Peace between the land and the sea may seem like a distant fantasy in the current run of Aquaman comics, but in Aquaman Annual #1, it’s already a reality. Set in the distant future, Aquaman and Mera reign over a utopic city that supports the lives of both land and sea denizens. But there’s a secret or two lurking in paradise, and everything might come crumbling down if Arthur doesn’t learn the truth before it’s too late.
Check out the Comics Beat’s exclusive preview of the issue, out this Wednesday, and meet Tom Curry. If you stick around, maybe you and him could take in an old Steve Reeves movie.
Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Artist: Max Fiumara
Colorist: Dave Stewart
Letterer: Deron Bennett
Aquaman’s dream of unity between surface and sea has come true! A utopia of human and Atlantean ingenuity, and a symbol of harmony between the two cultures, the city of Crownspire is Arthur Curry’s greatest achievement. There Aquaman, Mera, and Tom Curry live in content. But who built Crownspire? Where is Murk? And what exactly is Tom Curry?
Something is very wrong with Aquaman’s world, and if he doesn’t find out soon he may never live to see another day.
Future, yes, but distant? How do you define ‘distant future’? Certainly more than the lifetime of a mortal man.
These drawings are so “ off model” that they are disturbing. But the story looks good.
What a great pairing of talent. Good to see Phillip Kennedy Johnson getting a spotlight at DC, and I like the Fiumara take on Aquaman and Co. Very non-house style, so it works for a future based annual issue. I get an Image vibe from the artwork.
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