Xbox kicked off Monday with high octane announcements and the epic news of backwards compatibility for Xbox One from the Xbox 360. Now it’s EA’s turn in the spotlight as they take over the Shrine Auditorium in LA.
Expect new info on Mass Effect, Star Wars Battlefront, and Plants Vs Zombies 2. Last week Dark Horse Comics announced a new limited series set in the world of Mirror’s Edge; today we should see new footage from the game. Everything starts in about 15min, so if you’re hinding in your cubicle check back as the conference starts and we’ll update this post with news as it comes out.
Mass Effect Andromeda will be released Holiday 2016.
First up the return of Need For Speed. The video package shows off some intense cops and robbers car chases. This new game is intended to be the definitive experience built on all of the franchises previous entries. In runs on the same Frostbite tech that powers the Battlefield and Star Wars games.
New IP showed in the presentation began with Unravel. A character made out of yarn appeared on the screen as the studio told the story of their passion for making the game. As the player you are a red thread running through the experiences of someone’s life. Yarni as they call him explores a gorgeous lavish world where players have to traverse obstacles with only the yarn of the character at their disposal. It has a Little Big Planet feel, but the visuals are beyond anything those games have seen. The emotional connect of the harrwoing situations this character is in, just by footage alone, is so strong. It may seem simple but Unravel looks awesome.
One of the zombies from Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 appeared on stage. The games creator gave a few story details. Dr Zomboss has taken over the city and plots to destroy all plant life. A level of the game was demed where a squad of plants invade a Zombie factory in a new survival mode called “Graveyard Ops”. The four person team fought through hordes of plants, each character has different classes to choose from including a caped super zombie with fun melee abilities. It has a unique mixture of Call of Duty vibe combined with Titanfall. The game launches Spring 2016 on PS4, Xbox ONe, and pC. All with free content updates!
Yes! Hockey!
NHL started the EA Sports portion of the presentation. EA SPorts Hockey League is the new innovation for this years game.Golf will be the first game to utilize EA’s Frostbite tech. NBA Live was the next part of this section. The game’s producer Sean o Brien came onstage to talk about a new feature set for this year’s game. Players will be able to scan themselves into the game. Using a smart phone, players will scan themeselves in through an app and create an in-game asset. It’s scary how on point the detail was. Now, can EA fix the Knicks?
EA transitioned into mobile gaming. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game loaded with characters from every era of the Star Wars universe. The game will be released later this year.
Minions Paradise is a mobile builder game where players take on a new minion known as Phil. This minion strands his friends on an island where you have to build a mini camp in an effort to win back the favor of your fellow minions. Players will construct bars, water slides, and other resort attractions. Minions Paradise releases on mobile platforms later this year.
No EA presentation would be complete without talking about Futbol. A video featuring soccer legend Pele was shown.
Then, like a new pope, Pele appeared on stage through a cloud of fog and thunderous applause. I can barely understand him. He’s talking about many of his great moments like his 1000th goal and bicycle kicks.
With all the recent FIFA controversy, EA managed to, with one gesture, not lose any of their face in making the games. FIFA 16 itself has more of a focus on defense and controlling the midfield. The motion capture of Messi is so precise, I think I can take him. Womens teams are coming to FIFA 16! One thing I’ve noticed, EA has taken a focus on removing the high wall that surrounds these games. With the womens teams and the help contorls on screen it all makes them feel more inviting to new players. Sportsball for all!
Sara Jansson, Senior Producer of Mirrors Edge came out to introduce new footage of Catalyst. The game is the orgin story of the series heroine Faith. The world itself is so gorgeous and stylized. No levels and no loading screens are a big selling point this time around. February 23, 2016.
ESPN’s Robert Flores came onstage to talk about Madden. A new mode called Draft Champions lets players who love to engage in fantasty football bring their passion to consoles. Instead of having to watch your players saga playout you’ll take the reigns of the atheletes you draft in game. The game launches August 25, 2015.
Peter More came onstage to talk about DICE’s use of Frostbite tech on Star Wars Battlefront. Actual gameplay was shown from EA’s higly anticpated multiplayer epic. A battle between Rebels and the Empire on Hoth was demoed live. Not only will you be on the ground in the thick of the action; all vehicles are playable in game. Yep Tie Fighters, AT-AT, Xwing, damn near everything. At the end Darth Vader hits the battlefield and then the camera shifted to Luke Skywalker as they clashed in the middle of this war.