Will there be graphic novels in 2100? Well, the year, we don’t know…the special which airs on ABC tonight…definitely! According to an email from Joe Infurnari:

Tonight at 9pm EST, ABC will air a two-hour news special titled, Earth 2100. What’s exciting about it is that it uses animated ‘graphic novel elements’ to put a human face on it’s dire predictions for the future of our civilization and planet. These animated segments feature the illustrations of Tim Hamilton (Fahrenheit 451), Leland Purvis (Vox, Pubo), George O’Connor (Journey Into Mohawk Country, Kapow!) and myself (the Process, The Transmigration of ULTRA-lad!) and were co-written by Josh Neufeld (A.D. New Orleans after the Deluge)!

More info:
Yahoo Preview.

Official web site


  1. What is wrong with the using the word “animated” (or even “illustrated”) here? There will be “animated elements” to the show. Or just say “graphic elements.” “Graphic novel elements” sounds (and is) idiotic. Bod Woodruff used the same phrasing on The Daily Show last night discussing this. If this ignorant phrasing is the price we “comic people” have to pay for comics being absorbed into the mainstream, that price may be too high!

    …or maybe I just need my morning coffee.