Even superheroes get migraines, though Gwen’s might be indicative of something more. When faced with an angry MJ, Gwen thwips through the city to fight crime and process her feelings in Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider #8. Luckily, there’s always someone doing something bad in New York City, which will hopefully help Gwen keep her mind off… well, her head.
Marvel provided The Beat with an exclusive preview of the first four pages of the new issue, on sale May 1. Take a look at the preview below and be sure to pick up a copy of Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider #8 at your local comic shop on Wednesday.
Writer: Seanan McGuire
Artist: Takeshi Miyazawa
Cover Artist: Bengal
Publisher: Marvel
Making a dent in the criminal underworld has painted a target on Spider-Woman’s back — and with her secret identity revealed, Gwen Stacy will find the people she cares about most in the crosshairs! But even if she can save her loved ones from the criminals of Earth-65, Gwen will still be a target herself!
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