Well, things are slowing down everywhere you look. To be honest, we’re really dragging here at Stately Beat Manor. If it isn’t the brutal holiday party schedule, it’s the stress, the rushing around, the shopping, the worries, and so on. We’ll be on VACATION all next week, and today we’re officially going into slowdown mode. But in the meantime, here is a Disney Christmas Cards collection from the always amazing ASIFA Archives.

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Here’s a nice vintage Christmas card set of Flickr. When we run out of steam, we’ll just post a few of these and hope everyone understands. Let’s face it, it’s that or more Red Sonja covers, and no one wants that.

PS: Where are all those digital Christmas cards we used to get? Don’t hold out on us.


  1. Mmmm…. Disney should reissue those calendars! Just change the year!

    And did you see that Pearl S. Buck story illustrated by the Disney Studio?!

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