Today we’ve got an exclusive first look at pages from FACELESS & THE FAMILY #2, the second issue of Matt Lesniewski’s new series.
The book made a pretty big splash when the first issue hit this month, garnering much critical acclaim and word-of-mouth buzz from fans. It landed in our Top Comics to Buy for the week, netted a glowing Wednesday Comics review, and warranted an interview with Lesniewski, too. As you’ll see below, the artwork from this new series is absolutely stunning and unlike anything else being published right now.
Anyway, the book’s publisher, Oni Press, has been kind enough to share an exclusive look with us at some of the second issue’s pages. We’ve got six pages, along with the issue’s covers, below, following a note about the series from Lesniewski.
Lesniewski had this to say:
“A lot of people will probably be wondering what Faceless and the Family even is, and they’re not wrong for that. It doesn’t look like a place they’ve ever seen, characters they’re familiar with, or an art style they might be able to make sense of easily. But a lot of that is intentional. A lot of what I like about stories is when they take me somewhere. I don’t want to be here—I’m here every day. Take me somewhere you can only imagine. Show me something new. Amongst other things, this is my attempt at doing that. It might help to think of Faceless and the Family like my version of the Wizard of Oz or James and the Giant Peach. A story where a group of misfit characters have come together to form a family-like bond, and are all going on a quest looking for something. Faceless: a new face, Giant Jerry: new memories, Carp: a real sense of family, and Highway Hal: his long lost wife, Jan. They travel together across the Hand Planet mainly following our protagonist Faceless to Pinky Town in order to get facial reconstructive surgery. Once visually reimagined, he can rid himself of his past mistakes and rejoin his family who believes he’s been dead for a decade.”
And now the issue’s covers…
And now, what you’ve all been waiting for, those six exclusive pages from the book!
Unsurprisingly, these pages are awesome. Just really impressive stuff that doesn’t look like any other comic…ever.
Anyway, Faceless & The Family #2 is due out December 5 in comic shops everywhere, and if you somehow missed it/are very lucky, you can still find the amazing over-sized first issue at your LCS too. Happy hunting.