Stairway, Vol. 1 is the beginning of a new graphic novel series by Matt Hawkins and Raffaele Ienco. It concerns what happens when a hidden information is discovered, scattered throughout human DNA and what happens what that information is collated and decoded…
As these things tend to happen, we’ve found ourselves with an extended preview and we’re sharing it with you:
Writer Matt Hawkins (THINK TANK) and artist Raffaele Ienco (Batman: Sins of the Father) team up for an all-new original graphic novel series beginning with STAIRWAY, VOL. 1 this August.
STAIRWAY, VOL. 1 follows a postgraduate student who discovers a way to unlock information hidden deep in our “junk DNA,” and parts of bio-schematics and other pieces of baffling data are found. This discovery triggers the largest scientific initiative since the Manhattan Project, with teams of scientists working to collect and collate this information. But will they find a stairway to heaven, or will they unleash something that will kill us all?
STAIRWAY, VOL. 1 (Diamond Code JUN180083, ISBN: 978-1-5343-0801-5) hits stores on Wednesday, August 22nd and bookstores on Tuesday, August 28th.
This looks interesting, and thank God it’s exploring not the flavour of the month thing from the news but something old like junk DNA. Quite good production values and the book seems to know where it’s going at least. One quibble: the US Executive and Congress never hesitated to act before, and more often it was Congress members stomping to lead the way or face electoral oblivion/irrelevence/or being on the wrong side of history. Just maybe there’s too much concern about democratic indecisiveness here, that I think is misplaced.
Still, interesting new book from seemingly nowhere, for me.
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