In a change of policy, the New York Times’ venerable Week in Review section will go from running a roundup of editorial cartoons on the topics of the week to specially commissioned work. Among those tapped, Brian McFadden, creator of Big Fat Whale. McFadden is 27 and lives in Massachusetts, giving the section a younger perspective, to say the least. McFadden will offer a weekly strip that “that hopefully makes a point or two while also being funny. The strip will cover something topical, but it can be anything from the week’s big story to something that slipped through the news cycle’s cracks. As long as I have something unique and funny to say about it, I can make a comic about it.”

In a statement to Editor & Publisher, Op-Ed page art director Aviva Michaelov said, “There are more terrific cartoonists out there now than ever before. I hope this feature can be a stage to exhibit their talents.”