Book Photo Bk20060628151251198L0Comi Press links to a Japanese news story talking about how classic manga of the past are being reprinted; despite the huge popularity of manga in Japan, it seems they are not even as good as the US at keeping classics in print:

The Yomiuri Shinbun has an article examining the growing popularity in Japan of reprinting classic manga from earlier eras, catering to older, original fans and people interested in the historical significance of earlier titles.

Nostalgic Works of the Past Bringing Joy to Middle-Aged Readers One More Time

Basking in the adventures of the heroes of manga magazines and rental books – fulfilling the dreams of middle-aged readers, the classic mangas of yesteryear is being reprinted. We pursued the republication boom, which has seen the re-introduction of numerous hidden gems long out of print.

Inside the office of publisher Pan Rolling, which controls the “Mangashopâ€? brand, the bookshelves are lined with classic anthology magazines from the 1960’s such as “Manga-Ohâ€? “Shonen Gahouâ€? and “Weekly Shonen Magazine.â€? Pan Rolling spent 50 million yen ($435,000) collecting 4000 volumes of manga: from these books, they brought back Ikki Kajiura’s gutsy sports titles “Champion Futoshiâ€? and “Koshien no Tsutchi (Koshien Soil)â€?; classic action heroes such as “8-manâ€?; Jiro Kuwata’s “King Roboâ€? and “Denjin X-Manâ€?; more than 50 titles from the 1960’s in all.