Last October, Warner Bros. released a teaser trailer for the upcoming Harley Quinn animated exclusively on the DC Universe streaming platform and featuring Kaley Cuoco as the titular character. Irreverent and humorous with a jab at Donald Glover’s axed Deadpool FX cartoon, they made it clear that this is more an adult audience.

In a video released by DC Universe today in honor of International Women’s Day, we get some new footage from Harley Quinn this time showing the character in a costume very much inspired by the Jimmy Palmiotti/Amanda Conner run.

The aforementioned teaser trailer featured Harley retaining her classic clown headdress as she first appeared in Batman: TAS. Given the character’s penchant for changing looks, wouldn’t be surprised if we see Harley sporting a whole host of fashions throughout the animated series.

No official word regarding the exact premiere date other than we can expect it later in the year in the fall.


UPDATE: Courtesy of Kaley Cuoco’s Instagram we get a glimpse of some other new images