Oh snap the links piled up while we were on home internet vacation.
§ David Rees (Get Your War On) and Michael Kupperman (Tales Designed to Thrizzle) are doing a comic strip for the Sunday New York Times. That’s good! But I guess that means Brian McFadden isn’t doing one any more. That’s bad. There can be only one.
§ 13th Dimension is having Batman week and here’s an interview with Dean Mullaney on reprinting the Batman comic strip including side-by-side comparisons of original and restored strips. I don’t want to spoil the surprise but it will blow your mind!
Here are Kibbles that were curated by Alexa Dickman
§ Mark Millar put out a call to help the Glasgow Women’s Library flesh out its GNs-by-women collection. Help Mark Millar help women read comics!
§ The Association Artémisia (that French organization that shortlists 13 graphic novels by women each year) awarded the Prix Artémisia to Ainsi soit Benîote Groult by Catel (artist of Kiki de Montparnasse, available in English from Abrams, and Bluesy Lucy from Humanoids). Of the shortlist as a whole, only three books are available in English (Are You My Mother?, The Property, and Darkroom by Lila Quintero Weaver) Award ceremony on January 16 at 6:30pm at La Hune bookstore in Paris.
§ And Alexa herself translated two preview pages of Catel’s GN about Rose Valland, an art historian who help save thousands of works of art from the Nazis (she’s being played by Cate Blanchett in the upcoming Monuments Men movie).
§ While I wasn’t blogging, there were many many posts about gender and racial problems in comics. Here is a column by Cheryl Lynn from 2012 which shows we have been having pretty much the same conversation for two years. Can you please fix that, comics
§ UPS “found” the Denys Cowan artwork that was lost in transit to the Geppi Museum. That’s great. Apparently some of the artwork was damaged. Not great. And then Steve Bisette and Cowan had a fight about something that may or may not have happened a long time ago. That is bad. And some great Swamp Thing artwork has been missing for decades. Very bad. But Joe Hughes wrote some insightful things about the squabble. so go read the link.
§ The New York Times told us that there are lots of great comic strip reprint books being published.
§ Since we didn’t do it, Adventure in Poor Taste has a run down of the Image Expo announcements.
§ Tom Spurgeon interviewed Jesse Reklaw, whose Couch Tag was one of the underrated GNs that came out late last year. Reklaw’s interview covers a lot of the difficulties of making comics and living life, while Reklaw’s bi-polar disorder making that even tougher than usual.
I think we all have cycles like that. I just think that my cycles are a huge part of my life, whereas they’re not so big a part of the line of other people. I think that’s why I ended up doing a random mood chart. [laughs] It’s not the first time I’ve charted my mood. It’s probably the reason I made serialized comics. I’m just very aware of moods all of the time. When I”m spending time with friends, I immediately check in with what moods they’re in, and I notice I have friends that have wider mood variance than others. It’s just something I’m interested in, I guess. And therefore that extends into my comics. If that makes sense.
§…There was a lot more but I have to go to sleep now.