Author Cullen Bunn (Sinestro) has a few holes in his schedule thanks to his landmark title, Sinestro coming to an end along with his other DC work. While the writer moved onto X-Men as part of Marvel’s All-New, All-Different line of books, the author still has the time for a Battlestar Galactica ongoing at Dynamite Entertainment. CBR broke the press release and news of Bunn’s new gig that pairs the artist with comics illustrator Alex Sanchez (Katana).
Humanity’s search for sanctuary takes our heroes beyond the limits of known reality and into a cosmic mystery where the hunters become the hunted, ruin and despair dot the skies, and Adama goes where friend and family can’t follow. Cullen Bunn and Alex Sanchez invite you on a journey unlike any in the annals of “Battlestar Galactica!”
After digging around a bit and taking a look at the Newsarama write up, the publisher and Bunn seem to be suggesting that this series is going to be set during the original series from 1978. Galactica isn’t based off a book, but that original series created by Ralph McQuarrie. Sanchez directly acknowledged McQuarrie’s work later on in the press release.
“The thing that most excites me about working on Battlestar Galactica is the chance to draw the characters, ships, and concepts that Ralph McQuarrie created for the original series. He’s one of my art heroes,” says Sanchez. “I hope to do the material justice and give it a late 70’s, early 80’s feel, and hope that fans will react positively and enjoy the story and my art. With the creative team assembled, I know that they will!”
Bunn also shared his thoughts on the newly announced comic;
“Battlestar Galactica’ is a franchise that meant a lot to me in my formative years, and now I have the opportunity to build on the cosmic mythology that was left behind when the television series ended,” Bunn shared in a statement. “I’ve been given the chance to write characters that I love (and a few characters that I love to hate) within the universe (and following the rules) of the classic series. At the same time, I’m going to be doing something a little different, taking the story in a new direction that will provide fresh stories but will also honor everything that came before. I’m using some of the most mind-blowing aspects of the TV show to fuel a new story that I think old and new fans alike will enjoy.”
The book, aptly titled Battlestar Galactica #1 is launching August 3, we took an assortment of covers from the publisher initially ran by CBR.