - 175,579 (-17.2%) 04/15 Star Wars #4 - 203,817 (+16.1%) 05/15 Star Wars #5 - 146,850 (-27.9%) 06/15 Star Wars #6 - 152,652 (+ 4.0%) 07/15 Star Wars #7 - 160,000 (+ 1.0%) 08/15 Star Wars #8 - 145,066 (- 9.3%) 09/15 Star Wars #9 - 135,817 (- 6.4%) 10/15 Star Wars#10 - 134,613 (- 0.9%) 11/15 Star Wars#11 - 126,780 (- 5.8%) 11/15 Star Wars#12 - 123,133 (- 2.9%) 12/15 Star Wars#13 - 139,918 (+13.6%) (Vader Down) 01/16 Star Wars#14 - 118,471 (- 15.3%) 01/16 Star Wars#15 - 107,858 (- 9.0%) 02/16 Star Wars#16- 110,407 (+ 2.4%) 03/16 Star Wars#17- 107,058 (- 3.0%) 04/16 Star Wars#18- 98,880 (- 7.6%) Since issue #2: -53.4% TPB VOL.1: 33,180 Average +%TPB sales issues 1-6: +18.9% STAR WARS TP VOL.2: 9,914 Average +% TPB Sales issues #7-12: +7.3%
Only one variant cover. Falling for the first time under 100K. Nothing to worry about, obviously.
8- DARTH VADER 02/15 Darth Vader #1 - 304,373 02/15 Darth Vader #2 - 125,466 (-58.8%) 03/15 Darth Vader #3 - 126,278 (+ 0.6%) 04/15 Darth Vader #4 - 136,451 (+ 8.1%) 05/15 Darth Vader #5 - 113,025 (-17.2%) 06/15 Darth Vader #6 - 107,739 (- 4.7%) 07/15 Darth Vader #7 - 114,349 (+ 6.1%) 08/15 Darth Vader #8 - 98,994 (-13.4%) 09/15 Darth Vader #9 - 100,235 (+ 1.3%) 10/15 Darth Vader#10- 94,372 (- 5.8%) 10/15 Darth Vader#11- 92,866 (- 1.6%) 11/15 Darth Vader#12- 90,077 (- 3.0%) 11/15 Darth Vader#13- 113,448 (+25.9%) (Vader Down) 12/15 Darth Vader#14- 97,457 (-14,1%) (Vader Down) 01/16 Darth Vader#15- 98,405 (+ 1.0%) (Vader Down) 02/16 Darth Vader#16- 81,147 (-17.5%) 03/16 Darth Vader#17- 80,269 (- 1.1%) 03/16 Darth Vader#18- 77,942 (- 2.9%) 04/16 Darth Vader#19- 76,965 (- 1.3%) Since issue #2: -38.7% DARTH VADER TP VOL.1: 24,092 Average +% TPB Sales issues #1-6: +19.1% DARTH VADER TP VOL.2: 10.533 Average +% TPB Sales issues #7-12: +11.2%
Hovering over the 70K while waiting to be relaunched, I’ll bet.
10- 12-AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 04/14 Amazing v3 #1 - 532,586 ( 293.1%) 05/14 Amazing v3 #2 - 123,945 ( -76.7%) ... 04/15 Amazing v3 #17 - 99,964 ( +8.3%) 05/15 Amazing v3 #18 - 88,338 (-11.6%) ... 10/15 Amazing Spider-Man #1 - 245,873 10/15 Amazing Spider-Man #2 - 111,322 (-54.7%) 11/15 Amazing Spider-Man #3 - 93,848 (-15.7%) 12/15 Amazing Spider-Man #4 - 82,066 (-22.6%) 12/15 Amazing Spider-Man #5 - 79,122 (- 3.6%) 01/16 Amazing Spider-Man #6 - 76,517 (- 3.3%) 02/16 Amazing Spider-Man #7 - 75,357 (- 1.5%) 02/16 Amazing Spider-Man #8 - 71,599 (- 5.0%) 03/16 Amazing Spider-Man #9 - 88,164 (+23.1%) 04/16 Amazing Spider-Man#10 - 73,643 (- 16.5%) 04/16 Amazing Spider-Man#11 - 67,446 (- 8.4%) 12/15 Amazing Spider-Man #1.1 - 66,092 12/15 Amazing Spider-Man #1.2 - 56,674 (-14.2%) 01/16 --- 02/16 Amazing Spider-Man #1.3 - 47,892 (-15.5%) 03/16 Amazing Spider-Man #1.4 - 44,160 (- 7.8%) Since #2: -39.4%
And the best selling Marvel Universe title is still Amazing Spider-Man (if you don’t count those #1 launch sales)! However, it needs to stabilize soon to keep the crown.
15- 247-SPIDER-MAN DEADPOOL 01/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #1 - 156,855 [+6,439] 02/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #2 - 80,512 (-48.7%) [+5,103] 03/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #3 - 68,003 (-15.5%) 04/16 Spider-Man Deadpool #4 - 64,931 (- 4.5%) Since issue #2: -19.4%
And tadaaa!, contrary to what logic could have dictated (Spider-Man and Deadpool solo readers clumping together to boost sales numbers for a crossover), Spider-Man/Deadpool is selling below Amazing Spider-Man alone. The real question now is: will Deadpool TPB buyers purchase this miniseries as frantically and « en masse » as all the other Deadpool TPBa? Meanwhile, issue#1 and #2 reorders still kick in.
16- 24- DEADPOOL 11/12 Deadpool #2 - 76,445 ... 03/14 Deadpool #25 - 48,775 (+ 18.6%)(Now) ... 10/14 Deadpool #36 - 46,600 (+ 7.0%)(Axis) ... 03/15 Deadpool #44 - 39,716 (- 11.5%) 04/15 Deadpool #45 - 96.897 (+144.0%) 11/15 Deadpool #1 - 261,805 11/15 Deadpool #2 - 92,008 (-64.9%) 12/15 Deadpool #3 - 72,357 (-21.4%) 12/15 Deadpool #4 - 63,149 (-22.7%) 01/16 Deadpool #5 - 59,645 (- 5.5%) 01/16 Deadpool #6 - 59.006 (- 1.1%) 02/16 Deadpool #7 - 88,264 (+49.6%) 03/16 Deadpool #8 - 72,706 (-17.6%) 04/16 Deadpool #9 - 57,798 (-20.5%) 04/16 Deadpool #10- 64,509 (+11.6%) Since issue#2 : - 29.9%
I see no reason for this very erratic behavior. It’s part 2 and 3 of a fight with Sabretooth, with no special variant cover program on, at least not listed in Marvel sollicitations. Spider-Man and Deapool sales are now very close to one another in floppy format. Of course, in TPB format, Spider-Man is squashed like a bug by the mutant mercenary, without even the glimpse of a fight.
6- MOON KNIGHT ($5) 04/16- Moon Knight #1 - 60,938
That’s a weak debut, to say the least. Following the usual pattern, this one should fall behind 30K with its second issue. The selling pitch is again on madness and multiple personalities, which doesn’t seem to really change for the previous numerous take on the characters by a legion of writers. Perhaps it a little too soon to relaunch the character again since the last tries are still vivid in everyone mind. Well, if we have some more shirtless Marc Spector scenes like in the good old times (Vol.1 and Mark Texeira issues after that), you can count me in.
18- SPIDER-GWEN 02/15 Spider-Gwen #1 - 278,575 03/15 Spider-Gwen #2 - 107,070 (-61.6%) 04/15 Spider-Gwen #3 - 102,234 (- 4.5%) 05/15 Spider-Gwen #4 - 86,586 (-15.3%) 06/15 Spider-Gwen #5 - 67,697 (-21.8%) 07/15 --- 08/15 --- 09/15 --- 10/15 Spider-Gwen #1 - 197,103 11/15 Spider-Gwen #2 - 62,209 (-68.4%) 12/15 Spider-Gwen #3 - 54,844 (-11.8%) 01/16 Spider-Gwen #4 - 48,664 (-11.3%) 02/16 Spider-Gwen #5 - 43,796 (-10.0%) 03/16 Spider-Gwen #6 - 46,060 (+ 5.2%) 04/16 Spider-Gwen #7 - 60,900 (+32.2%) (Spider-Women) Since issue #2 : - 2.1% SPIDER-GWEN VOL.0: 6,339 Average +% TPB sales issues 1-5: +6.2%
Part 2 of the Spider-Women event, making the title shine again. The french penciller Bengal is drawing it. With Olivier Coipel, Stephane Roux, Paul Renaud, Marguerite Sauvage, Elsa Charretier and Bengal -and I’m probably forgetting some on the way-, there has never been such a huge proportion of french artists currently working for the big two.
So, will DC or Marvel be the first to catch our next rising star, Maxime Garbarini -proud penciller of the last issue of The Pride?
20- SPIDER-MAN 02/16 Spider-Man #1 - 99,951 03/16 Spider-Man #2 - 60,627 (-39.3%) 04/16 Spider-Man #3 - 59,789 (- 1.4%) Since issue #2: -1.4%
Already found its level. How deep do you have to dig to find in the DC catalog an ongoing series starring a black character? That’s already two for Marvel, and we haven’t even reach Power Man and Iron Fist or Moon Girl.
21- 23-OLD MAN LOGAN 05/15 Old Man Logan Ltd #1 - 122,702 06/15 Old Man Logan Ltd #2 - 78,426 (-36.1%) 07/15 Old Man Logan Ltd #3 - 67,482 (-14.0%) 08/15 Old Man Logan Ltd #4 - 69,122 (+ 2.4%) 09/15 --- 10/15 Old Man Logan Ltd #5 - 62,716 (- 9.3%) 11/15 --- 12/15 --- 01/16 Old Man Logan #1 - 104,362 02/16 Old Man Logan #2 - 63,932 (-38.7%) 03/16 Old Man Logan #3 - 58,855 (- 7.9%) 04/16 Old Man Logan #4 - 59,174 (+ 0.5%) 04/16 Old Man Logan #5 - 58,870 (- 0.5%) Since issue #2: -7.9%
Marvel’s geriatrics are behaving quite similarly! Logan is centuries old -at least the last time I opened a Wolverine book- and Dr Strange is using the « daddy » tag on phone dating applications! And look how fragrant they are: perfect steady sales!
25- UNCANNY X-MEN ($5) 01/16- Uncanny X-Men #1 - 93,252 01/16 Uncanny X-Men #2 - 55.804 (-40.2%) 02/16 Uncanny X-Men #3 - 50,382 (- 9.7%) 03/16 Uncanny X-Men #4 - 46,105 (- 8.5%) 03/16 Uncanny X-Men #5 - 45,887 (- 0.5%) 04/16 Uncanny X-Men #6 - 57,434 (+25.1%) (Apocalypse War) Since issue #2: +2.9%
Hey, it’s probably no pure luck that, at the same time the movie is out, Marvel is running an arc around Apocalypse. It works, attracting even more readers than at the title launch.
26- EMPRESS 04/16 Empress #1 - 55,829
Against all trends, Mark Millar and Stuart Immonen are releasing their new creator-owned series Empress at Marvel. It’s true that if the Icon label hasn’t been profitable to Strazynscki (remember there was a series called Book of Souls with art by Colleen Doran?) or Mike Oeming (this Powers re-relaunch is centuries late), but it has worked out for Millar with Kick-Ass.
29- MIGHTY THOR 12/12 Thor v5 #1 - 110,443 ... 02/14 Thor #19.Now– 42.034 ( 10.1%) ... 09/14 Thor v5 #25 – 53,047 ( 38.4%) 10/14 Thor v6 #1 – 150,862 ( 184.4%) 11/14 Thor v6 #2 – 89,131 ( -40.9%) 12/14 Thor v6 #3 – 72,563 ( -18.6%) 01/15 Thor v6 #4 - 69,497 ( -4.2%) 02/15 Thor v6 #5 - 69,513 ( +0.0%) 03/15 Thor v6 #6 - 70,569 ( +1.5%) 04/15 Thor v6 #7 - 71,372 ( +1.1%) 05/15 Thor v6 #8 - 86,222 (+20.1%) ... 11/15 Mighty Thor #1 - 112,053 12/15 Mighty Thor #2 - 70,331 (-37.2%) 01/16 Mighty Thor #3 - 60,345 (-14.2%) 02/16 Mighty Thor #4 - 56,568 (- 6.3%) 03/16 Mighty Thor #5 - 54,568 (- 3.5%) 04/16 Mighty Thor #6 - 52,538 (- 3.7%) Since issue #2: -25.3%
Still doing greatly.
30- ALL NEW ALL DIFFERENT AVENGERS 11/15 ANAD Avengers #1 - 128,570 12/15 ANAD Avengers #2 - 67,154 (-47.8%) 01/16 ANAD Avengers #3 - 57,584 (-14.3%) 01/16 ANAD Avengers #4 - 57,114 (- 0.8%) 02/16 ANAD Avengers #5 - 51,740 (- 9.4%) 02/16 ANAD Avengers #6 - 48,022 (- 7.2%) 03/16 ANAD Avengers #7 - 52,631 (+9.6%) (Stand Off) 04/16 ANAD Avengers #8 - 51,925 (- 1.3%) (Stand Off) Since issue #2 : - 22.67%
Still into a tie-in with Stand off.
31- EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN 11/15 Extraordinary X-Men #1 - 133,716 11/15 Extraordinary X-Men #2 - 64,595 (-51.7%) 12/15 Extraordinary X-Men #3 - 56,100 (-13.2%) 12/15 Extraordinary X-Men #4 - 49,079 (-12.5%) 01/16 Extraordinary X-Men #5 - 47,404 (- 3.4%) 01/16 Extraordinary X-Men #6 - 47,572 (+ 0.4%) 02/16 Extraordinary X-Men #7 - 47,219 ( - 0.7%) 03/16 Extraordinary X-Men #8 - 62,576 (+32.5%) (Apocalypse Wars) 04/16 Extraordinary X-Men #9 - 51,322 (- 20.0%) (Apocalypse Wars) Since issue #2 : -20.5%
It’s clearer now that this Apoclaypse event didn’t bring in that many readers, only a large bunch of event variant-covers buyers.
32- OBI-WAN AND ANAKIN LTD 01/16 Obi-Wan and Anakin #1 of 5 - 102,861 02/16 Obi-Wan and Anakin #2 of 5 - 58,431 (-47.1%) 03/16 Obi-Wan and Anakin #3 of 5 - 53,636 (- 8.2%) 04/16 Obi-Wan and Anakin #4 of 5 - 50,486 (- 5.9%)
Doing well, but not great by Star Wars standarts.
33- SPIDER-WOMEN ($5) 04/16 Spider-Women Alpha - 50,220
Not all Spider-Gwen readers are interested in this crossover. Still, it’s gonna have a nice effect on the others struggling female-spider titles.
34- DOCTOR STRANGE 10/15 Doctor Strange #1 – 145,456 11/15 Doctor Strange #2 - 65,091 (-55.3%) 12/15 Doctor Strange #3 - 57,135 (-12.2%) 01/16 Doctor Strange #4 - 52,388 (- 8.3%) 02/16 Doctor Strange #5 - 43,796 (-16.4%) 03/16 Doctor Strange #6 - 52,440 (+19.7%) 04/16 Doctor Strange #7 - 49,590 (- 5.6%) Since issue #2 : -23.8%
No variant at all, so those issue#5 numbers were probably cut short. All is well, Doc!
35- AVENGERS STANDOFF WELCOME TO PLEASANT HILL ($5) 02/16- Avengers....Pleasant Hill - 57,559 03/16- Avengers....Pleasant Hill Alpha - 68,004 04/16 Avengers....Pleasant Hill Omega - 49,012
Last part of this 16th part event. By now, if you are not broke, your whole family is.
37-DAREDEVIL 02/14 Daredevil v3 #36 – 31,494 ( -1.8%) 03/14 Daredevil v4 #1 - 76,006 (141.3%) 04/14 Daredevil v4 #2 - 42,811 (-11.7%) ... 09/15 Daredevil v4 #18 - 29,945 (+ 0.1%) --- --- 12/15 Daredevil #1 - 84,500 12/15 Daredevil #2 - 49,758 (-41.1%) 01/16 Daredevil #3 - 45,885 (- 7.8%) 02/16 Daredevil #4 - 43,741 ( - 4.7%) 03/16 Daredevil #5 - 44,868 (+ 2.6%) 04/16 Daredevil #6 - 48,745 (+8.6%) Since issue #2 : - 2.0%
Elektra is back and Bill Sienkiewicz is drawing the main cover. All good reasons to confirm the very good curve sales on this title, which has almost lost no readers since its relaunch.
38- DEADPOOL MERCS FOR MONEY LTD 02/16 Deadpool Mercs for Money Ltd #1 of 5 - 90,186 03/16 Deadpool Mercs for Money Ltd #2 of 5 - 52,331 (-42.0%) 04/16 Deadpool Mercs for Money Ltd #3 of 5 - 47,185 (- 9.8%)
Standard behavior.
39- INVINCIBLE IRON MAN 03/14 Ir. Man #23.NOW - 43,912 ( 51.3%) ... 06/14 Iron Man v6 #28 - 28,027 ( -0.9%) 11/14 Sup. Iron Man #1 - 83,994 ( 199.7%) 11/14 Sup. Iron Man #2 - 42,621 ( -49.3%) 12/14 Sup. Iron Man #3 - 38,806 ( -9.0%) 01/15 Sup. Iron Man #4 – 38,515 ( -0,7%) 02/15 Sup. Iron Man #5 – 35,094 ( -8.9%) 03/15 Sup. Iron Man #6 – 37,113 ( +5.8%) 04/15 Sup. Iron Man #7 – 34,440 ( -7.2%) 05/15 Sup. Iron Man #8 – 32,006 ( -7.3%) 06/15 Sup. Iron Man #9 – 33,989 ( +6.2%) ... 10/15 Invincible Iron Man #1 - 279,514 10/15 Invincible Iron Man #2 - 66,664 (-76.2%) 11/15 Invincible Iron Man #3 - 59,069 (-11.4%) 12/15 Invincible Iron Man #4 - 57,639 (- 2.4%) 01/16 Invincible Iron Man #5 - 49,225 (-14.6%) 02/16 Invincible Iron Man #6 - 63,234 (+28.5%) (War Machines) 03/16 Invincible Iron Man #7 - 51,748 (-18.2%) (War Machines) 04/16 Invincible Iron Man #8 - 46,520 (-10.1%) (War Machines) Since issue #2: -30.2%
Almost back where it should have been without the War Machine event push.
40- UNCANNY AVENGERS 03/14 U Avengers #18.NOW - 63,516 ( 19.4%) ... 10/14 Uncanny Avengers #25 – 53,263 ( 7.7%) 10/14 Aven & X-Men Axis #1 – 138,966 (180.9%) ... 12/14 Aven & X-Men Axis #9 – 69,518 ( 0.1%) 01/15 Uncanny Avengers v2 #1 – 74,849 02/15 Uncanny Avengers v2 #2 – 51,339 (-31.4%) --- 04/15 Uncanny Avengers v2 #3 – 50,595 (-1.4%) 05/15 Uncanny Avengers v2 #4 – 46,682 (-7.7%) 06/15 Uncanny Avengers v2 #5 – 43,417 (-7.0%) 10/15 Uncanny Avengers #1 - 105,234 11/15 Uncanny Avengers #2 - 55,008 (-47.3%) 12/15 Uncanny Avengers #3 - 53,216 (- 3.3%) 01/16 Uncanny Avengers #4 - 47,172 (-11.4%) 02/16 Uncanny Avengers #5 - 43,618 (- 7.5%) 03/16 Uncanny Avengers #6 - 41,567 (- 4.7%) 03/16 Uncanny Avengers #7 - 47,135 (+13.4%) (Stand Off) 04/16 Uncanny Avengers #8 - 45,659 (- 3.1%) (Stand Off) Since issue #2 : - 17.0%
The return to real numbers after the Stand Off issues will be hard.
42- SILK 02/15 Silk #1 - 86,263 03/15 Silk #2 - 69,369 (-19.6%) 04/15 Silk #3 - 58.755 (-15.3%) 05/15 Silk #4 - 44,316 (-24.6%) 06/15 Silk #5 - 38,798 (-12.5%) 07/15 --- 08/15 Silk #6 - 34,368 (-10.7%) 09/15 Silk #7 - 36,477 (+ 6.1%) 10/15 --- 11/15 Silk #1 - 57,140 12/15 Silk #2 – 38,356 (-32.9%) 01/16 Silk #3 - 33,102 (-13.7%) 02/16 Silk #4 - 26,786 (-19.1%) 02/16 Silk #5 - 26,032 (- 2.8%) 03/16 Silk #6 - 24,847 (- 4.6%) 04/16 Silk #7 - 43,012 (+ 73.0%) (Spider Women) Since issue #2 : +12.1%
The Spider-Women crossover clearly bring here many readers who never opened a Silk comic. We are above issue #2 relaunch sales level.
44- INTERNATIONAL IRON MAN 03/16- International Iron Man #1 - 70,824 04/16 International Iron Man #2 - 40,459 (-42.9%)
What I predicted last month happened and International is now 7K below Invincible despite having a prestigious team and being lower in its numbering. The only good surprise is the rather cushioned fall it took: -42.9% with its issue #2 is one of the best performances for a late Marvel launch.
45- GUARDIANS OF GALAXY 03/13 Guardians of Galaxy #1- 211,312 … 04/15 Guardians v3 #26 - 54,124 (-12.4%) 05/15 Guardians v3 #27 - 49,308 (- 8.9%) 07/15 Guardians of Knowhere Ltd #1 - 81,902 ... 09/15 Guardians of Knowhere Ltd #4 - 39,523 (-22.4%) 10/15 Guardians of Galaxy #1 - 118,342 11/15 Guardians of Galaxy #2 - 51,690 (-56.3%) 12/15 Guardians of Galaxy #3 - 53,627 (+3.7%) 01/16 Guardians of Galaxy #4 - 46,215 (-13.8%) 02/16 Guardians of Galaxy #5 - 40,581 (-12.2%) 03/16 Guardians of Galaxy #6 - 48,330 (+19.1%) 04/16 Guardians of Galaxy #7 - 40,213 ( -16.8%) Since issue #2 : -22.2 % GUARDIANS OTG VOL.4 HC: 2,241
Back to its previous level. So far, the publicity stunt around the start of the new arc last month stopped the bleeding. We’ll see if this will work each time a new arc will start, which would be surprising but, hey, modern comics buyers are weird…
46- ALL NEW X-MEN 11/12 All-New X-Men #2 - 100,983 ... 01/14 All-New #22.NOW - 76,565 (+21.8%) ... 08/14 All-New X-Men #30 - 54,882 ( -6.7%) 08/14 All-New X-Men #31 - 58,535 ( 6.7%) 09/14 All-New X-Men #32 - 54,654 ( -6.6%) 10/14 All-New X-Men #33 - 60,032 ( 9.8%) 11/14 --- 12/14 All-New X-Men #34 - 57,569 ( -4.1%) 01/15 All-New X-Men #35 - 51,823 (-10.0%) 02/15 All-New X-Men #36 - 49,464 ( -4.6%) 02/15 All-New X-Men #38 - 58,037 (+17.3%) B. Vortex 03/15 All-New X-Men #37 - 48,140 (-17.1%) 03/15 All-New X-Men #39 - 58,490 (+ 0.8%) B. vortex 04/15 All-New X-Men #40 - 57,797 (- 1.2%) 05/15 -- 06/15 All-New X-Men #41 - 48,937 (-15.3%) 12/15 All New X-Men #1 - 81,342 12/15 All New X-Men #2 - 56,168 (-30.9%) 01/16 All New X-Men #3 - 50,557 (-10.0%) 02/16 All New X-Men #4 - 50,160 (- 0.8%) 02/16 All New X-Men #5 - 42,402 (-15.5%) 03/16 All New X-Men #6 - 41,061 (- 3.2%) 03/16 All New X-Men #7 - 40,346 (- 1.7%) 04/16 All New X-Men #8 - 39,942 (- 1.0%) Since issue #2 : - 28.9%
Perfect behavior in the last 3 months. Tons of other Marvel titles would kill for numbers like that.
47- SPIDER-WOMAN 11/14 Spider-Woman #1 - 93,723 (Spider-Verse) 12/14 Spider-Woman #2 - 44,618 ( -52.4%)(Spider-Verse) 01/15 Spider-Woman #3 - 38,484 (-13.8%) (spider-Verse) 02/15 Spider-Woman #4 - 36,058 (- 6.3%) 03/15 Spider-Woman #5 - 40,068 (+11.1%) 04/15 Spider-Woman #6 - 32,041 (-20.0%) 05/15 Spider-Woman #7 - 29,567 (- 7.3%) 06/15 Spider-Woman #8 - 26,568 (-10.1%) 07/15 Spider-Woman #9 - 24,354 (- 8.3%) 08/15 Spider-Woman #10- 23,005 (- 5.5%) 09/15 --- 10/15 --- 11/15 Spider-Woman #1 - 53,885 12/15 Spider-Woman #2 - 27,801 (-48.4%) 01/16 Spider-Woman #3 - 24,054 (-13.5%) 02/16 Spider-Woman #4 - 20,747 (-13.7%) 03/16 Spider-Woman #5 - 20,594 ( - 0.7%) 04/16 Spider-Woman #6 - 39,291 (+90.8%) (Spider-Women) Since issue #2 : +41.3%
Anything to save Jessica and her baby!
48- DR STRANGE LAST DAYS OF MAGIC ($6) 04/16- Dr Strange Last Days of Magic - 62,375
Another $6 to spend to follow the current Dr Strange storyline more closely. I will not be my usual grumpy self, since we have been saving money since 1996 to have an ongoing Dr Strange book back…
49- ALL NEW WOLVERINE 01/14 Wolverine v5 #13 - 31,164 ( -3.4%) 02/14 Wolverine v6 #1 - 88,923 (185.3%) 02/14 Wolverine v6 #2 - 47,339 (-46.8%) ... 08/14 Wolverine v6 #12 - 50,570 ( 2.8%) 09/14 Death of Wolv #1 – 261,975 09/14 Death of Wolv #2 - 129,999 (-50.4%) 10/14 Death of Wolv #3 – 141,567 ( 8.9%) 10/14 Death of Wolv #4 - 165,582 ( 17.0%) 11/15 AN Wolverine #1 - 119,786 11/15 AN Wolverine #2 - 55,634 (-53.6%) 12/15 AN Wolverine #3 - 50,990 (- 8.3%) 01/16 AN Wolverine #4 - 49,978 (- 2.0%) 02/16 AN Wolverine #5 - 43,149 (-13.7%) 03/16 AN Wolverine #6 - 44,668 (+ 3.5%) 04/16 AN Wolverine #7 - 38,168 (-14.6%) Since issue #2 : - 31.4%
And… patatras! -old childish french sound effect for crash!-
54- BLACK WIDOW 03/16- Black Widow #1 - 62,375 04/16 Black Widow #2 - 34,453 (-44.8%)
Again, a rather nice surprise, with another almost cushioned fall. So either this series is attracting less « only-variant and#1 » buyers or it’s attracting more readers. No matter what, that’s a good sign. We will soon be close the Daredevil numbers of the Waid-Samnee run. If they could keep the same sales level with this less popular character, that would be quite a victory.
55- X-MEN 92 06/15 X-Men 92 #1 - 104,943 07/15 X-Men 92 #2 - 51,042 (-51.4%) 08/15 X-Men 92 #3 - 49,756 (- 2.5%) 09/15 X-Men 92 #4 - 41,826 (-15.9%) ... 03/16- X-Men 92 #1 - 58,804 04/16 X-Men 92 #2 - 33,862 (-42.4%)
Once again, a rather cushioned fall. Perhaps the harcore compulsive buyers are beginning to be bored with all the issues they had to buy in order to keep up with all those #1s released by Marvel, DC and Image month after month? Once again: a completely useless relaunch, we are at the same level the series would have been without the renumbering, if not lower.
56- MOCKINGBIRD 03/16- Mockingbird #1 - 42,335 04/16 Mockingbird #2 - 32,965 (-22.1%)
An out-of-this-world performance. With 16K more to begin with, X-Men 92 is at the same level with its issue#2. A nice mocking surprise!
58- CAPTAIN AMERICA ROAD TO WAR ($5) 04/16 Captain America Road to War #1 - 32,273
Quite a weird package: a Tales of Suspense #58 reprint + a New Avenger story drawn by Andrea Di Vito, with a cover by Ron Lim, with a $5 price tag. In those conditions, 30K is a miracle.
60- TOTALLY AWESOME HULK 12/15 Totally Awesome Hulk #1 - 74,471 01/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #2 - 39,469 (-47.0%) 02/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #3 - 35,709 ( - 9.5%) 03/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #4 - 35,285 ( - 1.2%) 04/16 Totally Awesome Hulk #5 - 31,165 (- 11.7%) Since issue #2: - 21.0%
Still searching for its sales level.
61- CAPTAIN AMERICA SAM WILSON 02/14 Capt AmericaV7 #16.Now – 36,534 ( 9.3%) ... 09/14 Captain America v7 #24 – 33,517 ( 8.4%) 10/14 Captain America v7 #25 – 74,183 ( 121.3%) 11/14 Captain America v8 #1 –120,500 ( 62.4%) 12/14 Captain America v8 #2 – 50,077 ( -58.4%) 01/15 Captain America v8 #3 - 50,045 ( -0.1%) 02/15 Captain America v8 #4 - 41,222 (-17.6%) 03/15 Captain America v8 #5 - 38,871 (- 5.7%) 04/15 Captain America v8 #6 - 38,199 (- 1.7%) ... 10/15 Cap America S. Wilson #1 - 62,535 10/15 Cap America S. Wilson #2 - 40,224 (-35.7%) 11/15 Cap America S. Wilson #3 - 33,984 (-15.5%) 12/15 Cap America S. Wilson #4 - 29,512 (-13.2%) 01/16 Cap America S. Wilson #5 - 29,081 (- 1.5%) 02/16 Cap America S. Wilson #6 - 27,111 (- 6.8%) 03/16 Cap America S. Wilson #7 - 54,881(+102.4%) 04/16 Cap America S. Wilson #8 - 31,052 (-43.4%) (Stand Off) Since issue #2 : -22.8%
Another french talent, Paul Renaud, is drawing this Stand Off issue.
62- 63--NEW AVENGERS 01/13 New Avengers v3 # 1 - 116,280 ... 03/14 N Avengers #16.NOW - 48,731 ( 0.0%) ... 12/14 New Avengers v3 #28 - 39,855 ( -1.4%) 01/15 New Avengers v3 #29 - 41,116 (+3.1%) (SW prelude) 02/15 New Avengers v3 #30 - 42,827 (+4.2%) (SW prelude) 03/15 New Avengers v3 #31 - 44,444 (+3.8%) (SW prelude) 03/15 New Avengers v3 #32 - 40,583 (-8.7%) (SW prelude) 04/15 New Avengers v3 #33 - 55.437 (+36.6%) (Sw prelude) END 10/15 New Avengers #1 - 71,243 10/15 New Avengers #2 - 50,455 (-29.8%) 11/15 New Avengers #3 - 41,630 (-17.5%) 12/15 New Avengers #4 - 36,669 (-11.9%) 01/16 New Avengers #5 - 33,010 (-10.0%) 02/16 New Avengers #6 - 31,188 ( - 5.5%) 02/16 New Avengers #7 - 30,662 ( -1.7%) 03/16 New Avengers #8 - 31,311 ( +2.1%) (Stand Off) 04/16 New Avengers #9 - 30,835 (- 1.5%) (Stand Off) 04/16 New Avengers #10 - 30,102 (- 2.4%) (Stand Off) Since issue #2 : - 40.3%
The fact that being a Stand Off tie-in didn’t improve the sales for this title one bit is proof that the situation is currently desperate.
64- MS MARVEL 02/14 Ms. Marvel #1 - 50,286 ( --- ) 03/14 Ms. Marvel #2 - 38,357 (-23.7%) ... 02/15 Ms. Marvel #12 – 29,054 ( -2.7%) 03/15 Ms. Marvel #13 – 32,425 (+11.6%) 04/15 Ms. Marvel #14 – 32,058 (- 1.1%) 05/15 Ms. Marvel #15 – 32,185 (+ 0.4%) 06/15 Ms. Marvel #16 – 32,855 (+ 2.1%) 07/15 --- 08/15 Ms. Marvel #17 – 31,567 (- 3.9%) 09/15 Ms. Marvel #18 - 33,761 (+7.0%) 11/15 Ms Marvel #1 - 79,222 12/15 Ms Marvel #2 - 46,610 (-41.2%) 01/16 Ms Marvel #3 - 32,364 (-30.6%) 02/16 Ms Marvel #4 - 30,916 (- 4.5%) 03/16 Ms Marvel #5 - 31,871 ( +3.1%) 04/16 Ms Marvel #6 - 29,863 (- 6.3%) Since issue #2 : -35.9 %
Falling for the first time under the 30K limit. TPB sales are still phenomenal so there is nothing to worry about at all.
67- A-FORCE 05/15 A-Force #1 - 114,528 --- 07/15 A-Force #2 - 60,330 (-47.3%) 08/15 A-Force #3 - 49,074 (-18.7%) 09/15 A-Force #4 - 46,636 (- 5.0%) 10/15 A-Force #5 - 41,337 (-11.4%) 11/15 --- 12/15 --- 01/16 A-Force #1 - 65,661 02/16 A-Force #2 - 35,571 (-45.8%) 03/16 A-Force #3 - 34,133 (- 4.0%) 04/16 A-Force #4 - 27,672 (-19.8%) Since issue #2: -22.2%
The buzz is out. The future doesn’t look very bright.
69- UNCANNY INHUMANS 04/14 Inhuman #1 - 58,309 05/14 Inhuman #2 - 41,810 ( -28.3%) ... 04/15 Inhuman #14- 26,194 (+ 2.7%) 04/15 Uncanny Inhumans #0 - 67.017 ... 10/15 Uncanny Inhumans #1 - 90,528 11/15 Uncanny Inhumans #2 - 41,321 (-54.4%) 12/15 Uncanny Inhumans #3 - 43,036 (+ 4.2%) 01/16 Uncanny Inhumans #4 - 35,308 (-18.0%) 02/16 Uncanny Inhumans #5 - 35,145 ( -0.5%) 03/16 Uncanny Inhumans #6 - 32,256 ( -7.4%) 04/16 Uncanny Inhumans #7 - 27,088 (-16.0%) Since issue #2 : - 34.4%
Gaining speed as it falls quicker and quicker…
70- KARNAK 10/15 Karnak #1 - 63,672 11/15 --- 12/15 --- 01/16 --- 02/16 Karnak #2 - 26,796 (-57.9%) 03/16 --- 04/16 Karnak #3 - 26,670 (- 0.5%)
The erratic schedule hurt the second issue dramatically, but the bleeding seems to have stopped on the third.
71- POWER MAN AND IRON FIST 02/16 Power Man and Iron Fist #1 - 79,069 03/16 Power Man and Iron Fist #2 - 41,104 (-48.0%) 04/16 Power Man and Iron Fist #3 - 26,496 (-35.5%)
Horrible numbers, of course. Come on guys, Sanford AND Greene! Pick it up!
73- INFINITY ENTITY LTD 03/16 Infinity Entity Ltd #1 of 4 - 33,914 03/16 Infinity Entity Ltd #2 of 4 - 29,610 (-12.7%) 03/16 Infinity Entity Ltd #3 of 4 - 28,135 (- 5.0%) 04/16 Infinity Entity Ltd #4 of 4 - 26,170 (- 7.0%)
The usual top notch quality from Alan Davis. Doesn’t bring in tons of readers but still many loyal ones.
74- ULTIMATES 11/15 Ultimates #1 - 61,406 12/15 Ultimates #2 - 37,055 (-39.7%) 01/16 Ultimates #3 - 30,068 (-18.9%) 02/16 Ultimates #4 - 27,177 (- 9.6%) 03/16 Ultimates #5 - 28,627 (+ 5.3%) 04/16 Ultimates #6 - 26,146 (- 8.7%) Since issue #2 : - 29.4%
Heading toward death’s door.
77- CAPTAIN MARVEL 11/13 Captain Marvel v6 #17 - 18,173 (-20.5%) ... 03/14 Captain Marvel v7 #1 - 44,248 04/14 Captain Marvel v7 #2 - 28,008 (-36.7%) ... 05/15 Captain Marvel v7 #15 – 19,740 (-35.4%) ... 06/15 Cap Marvel & Carol Corps Ltd #1 - 47,302 ... 08/15 Cap Marvel & Carol Corps Ltd #4 - 22,106 (- 9.0%) ... 01/16 Captain Marvel #1 - 52,972 02/16 Captain Marvel #2 - 28,962 (-45.4%) 03/16 Captain Marvel #3 - 28,469 ( -1.7%) 04/16 Captain Marvel #4 - 25,156 (-11.6%) Since issue #2: -13.1%
Heading toward a black hole. That’s not the first time Alpha Flight has been in space. Bill Mantlo, in some of his weakest episodes, made them travel through space, Micronauts-like, before making them encounter the Dream Queen, designed by Jim Lee. And a writer did propose at one point a « Alpha Flight in space » relaunch pitch idea, but it was refused. Until now.
79- 88- SPIDEY 12/15 Spidey #1 - 65,503 01/16 Spidey #2 - 33,585 (-48.8%) 02/16 Spidey #3 - 28,161 (-16.2%) 03/16 --- 04/16 Spidey #4 - 24,553 (-12.8%) 04/16 Spidey #5 - 22,991 (- 6.4%) Since issue #2: -31.5%
Not in the same category as the other Marvel titles. Still doing pretty well.
81- CARNAGE 11/15 Carnage #1 - 69,773 11/15 Carnage #2 - 41,576 (-40.4%) 12/15 Carnage #3 - 34,852 (-16.2%) 01/16 Carnage #4 - 31,687 (- 9.1%) 02/16 Carnage #5 - 27,160 (-14.3%) 03/16 Carnage #6 - 28,874 ( +6.3%) 04/16 Carnage #7 - 24,480 (-15.2%) Since issue #2 : -30.6%
The sliding resumes again.
82- ROCKET RACCOON AND GROOT 01/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #1 - 59,028 02/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #2 - 29,180 (-50.6%) 03/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #3 - 24,855 (-14.8%) 04/16 Rocket Raccoon & Groot #4 - 24,179 (- 2.7%) Since issue #2: -17.1%
Seems to have settled down. Low, but high enough to survive
83- ASTONISHING ANT-MAN 01/15 Ant-Man #1 – 73,370 02/15 Ant-Man #2 – 40,192 (-45.2%) 03/15 Ant-Man #3 – 37,139 (- 7.6%) 04/15 Ant-Man #4 – 31,637 (-14.8%) 05/15 Ant-Man #5 – 83,095 (+162.7%) 06/15 Ant-Man Larger than Life #1- 28,797 07/15 Ant-Man Annual #1 – 24,223 08/15 Ant-Man Last Days - 35,594 (-57.2%) 09/15 --- 10/15 Astonishing Ant-Man #1 - 75,598 11/15 Astonishing Ant-Man #2 - 31,358 (-58.5%) 12/15 Astonishing Ant-Man #3 - 27,913 (-11.0%) 01/16 Astonishing Ant-Man #4 - 25,768 (- 7.7%) 02/16 Astonishing Ant-Man #5 - 22,168 (-14.0%) 03/16 Astonishing Ant-Man #6 - 20,375 (- 8.1%) 04/16 Astonishing Ant-Man #7 - 24,173 (+18.6%) Since issue#2 : - 22.9% Average +% TPB sales #1-5 : +11.0% ANT-MAN TPB VOL.1: 4,406
The start of a new arc, with two variant covers, resulted in quite a jump forward!
84- SPIDER-MAN 2099 07/14 Spider-Man 2099 #1 - 90,690 ( --- ) 08/14 Spider-Man 2099 #2 - 47,512 (-47.6%) 09/14 Spider-Man 2099 #3 - 43,418 ( -8.6%) 10/14 Spider-Man 2099 #4 - 40,755 ( -6.1%) 10/14 Spider-Man 2099 #5 - 40,880 ( 0.3%) 11/14 Spider-Man 2099 #6 - 38,634 ( -5.5%) --- 01/15 Spider-Man 2099 #7 - 38,455 (-0.5%) 01/15 Spider-Man 2099 #8 - 37,484 (-2.5%) 02/15 Spider-Man 2099 #9 - 34,374 (-8.3%) 03/15 Spider-Man 2099 #10 - 33,528 (-2.5%) 04/15 Spider-Man 2099 #11 - 31,665 (-5.6%) 05/15 Spider-Man 2099 #12 - 28,916 (-8.7%) ... 10/15 Spider-Man 2099 #1 - 57,719 10/15 Spider-Man 2099 #2 - 40,701 (-29.5%) 11/15 Spider-Man 2099 #3 - 34,969 (-14.1%) 12/15 Spider-Man 2099 #4 - 32,464 (- 7.2%) 01/16 Spider-Man 2099 #5 - 28,489 (-12.2%) 02/16 Spider-Man 2099 #6 - 26,626 ( - 6.5%) 02/16 Spider-Man 2099 #7 - 26,163 (- 1.7%) 03/16 Spider-Man 2099 #8 - 28,580 ( +9.2%) 04/16 Spider-Man 2099 #9 - 24,081 (-15.7%) Since issue #2: -40.8%
The new buyers for the new arc are already gone, and more.
87- SILVER SURFER 03/14 Silver Surfer #1 - 64,919 ( --- ) 04/14 Silver Surfer #2 - 39,132 (-39.7%) 06/14 Silver Surfer #3 - 36,075 ( -7.8%) 07/14 Silver Surfer #4 - 32,747 ( -9.2%) 08/14 Silver Surfer #5 - 31,125 ( -5.0%) 10/14 Silver Surfer #6 - 28,052 ( -9.9%) 11/14 Silver Surfer #7 - 25,759 ( -8.2%) 12/14 --- 01/15 Silver Surfer #8 - 23,420 (- 9.1%) 02/15 Silver Surfer #9 - 21,716 (- 7.3%) 03/15 Silver Surfer #10 - 21,100 (- 2.8%) 04/15 Silver Surfer #11 - 20,776 (- 1.5%) 05/15 --- 06/15 Silver Surfer #12 - 20,704 (- 0.3%) 07/15 Silver Surfer #13 - 24,321 (+17.5%) 08/15 --- 09/15 Silver Surfer #14 - 23,008 (- 5.4%) 10/15 --- 11/15 Silver Surfer #15 - 21,343 (- 7.2%) 12/15 --- 01/16 Silver Surfer #1 - 57,633 02/16 Silver Surfer #2 - 25,009 (-56.6%) 03/16 - - 04/16 Silver Surfer #3 - 23,151 (- 7.4%) Since issue #2: -7.4%
Almost back to where it was before the relaunch. You can’t say Marvel didn’t push this one.
89- SQUADRON SUPREME 12/15 Squadron Supreme #1 - 48,247 12/15 Squadron Supreme #2 - 27,643 (-42.7%) 01/16 Squadron Supreme #3 - 23,551 (-14.8%) 02/16 Squadron Supreme #4 - 24,182 (+ 2.7%) 03/16 Squadron Supreme #5 - 22,323 (- 7.7%) 04/16 Squadron Supreme #6 - 22,930 (+ 2.7%) Since issue #2 : - 19.0%
A sleeper hit? Will Squadron Supreme be at last fondly remembered for something else than the Mark Gruenwald 12-part epic of the 80’s?
91- 234- HAUNTED MANSION LTD 03/16- Haunted Mansion Ltd #1 - 35,513 [+6,774] 04/16 Haunted Mansion Ltd #2 - 22,443 (-36.8%)
Color me surprised, to say the least. And issue#1 is back with even more sales! Amazing numbers!
93- AMAZING SPIDER-MAN AND SILK: SPIDER(FLY) EFFECT LTD ($5) 03/16- Spider-Man & Silk Spiderfly Effect Ltd #1 - 30,806 04/16 Spider-Man & Silk Spiderfly Effect Ltd #2 - 22,182 (-28.0%)
Two more chapters of this Infinite Comics.
98- ALL NEW HAWKEYE 03/15 All New Hawkeye #1 - 66,608 04/15 All New Hawkeye #2 - 42,730 (-35.8%) 05/15 All New Hawkeye #3 - 38,087 (-10.9%) 06/15 --- 07/15 All New Hawkeye #4 - 31,661 (-16.9%) 08/15 --- 09/15 All New Hawkeye #5 - 31,141 (- 1.6%) 10/15 --- 11/15 All New Hawkeye #1 - 68,933 12/15 All New Hawkeye #2 - 35,363 (-48.7%) 01/16 All New Hawkeye #3 - 26,913 (-23.9%) 02/16 All New Hawkeye #4 - 24,903 (- 7.5%) 03/16 All New Hawkeye #5 - 24,779 (- 0.5%) 04/16 All New Hawkeye #6 - 21,209 (-14.4%) Since issue #2 : - 40.0 % HAWKEYE TPB VOL.5: 4,109 Average +%TPB sales issues 1-5: +13.0%
Aiming for the cancellation zone.
101- ALL NEW INHUMANS 12/15 All New Inhumans #1 - 58,123 12/15 All New Inhumans #2 - 34,471 (-40.7%) 01/16 All New Inhumans #3 - 25,746 (-25.3%) 02/16 All New Inhumans #4 - 22,334 (-13.3%) 03/16 All New Inhumans #5 - 24,779 (+10.9%) 04/16 All New Inhumans #6 - 20,152 ( -18.7%) Since issue #2 : -41.5 %
All New Inhumans but same old weak Inhumans territory sales.
107- HOWARD THE DUCK 03/15 Howard the Duck #1 – 85,929 04/15 Howard the Duck #2 – 43,572 (-49.3%) 05/15 Howard the Duck #3 – 35,391 (-18.2%) 06/15 Howard the Duck #4 – 34,043 (- 3.8%) 07/15 --- 08/15 Howard the Duck #5 – 26,891 (-21.0%) 09/15 --- 10/15 --- 11/15 Howard The Duck #1 - 69,177 12/15 Howard The Duck #2 - 33,578 (-51.5%) 01/16 Howard The Duck #3 - 28,971 (-13.7%) 02/16 Howard The Duck #4 - 20,965 (-27.6%) 03/16 Howard The Duck #5 - 17,995 (-14.2%) 04/16 Howard The Duck #6 - 19,459 (+8.1%) Since issue #2 : -42.0%
Saved by a temporary crossover with Squirrel Girl.
110- VISION 11/15 Vision # 1- 42,119 12/15 Vision # 2 - 36,107 (-14.3%) 01/16 Vision # 3 - 34,807 (- 3.6%) 02/16 Vision # 4 - 19,070 (-45.2%) 03/16 Vision #5 - 18,636 (- 2.3%) 04/16 Vision #6 - 19,028 (+ 2.1%) Since issue #2 : - 48.4 %
Nice behavior, too bad it’s gonna end with issue 12, at least for its current writer.
116- VENOM SPACEKNIGHT 11/15 Venom Spaceknight #1 - 59,151 12/15 Venom Spaceknight #2 - 32,210 (-45.5%) 01/16 Venom Spaceknight #3 - 25,770 (-20.0%) 02/16 Venom Spaceknight #4 - 21,545 (-16.4%) 03/16 Venom Spaceknight #5 - 18,807 (-12.7%) 04/16 Venom Spaceknight #6 - 17,894 (- 4.9%) Since issue #2 : - 44.5%
This Spaceknight tag reminds me how disapointing this ROM relaunch at IDW is. If it’s any consolation, their Micronauts one is even worse.
117- AGENTS OF SHIELD 12/14 SHIELD #1 - 94,503 01/15 SHIELD #2 - 33,965 (- 64.1%) ... 09/15 SHIELD#10- 18,693 (- 17.3%) 09/15 Agent Carter SHIELD - 26,438 09/15 Fury SHIELD – 26,313 09/15 Mockingbird SHIELD ($5) – 25,593 09/15 Quake SHIELD – 25,193 09/15 Cavalry SHIELD – 23,831 10/15 SHIELD#11 - 20,121 (+ 7.6%) 11/15 SHIELD#12 - 17,470 (-13.2%) 12/15 --- 01/16 Agents of SHIELD #1 - 35,382 02/16 Agents of SHIELD #2 - 18,771 (-47.0%) 03/16 Agents of SHIELD #3 - 18,139 (- 3.4%) (Stand Off) 04/16 Agents of SHIELD #4 - 17,878 (- 1.4%) (Stand Off) Since issue #2: -4.8%
Even being a Stand Off tie-in doesn’t stop the bleeding. That’s bad.
118- CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS 10/15 Contest of Champions #1 - 79,873 11/15 Contest of Champions #2 - 34,942 (-56.3%) 12/15 Contest of Champions #3 - 29,165 (-16.5%) 01/16 Contest of Champions #4 - 27,028 (- 7.3%) 02/16 Contest of Champions #5 - 21,430 (-20.7%) 03/16 Contest of Champions #6 - 19,982 (- 6.8%) 04/16 Contest of Champions #7 - 17,874 (-10.5%) Since issue #2 : - 48.8 %
There is no contest: this one is doomed!
119- UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL 01/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 - 41,693 02/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2 – 24,621 (-40.9%) 03/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3 – 26,586 ( +8.0%) 04/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4 – 20,987 (-21.1%) 05/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5 – 20,088 (- 4.3%) 06/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6 – 19,341 (- 3.7%) 07/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7 – 19,801 (+ 2.4%) 08/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8 - 19,134 (- 3.4%) 09/15 --- 10/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 - 43,155 11/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2 - 23,064 (-46.6%) 12/15 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3 - 25,350 (+ 9.9%) 01/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4 - 19,923 (-21.4%) 02/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5 - 17,743 (-10.9%) 03/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6 - 20,739 (+16.9%) 04/16 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7 - 17,869 (-13.8%) Since issue #2 : -22.5 % TPB VOL.1: 7,352 Average +%TPB sales issues 1-4: +29.9% TPB VOL.2 : 2,928 Average +%TPB sales issues 5-8: +6.6%
Nothing can beat the power of good TPB sales.
120- SCARLET WITCH 12/15 Scarlet Witch #1 - 57,835 01/16 Scarlet Witch #2 - 25,728 (-55.5%) 02/16 Scarlet Witch #3 - 23,900 (- 7.1%) 03/16 Scarlet Witch #4 - 21,094 (-11.7%) 04/16 Scarlet Witch #5 - 17,864 (-15.3%) Since issue #2: -30.6%
Gaining speed during its fall instead of levelling out. The end is near.
124- STAR-LORD 07/14 Star Lord #1 – 78,501 08/14 Star Lord #2 – 37,109 (-52.7%) 09/14 Star Lord #3 – 32,918 (-11.3%) 10/14 Star Lord #4 – 37,123 ( 12.8%) 11/14 Star Lord #5 – 36,905 ( -0.6%) 12/14 Star Lord #6 – 32,863 (-11.0%) 01/15 Star Lord #7 – 28,174 (-14.3%) 01/15 Star Lord #8 – 25,227 (-10.5%) 02/15 Star Lord #9 – 38,655 (+53.2%) B. Vortex 03/15 Star Lord#10 – 40,836 (+ 4.5%) B. Vortex 04/15 Star Lord#11 – 41,325 (+ 1.2%) B. Vortex 05/15 Star Lord#12 – 25,580 (-38.1%) --- 07/15 Star-Lord & Kitty Pride Ltd #1 - 44,760 08/15 Star-Lord & Kitty Pride Ltd #2 - 32,578 (-27.2%) 09/15 Star-Lord & Kitty Pride Ltd #3 - 31,012 (- 4.8%) 11/15 Star-Lord #1 - 47,104 12/15 Star-Lord #2 - 26,348 (-44.1%) 01/16 Star-Lord #3 - 22,698 (-13.9%) 02/16 Star-Lord #4 - 19,117 (-15.8%) 03/16 Star-Lord #5 - 17,374 (-9.1%) 04/16 Star-Lord #6 - 17,653 (+1.6%) Since issue #2 : - 33.0%
This Guardians of the Galaxy line needs to be cut drastically, and soon.
125- WEB WARRIORS 11/15 Web Warriors #1 - 62,096 12/15 Web Warriors #2 - 31,614 (-49.1%) 01/16 Web Warriors #3 - 25,407 (-19.6%) 02/16 Web Warriors #4 - 20,198 (-20.5%) 03/16 Web Warriors #5 - 18,621 (- 7.8%) 04/16 Web Warriors #6 - 17,376 (- 6.7%) Since issue #2 : - 45.0 %
Obviously, this one also has to be sacrificed to help cut the Spider-Man line to a reasonable and affordable amount of titles.
131- GUARDIANS OF INFINITY($5) 12/15 Guardians of Infinity #1 - 121,407 01/16 Guardians of Infinity #2 - 27,112 (-77.7%) 02/16 Guardians of Infinity #3 - 22,309 (-17.7%) 03/16 Guardians of Infinity #4 - 18,598 (-15.6%) 04/16 Guardians of Infinity #5 - 16,337 (-12.2%) Since issue #2: -39.7%
Dan Abnett has signed an exclusive deal with DC so this one will soon end, with no regret.
134- HYPERION 03/16- Hyperion #1 - 31,679 04/16 Hyperion #2 - 16,178 (-48.9%)
Helas, doomed from the start.
136- NOVA 02/14 Nova#13.Now – 26,147 ( 4.4%) 03/14 Nova v5 #14 – 23,459 ( -10.3%) ... 05/15 Nova v5 #31 – 18,129 ( -2.7%) 11/15 Nova #1 - 45,536 12/15 Nova #2 - 27,120 (-40.4%) 01/16 Nova #3 - 23,464 (-13.5%) 02/16 Nova #4 - 18,187 (-22.5%) 03/16 Nova #5 - 16,886 (- 7.2%) 04/16 Nova #6 - 15,795 (- 6.5%) Since issue #2 : - 41.8 %
Will go to supernova soon.
144- ANGELA QUEEN OF HELL 12/14 Angela #1 - 61,398 01/15 Angela #2 - 36,992 (-39.8%) 02/15 Angela #3 - 31,096 (-15.9%) 03/15 Angela #4 - 25,529 (-17.9%) 04/15 Angela #5 - 23,551 (- 7.7%) 05/15 Angela #6 - 22,272 (- 5.4%) 06/15 1602 Witch Hunter Angela Ltd #1 – 37,996 07/15 1602 Witch Hunter Angela Ltd #2 – 26,481 (-30.3%) 08/15 --- 09/15 1602 Witch Hunter Angela Ltd #3 – 23,058 (-12.9%) 10/15 1602 Witch Hunter Angela Ltd #4 - 19,545 10/15 Angela Queen of Hel #1- 39,271 11/15 Angela Queen of Hel #2- 23,264 (-40.8%) 12/15 Angela Queen of Hel #3 - 20,958 (- 9.9%) 01/16 Angela Queen of Hel #4 - 18,917 (- 9.7%) 02/16 Angela Queen of Hel #5 - 15,968 (-15.6%) 03/16 Angela Queen of Hel #6 - 14,986 (- 6.1%) 04/16 Angela Queen of Hel #7 - 14,091 (- 6.0%) END Since issue #2 : - 39.4 %
Was it worth all the money and the efforts?
147- ILLUMINATI 11/15 Illuminati #1 - 44,163 12/15 Illuminati #2 - 23,090 (-47.7%) 01/16 Illuminati #3 - 19,025 (-17.6%) 02/16 Illuminati #4 - 15,280 (-19.7%) 03/16 Illuminati #5 - 13,561 (-11.2%) 04/16 Illuminati #6 - 13,933 (+ 2.7%) Since issue #2: -39.7%
Disapeared from future sollicitations so seems to have been cancelled quietly.
149- DRAX 11/15 Drax #1 - 49,601 12/15 Drax #2 - 23,054 (-53.5%) 01/16 Drax #3 - 18,837 (-18.3%) 02/16 Drax #4 - 14,620 (-22.4%) 03/16 Drax #5 - 13,042 (-10.8%) 04/16 Drax #6 - 13,606 (+ 4.3%) Since issue #2 : - 41.0%
Another perfect candidate tyo shorten the overcrowded Guardians of galaxy line of titles.
153- X-MEN WORST X-MAN EVER LTD 02/16 X-Men Worst X-Man Ever Ltd #1 of 5 - 21,399 03/16 X-Men Worst X-Man Ever Ltd #2 of 5 - 15,169 (-29.1%) 04/16 X-Men Worst X-Man Ever Ltd #3 of 5 - 13,436 (-11.4%)
I resisted the urge to write X-Men Worst Sales Ever because there was probably lower sales on an X-Man title one day. But it was tempting.
161- A YEAR OF MARVEL AMAZING LTD($5) 04/16 A year of Marvel Amazing Ltd #1 of 6 - 12,717
If I understood this one correctly, this is an anthology who will feature adventures of Marvel heroes related to a month. We begin with February and March, with adventures of Peter Parker and Ant-Man. If I count well, that means there is gonna be 6 issues of this anthology. My, oh my, sales on this one are gonna be abysmal toward the end…
162- PATSY WALKER HELLCAT 12/15 Patsy Walker Hellcat #1 - 46,198 01/16 Patsy Walker Hellcat #2 - 20,836 (-54.9%) 02/16 Patsy Walker Hellcat #3 - 16,587 (-18.6%) 03/16 Patsy Walker Hellcat #4 - 15,971 (- 3.7%) 04/16 Patsy Walker Hellcat #5 - 12,703 (-20.5%) Since issue #2: -39.0%
I can’t see why TPB sales would be stellar on this one with such a negative reaction with its floppy sales.
168- MOON GIRL AND DEVIL DINOSAUR 11/15 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1 - 38,133 12/15 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #2 - 21,715 (-43.1%) 01/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #3 - 18,424 (-15.2%) 02/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #4 - 14,941 (-18.9%) 03/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #5 - 14,771 (- 1.1%) 04/16 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #6 - 12,253 (-17.0%) Since issue #2 : -43.6 %
Helas, same conclusion here.
169- HERCULES 11/15 Hercules #1 - 44,512 12/15 Hercules #2 – 20,719 (-53.5%) 01/16 Hercules #3 - 16,310 (-21.3%) 02/16 Hercules #4 - 13,767 (-15.6%) 03/16 Hercules #5 - 12,701 (- 7.7%) 04/16 Hercules #6 - 12,190 (- 4.0%) END Since issue #2 : -41.2 %
The next arc is sold as a mini-serie and then Dan Abnett will be exclusive with DC. Hercules will not come back.
180- WEIRDWORLD 06/15 Weirdworld #1 - 48,688 07/15 Weirdworld #2 - 26,307 (-46.0%) 08/15 Weirdworld #3 - 23,784 (- 9.6%) 09/15 Weirdworld #4 - 22,206 (- 6.6%) 10/15 Weirdworld #5 - 18,996 (-14.5%) 11/15 --- 12/15 Weirdworld #1 - 30,288 01/16 Weirdworld #2 - 17,759 (-41.4%) 02/16 Weirdworld #3 - 14,190 (-20.1%) 03/16 Weirdworld #4 - 11,993 (-15.5%) 04/16 Weirdworld #5 - 10,730 (-10.5%) Since issue #2: -39.6%
This one has also been cancelled quietly, disapearing from future sollicitations.
175- RED WOLF 12/15 Red Wolf #1 - 39,288 01/16 Red Wolf #2 - 26,662 (-32.2%) 02/16 Red Wolf #3 - 12,211 (-54.2%) 03/16 Red Wolf #4 - 9,932 (-18.7%) 04/16 Red Wolf #5 - 8,445 (-15.0%) Since issue #2: -68.3%
Same quiet cancellation. All the rufus around its writer not being the perfect choice to write about Native American culture didn’t create any curiosity among buyers.
210- DARK TOWER DRAWING LADY OF SHADOWS LTD 03/15 Dark Tower D3HC Ltd #1 of 5 – 11,107 ... 07/15 Dark Tower D3HC Ltd #5 of 5 – 9,027 (- 2.4%) 08/15 --- 09/15 Dark Tower Lady of Shadows Ltd #1 of 5 – 9,918 ... 01/16 Dark Tower Lady of Shadows Ltd #5 of 5 - 7,676 (- 3.3%) … 04/16 Dark Tower Drawing of 3 Bitter Medicine Ltd #1 of 5 – 8,252
Same pattern than usual: starting a little higher than the last issue of the last mini, but quite lower than its first issue.
265- STAR BRAND AND NIGHTMASK 12/15 Star Brand and Nightmask #1 - 27,969 01/16 Star Brand and Nightmask #2 - 11,677 (-58.3%) 02/16 Star Brand and Nightmask #3 - 8,956 (-23.3%) 03/16 Star Brand and Nightmask #4 - 6,678 (-25.4%) 04/16 Star Brand and Nightmask #5 - 5,653 (-15.3%) Since issue #2: -51.6%
This one makes the Vertigo numbers almost look good!
280- MU AVENGERS ASSEMBLE CIVIL WAR LTD ($3) 03/16- MU Avengers Civil War Ltd #1 - 7,253 04/16 MU Avengers Civil War Ltd #2 - 4,899 (-32.5%)
Who cares?
299- MU ULT SPIDER-MAN CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS LTD ($3) 03/16- MU Spider-Man Contest of Champions Ltd #1 - 5,447 04/16- MU Spider-Man Contest of Champions Ltd #2 - 4,320 (-20.7%)
If you ever come to Lyon in France -my city-, you HAVE to taste quenelle!
300- MARVEL UNIVERSE GUARDIANS OF GALAXY ($3) 02/15 MU guardians of Galaxy #1 – 12,047 03/15 MU guardians of Galaxy #2 – 9,108 (-24.4%) 04/15 MU guardians of galaxy #3 of 4 - 8,406 (- 7.7%) 05/15 MU guardians of Galaxy #4 of 4 - 7,468 (-18.0%) 10/15 MU Guardians of Galaxy #1 - 11,751 11/15 MU Guardians of Galaxy #2 - 7,364 (-37.3%) 12/15 MU Guardians of Galaxy #3 - 6,159 (-16.4%) 01/16 MU Guardians of Galaxy #4 - 5,662 (- 8.1%) 02/16 MU Guardians of Galaxy #5 - 5,198 (- 8.2%) 03/16 MU Guardians of Galaxy #6 - 4,937 (- 5.0%) 04/16 MU Guardians of Galaxy #7 - 4,309 (-12.7%) Since issue #2: -41.5%
And « cervelle de canut » also! It’s dip fromage blanc seasoned with chopped herbs, shallots, salt, peper, olive oil and vinegar.
Thanks for reading until the end! I hope to see you next time. Meanwhile, feel free to comment, express your rage or your love for French sarcasm! I’ll hug everyone, no matter what. And if you’re a hairdresser, I wouldn’t recommend for you to come work in France. Love you!
It’d be nice if Marvel (and, to a growing extent, DC) would be more open about its cancellations. This growing habit of “listed this month, not next month” is very irritating. I didn’t know Illuminati was cancelled till I read the final page of #7.. At least in the 70’s, there was an excuse (flimsy as it was) for cancellations not being announced—some decided so fast that DC would have their little box saying something like “next issue on sale the third week of July” in the final issues.
“Even after having watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I had to check to see who this character is. Releasing an ongoing series focused on him seemed to me to be quite a daring move -or am I the only one who totally forgot his part in the movie?”
Poe Dameron has a lot of fans. It’s not that surprising to see Marvel try a series for him.
Merci pour les conseils culinaires en fin de rubrique. ;)
Pleasantly surprised the racists haven’t come out in response to the comments about black characters (and also pleasantly surprised about how well two of those books are selling).
You can not be a racist, and still be glad that as clichéd, unnecessary and overhyped a character as Red Wolf is failing.
Why does it matter if they put FINAL ISSUE in thr solicits?
Chris: simple courtesy for people paying dollars to buy their products.
You’re a bit harsch on Moon Knight I think, it’s not that a much a popular character for a start, both first and second issues went on reprint – and besides it’s beautifully drawn.
Why does it matter if they put FINAL ISSUE in thr solicits?
Some of us aren’t rolling in mounds of cash. Ergo, we have to adhere to a budget each month. If I see a title I buy every month isn’t solicited and it doesn’t say “final issue”, how do I know it’s not coming back next month? Hard to commit to a new title if I’m not sure the unsolicited title is coming back or not. And, like most other comics fans, my budget is not flexible–once again, no mounds of money lying around. So, yes, it WOULD be nice, and it’s not too much to ask, for Marvel and DC to have the common courtesy to let us know when they’re cancelling a title. Considering the dwindling readership these days, the LAST thing they need is more disgruntled—possibly soon to be former—readers.
Yep, like Rob said. For us, overseas consumers, we HAVE to preorder a title to have a chance to read it. We don’t have racks with all the titles available to choose from. Comics shops with original floppy comics wouldn’t survive with racks like that. So we preorder. And yeah, knowing a title is stopped would be nice, same thing with knowing if it’s a limited serie or not.
That’s also why double shipping is so annoying because it cuts your monthly budget, even when you did not add any new title to your “list”.
But, apparently, from what we can see of Marvel’s floppy policy, they just don’t care about floppy readers at all.
Which is a bad move: how many times do floppy readers think “well, I’ll get in in trade paperback format” and then forget about it later? Or finally buy it, but second handed, because it’s cheaper?
Marvel sent retailers free copies of Mockingbird issue 2. Unfortunately, it’s days are numbered and readers should enjoy it while they can.
The question seems to be how “all-new and all- different” do readers want Marvel to be? I’ll admit that the art choices and storylines are not for me anymore and Marvel’s prices don’t help either.
Star Wars #18: “Only one variant cover.”
There was the usual John Tyler Christopher action figure variant but also a 1:100 retailer b&w variant.
Deadpool #10: “I see no reason for this very erratic behavior. It’s part 2 and 3 of a fight with Sabretooth, with no special variant cover program on, at least not listed in Marvel sollicitations.”
I think Deadpool #9 had a regular edition plus only one variant (there was a second print but I think it came out after these numbers were released). On the other hand, Deadpool #10 had a regular edition plus two variants.
I’m in France right now and it’s not bad at all…
If it ends, it’s done. If it doesnt, it gets solicited and you can order a next issue. Again, it is of no importance if they put whether an issue is the final one or not. Order what you want to read and if it stops coming out, there ya go. The problem solves itself
Except that a title can not be done and only skip a month to come back one month later. it’s almost never the case at Marvel, but the courtesy would be to know how many months you’ll engage yourself on a monthly fee to read a title. COUR-TE-SY. Problem not solved.
If it comes back, order it again. Simple.
>>Pleasantly surprised the racists haven’t come out in response to the comments about black characters (and also pleasantly surprised about how well two of those books are selling).
Yeah, if there’s one thing we non-racists love, it’s shoehorning racial justice into every possible moment of our waking lives. We live for it. Why once, I almost went 15 minutes without considering the plight of transgendered people! It was awful.
Shawn Kane says: “The question seems to be how “all-new and all- different” do readers want Marvel to be? I’ll admit that the art choices and storylines are not for me anymore and Marvel’s prices don’t help either..”
1) The manga, cartoony, or “modern” angular style art does not work for me on traditional superhero titles.
2) Instead of creating new diverse charcters, we get diverse versions of existing characters such as female Thor, Afican American Captain America, Asian American Hulk, etc. Is Marvel, so creatively bankrupt they cannot create brand new charcters that are diverse? Or, is it that writers/creators do not want to come up with a new character that is owned by marvel and not them?
My two (unrelated) cents:
1) I’m surprised Silver Surfer dipped 7%, considering #3 was a special “50th anniversary” issue.
2) Readers absolutely, positively do not want a monthly SHIELD book. (TV show be damned!)
Red Wolf was, to me, an entertaining story. I fail to see how it was cliched.
To Living Tribunals:
– geez, they are many many different options and styles outside of the heavily-detailed realist look of comics we have been suffering for years. Currently there is diversity at Marvel. Some “cartoony” style – not really influenced by manga, this “manga” style appelation is ugly and make people forget that they have always been different cartoon amercian style, outside of realist styles – others books still have a classic modern super-hero style. I fyou feel that there are an “infestation” of cartoony style on those new books, that’s because they are aimed to attract new readers.
– there has never been that much new diverse characters launched at Marvel. What about Moon Girl, Ms Marvel ( which had nothing to do with THE Ms Marvel), Squirrel Girl, What you mostly see as different versions of same characters, are mostly new chracters, glued with a famous name. Some of them are perhaps not that different from their “counterpart” but I would bet that it’s the job of their writers to make people feel that, in fact, those are different chracters, who will be able able to fly perhaps later on their own title, and then to differentiate more from their model.
It worked for Falcon. Basically, this is a Falcon serie, only he’s called Cap America but this is the same character than before, Falcon, and not a clone of Captain America.
I’ve been surfing on-line more than 3 hours today, but I never discovered
any attention-grabbing article like yours. It’s pretty worth enough for me.
In my opinion, if all web owners and bloggers made excellent content as you did, the internet might be much more useful than ever before.
Jimmy: stop, I’m blushing.
Well, if you can read french, I can send to you a free copy of US comics magazine I’m editing, SCARCE, probably one of the oldest fanzine ever (33 years old!).
Back in 1994, the civil rights leader Angela Davis came to my school to give a speech during Black History Month and called out black women who dyed or straightened their hair as “abandoning their cultural heritage.”
So, to me, it’s hilarious that Xavier Lancel’s decided to use a picture of two black women, one with straightened hair and one with dyedd hair, and who are wearing clothing more associated with 1990’s “gangsta rap” than modern black fashion.
Way to reinforce negative stereotypes, Xavier.
Also, could we please get Marc Oliver doing these things again?
Xavier’s grasp of English is shaky enough, but his choice of celebrating black comic characters FOUR MONTHS after Black History Month is puzzling, to say the least.
Gee, Nicola, take a break: Power Man has always been a serie playing with black stereotypes and this one, more than ever, is not to be taken seriously. And black people can dress as they want, and making fun of stereotypes is one of the best way for the targeted community to appropriate it for themselves (the same way the gay community is, for exemple, playing and making fun of stereotypes attributed to them).
And we can celebrate black characters whenever we want. Do you need a specific month for that and then forbid yourself to do it the rest of the year? THAT is for sure, way more offensive for black people than my choice of an image..
God, I think I may have said to my father that I loved him but Father’s day is gone. Is that puzzling?
And I didn’t kick anybody out. Marc Olivier can apply back whenever he wants. I already apologize each month for any mistake in the way I’m writing this( which is edited afterwards), that’s the way it is. You’re free to not like this column but please try to find something more constructive next time. :)
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