Grim, the supernatural horror series from writer Stephanie Phillips, artist Flaviano, colorist Rico Renzi, and letterer Tom Napolitano, is returning to reap later this year. Ahead of this month’s release of the series’s fifth issue, publisher BOOM! Studios has announced that Grim will return for its second arc in December, with the series’ sixth issue kicking off “Devils & Dust.”
Here’s how BOOM! describes Grim #6:
The Era of DEVILS AND DUST begins here for the GRIM Reapers! Trapped in Las Vegas—the City of Sin—Jessica, Eddie, and Marcel encounter a fabulous twist on legendary figures of Greek myth, as well as someone with the authority to get them out of their phantasmal dilemma… but for a price!
Launched in April, Grim follows Jessica Harrow, a young woman who becomes a Reaper following her own mysterious death. The series has been an unqualified success for BOOM! Studios, with the first issue going to four printings and issues 2 through 4 each receiving a second printing. The popularity of the series has also sparked #GRIMsona, with fans of the series illustrating what they would look like as Reapers.
In a statement announcing the title’s return, BOOM! Executive Editor Eric Harburn expressed his enthusiasm for the series and its creators:
“Stephanie, Flaviano, Rico, and Tom’s enthralling work on this series is undeniable, and we’re very happy to say that Death was just the beginning for Jessica Harrow and her fellow Reapers.”
Check out variant covers for the December-shipping issue by artists Justine Florentino and Toni Infante, just a few of the covers to come for the issue, below. Grim #6 is set to arrive in stores and digitally in December; issue 5 of the series concludes the title’s first storyline on Wednesday, September 28th, and a collection of the first five issues is due out in January 2023.