Animation focused distributor GKIDS has announced that its previously coinfirmed theatrical screenings for the Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence 4K Restoration are now set, with a three-night screening campaign set for late June on the 23rd, 24th and 26th across select theaters in the US and Canada. The dates will feature both the English dub and original Japanese language version of the 2004 film that serves as the more subdued sequel to the 1995 landmark Ghost In The Shell Japanese animated film.

GKIDS has also released new trailers, one featuring the English dub and one in the original Japanese language showcasing the restoration’s quality in time to celebrate the film’s 20th anniversary.

(English Sub)

(English dub) 

The film was first released to North American audiences in 2004 with a barebones DVD release following equally limited screenings in the same year. The film was also successfully campaigned at that year’s Cannes Film Festival, where it was placed in competition for the Palme d’ Or and made history as one of the few animated films to compete for the award before losing out to Michael Moore‘s Fahrenheit 9/11.

GitS Innocence poster 2024

GKIDS 4K Restoration of GHOST IN THE SHELL 2: INNOCENCE will mark the first 4K version of the film produced by Production I.G. and made its debut during the Chicago Critics Film Festival held earlier this month.


In the year 2032, the line between humans and machines has been blurred almost beyond distinction. A string of murders perpetrated by a prototype android model has drawn the attention of Public Security Section 9, a unit specializing in counter cyber-terrorism. With none of the victims’ families pressing charges, suspicions arise regarding the nature of the androids and their production company. In the course of the investigation, the almost entirely cyber-bodied agent Batou, and his still human partner Togusa embark on a journey through a technological dystopia, taking on ferocious Yakuza thugs, devious hackers, government bureaucrats, and corporate criminals to uncover the shocking truth behind the crime. Acclaimed director Mamoru Oshii pushes further into the world and concepts first developed in his groundbreaking film Ghost in the Shell, considered one of the most important and iconic anime films ever made. With its thought-provoking speculations on artificial intelligence, which have only become more relevant in our present world, GHOST IN THE SHELL 2: INNOCENCE celebrates its 20th anniversary

For a list of participating theaters and locations, GKIDS has opened an official site for the screenings and tickets are on sale now.

Source: GKIDS