by David Carter
Greetings, sales charts fans! It’s time once again to look at DC’s sales figures.
As has been their wont for the past few years, DC marks the September anniversary of The New 52 with a publishing stunt. In September 2012 it was Zero Issues; in September 2013 it was Villains Month with fancy 3D covers, weird X.1 numbering, and allocations. And in September 2014 they return to the 3D cover well with Futures End one-shots.
This year DC avoided last year’s allocation falderal by having retailers get their orders for the Futures End one-shots in a couple of months early, with creative teams announced only a couple of weeks before orders were due, and initial orders only (no Final Order Cutoff). (Retailers were also allowed to order up front as many 3D and standard covers that they wished for each title.) This caused no end of problems for retailers as they had to judge how many to order of these one-shots with no real clue as to how they would sell. Would there be as much demand as there was last year with the highly-publicized 3D cover shortages? How many customers would want to get the fact 3D covers, regardless of whether they were buying the regular titles? How many customers would want 3D covers over standard covers? How many customers would just sit out the one-shots all together?
But order they did, and based on the sales figures provided by Diamond (and quantified by the fine folks at ICv2) they ordered a lot. September 2014 was a very good month for DC. They scored a rare win in the market share battle: 37% compared to Marvel’s 32%.
Important note before we go on: Normally Diamond rolls all the variant covers for a title into one entry. But for this month they separated out the 3D covers from the standard covers, probably because they had different prices. To get an accurate and consistent accounting, I have added the two together for the charts below. (I’ve indicated with each title what the 3D/Standard split was.) But… three of the standard editions of Futures End titles did not sell enough to make the Top 300; so I estimated those at 6,000 a piece, which is no doubt wrong but is likely close to reality.
In most cases, the Futures End one-shots outsold last year’s Villains Month one-shots. Average sales per title for DCU titles was up nearly 2400 for September 2014 over September 2013. The increase in sales was especially strong for titles near the bottom; Batwing for example increased 427.7% over previous month.
Here are a couple of graphs:
This first graph shows the percentage increases for September 2014 over August 2014 vs. sales rank for September 2014 over August 2014:
The second is perhaps more illustrative; it shows overall sales for September 2014 over August 2014 vs. sales rank:
As can be seen, near the end of the graph the increases converge at around 33-34K.
It should be noted however that these were sales to retailers, not end customers. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence out there that retailers who ordered aggressively on the Futures End one shots found themselves unable to sell through. (See for example this piece from Multiversity Comics. )
So a big month for DC, though not necessarily for retailers. DC might be tempted to go back to the 3D well a third time in September 2015, but retailers likely won’t go along again.
Because of the nature of the September DCU titles, it is nigh impossible to say much about the underlying month-to-month trends. As a result the commentary below is a bit more perfunctory than usual. If it makes you feel any better it took longer than usual to compile this month’s sales figures.
Warning: The commentary below may contain reasoned analysis, speculation (unfounded and otherwise), opinion, and/or snark. Those looking for a more straightforward analysis are directed to John Jackson Miller’s excellent Comichron analysis, posted earlier this month over on Comichron!
Please consider the fine print at the end of the column. Thanks to Milton Griepp and for the permission to use their figures. An overview of’s estimates can be found here.
(Note that the percentage comparisons are now done with total orders including reorder activity, as opposed to initial orders as was the practice of this column under the previous administration.)
(Special thanks this month to retailer Brian Hibbs for answering my questions about the timeline for retailers to order the Futures End one-shots.)
3, 157 - BATMAN ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Batman #632 -- 71,236 [72,859] 09/2009: Batman #690 -- 77,001 09/2010: Batman #703 -- 77,033 09/2011: Batman #1 -- 188,420 [223,299] 09/2012: Batman #0 -- 156,561 ------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Jkr -- 151,351 (+ 18.0%) 09/2013: #23.2: Rdlr -- 140,065 (- 7.5%) 09/2013: #23.3: Pngn -- 120,026 (- 14.3%) 09/2013: #23.4: Bane -- 124,382 (+ 7.6%) [129,156] 10/2013: Batman #24 -- 124,652 (- 3.5%) 11/2013: Batman #25 -- 125,602 (+ 0.8%) 12/2013: Batman #26 -- 119,443 (- 4.9%) 01/2014: Batman #27 -- 115,492 (- 1.7%) [117,395] 02/2014: Batman #28 -- 114,089 (- 1.3%) [115,891] 03/2014: Batman #29 -- 116,926 (+ 0.9%) 04/2014: Batman #30 -- 108,998 (- 6.8%) 05/2014: Batman #31 -- 107,499 (+ 0.2%) [109,170] 06/2014: Batman #32 -- 130,077 (+ 19.2%) 07/2014: Batman #33 -- 117,996 (- 9.3%) 08/2014: Batman #34 -- 112,186 (- 4.9%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 142,980 (+ 27.4%) ----------------- 6 months: + 22.3% 1 year : + 5.8% 2 years : - 8.7% 5 years : + 85.7% 10 years: + 96.2% Since #1: - 36.0%
3D/Std: 127,823 / 15,157
Batman came in at #3 on the Diamond chart in September, trailing the first two issues of Marvel’s Death of Wolverine. However, when you add up the sales from the 3D and Standard versions, the combined sales of 142,980 are more than Death of Wolverine #2’s 129,999 (though still way behind DoW #1’s 261,975).
4, 167 - HARLEY QUINN ($3.99/$2.99) 11/2013: Harley Quinn #0 -- 114,212 [141,580] 12/2013: Harley Quinn #1 -- 92,153 (- 10.8%) [120,312] 01/2014: Harley Quinn #2 -- 66,363 (- 26.9%) [ 82,031] 02/2014: Harley Quinn #3 -- 63,967 (- 18.6%) [ 72,820] 03/2014: Harley Quinn #4 -- 63,120 (- 5.5%) 04/2014: Harley Quinn #5 -- 63,155 (+ 0.1%) 05/2014: Harley Quinn #6 -- 62,467 (- 1.1%) 06/2014: Harley Quinn #7 -- 93,266 (+ 49.3%) 07/2014: Harley Quinn #8 -- 76,827 (- 17.6%) 08/2014: Harley Quinn #9 -- 71,522 (- 6.9%) 08/2014: Harley Quinn #10 -- 58,500 (- 18.2%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 119,180 (+103.7%) ----------------- 6 months: + 88.8% Since #0: - 15.8%
3D/Std: 105,382 / 13,798
The Harley Quinn title has pretty much cemented itself as DC’s #2 selling regular title, and Futures End month continues that trend. This issue featured a madcap done-in-one story by the regular creative team featuring Harley and The Joker that had very little to do with Futures End at all. I suspect that if any extra copies are sitting on store shelves they will do quite well as back issues over the coming months.
6, 9, 179 - JUSTICE LEAGUE ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: JLA #105 -- 60,836 09/2004: JLA #106 -- 59,838 [60,943] 09/2009: JL of America #37 -- 55,478 09/2010: JL of America #49 -- 57,616 09/2011: -- 09/2012: Justice League #0 -- 125,868 --------------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Darkseid -- 111,142 (+ 6.9%) 09/2013: #23.2: Lobo -- 79,244 (- 28.7%) 09/2013: #23.3: Dial E -- 64,119 (- 14.4%) [67,855] 09/2013: #23.4: Secret Socty -- 78,014 (+ 23.1%) [83,500] 10/2013: Justice League #24 -- 98,491 (+ 18.0%) 11/2013: -- 12/2013: Justice League #25 -- 94,004 (- 4.6%) 12/2013: Justice League #26 -- 90,592 (- 3.6%) 01/2014: Justice League #27 -- 84,674 (- 6.5%) 02/2014: Justice League #28 -- 80,901 (- 4.5%) 03/2014: -- 04/2014: Justice League #29 -- 78,912 (- 2.5%) 05/2014: Justice League #30 -- 77,456 (- 1.8%) 06/2014: Justice League #31 -- 75,803 (- 2.1%) 07/2014: Justice League #32 -- 88,179 (+ 16.3%) 08/2014: -- 09/2014: Justice League #33 -- 79,447 (+ 16.3%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 104,246 (+ 16.3%) ----------------- 6 months: n.a. 1 year : + 7.5% 2 years : - 27.0% 5 years : + 65.6% 10 years: + 50.8% Since #1: - 61.6%
3D/Std: 92,615 / 11,631
Issue #33 slipped from August into September; it was a Batman 75th variant, for a Bat-Bomb differential of a bit fewer than 9K.
Also, averaging the sales of #33 and FE #1 make for somewhat depressed percentage comparisons for this month compared to the other DCU titles.
8, 188 - DETECTIVE COMICS ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Detective Comics #798 -- 48,526 09/2009: Detective Comics #857 -- 57,063 09/2010: Detective Comics #869 -- 37,394 09/2011: Detective Comics #1 -- 114,880 [157,751] 09/2012: Detective Comics #0 -- 84,063 ----------------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Poison Ivy -- 78,522 (+ 27.8%) 09/2013: #23.2: Harley Quinn -- 89,636 (+ 14.2%) 09/2013: #23.3: Scarecrow -- 73,043 (- 18.5%) 09/2013: #23.4: Man-Bat -- 68,110 (- 6.8%) 10/2013: Detective Comics #24 -- 59,310 (- 12.9%) 11/2013: Detective Comics #25 -- 64,392 (+ 8.6%) 12/2013: Detective Comics #26 -- 56,538 (- 12.2%) 01/2014: Detective Comics #27 -- 88,702 (+ 59.8%) [90,335] 02/2014: Detective Comics #28 -- 56,619 (- 37.3%) 03/2014: Detective Comics #29 -- 55,486 (- 2.0%) 04/2014: Detective Comics #30 -- 56,149 (+ 1.2%) 05/2014: Detective Comics #31 -- 54,518 (- 2.9%) 06/2014: Detective Comics #32 -- 72,988 (+ 33.9%) 07/2014: Detective Comics #33 -- 62,856 (- 13.9%) 08/2014: Detective Comics #34 -- 58,812 (- 6.4%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 96,081 (+ 63.4%) ----------------- 6 months: + 73.2% 1 year : + 24.3% 2 years : + 14.3% 5 years : + 68.4% 10 years: + 98.0% Since #1: - 39.1%
3D/Std: 85,284 / 10,797
Folks, I’m quickly running out of things to say about the DCU titles this month. Here’s the standard drill: Sales for the Futures End issues were very good. In most cases they were better than last September’s Forever Evil issues. But because these were special one-off issues with gimmick covers, we really can’t say anything about long-term sales trends.
And people like Batman.
10, 200 - BATMAN/SUPERMAN ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Superman/Batman #12 -- 139,516 [173,643] 09/2009: Superman/Batman #64 -- 36,332 09/2010: Superman/Batman #76 -- 32,003 --------------------------------------- 09/2013: #3.1: Doomsday -- 92,290 (+ 10.4%) [96,453] 10/2013: Batman/Superman #4 -- 82,990 (- 14.0%) 11/2013: Batman/Superman #5 -- 77,198 (- 7.0%) 12/2013: Batman/Superman #6 -- 68,857 (- 10.8%) 01/2014: Batman/Superman #7 -- 61,074 (- 11.3%) 02/2014: Batman/Superman #8 -- 59,138 (- 3.2%) 03/2014: -- 04/2014: Batman/Superman #9 -- 56,223 (- 4.9%) 05/2014: Batman/Superman #10 -- 54,844 (- 4.9%) 05/2014: Batman/Superman #11 -- 53,504 (- 4.9%) 06/2014: -- 07/2014: Batman/Superman #12 -- 68,345 (+ 27.7%) 08/2014: Batman/Superman #13 -- 55,954 (- 18.1%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 87,339 (+ 56.1%) ----------------- 6 months: n.a. 1 year : - 9.4% 5 years : +140.4% 10 years: - 49.7% Since #1: - 42.2%
3D/Std: 82,112 / 9,880
One of the instances where the Futures End issue did not outsell last September’s Forever Evil issue.
11, 205 - BATMAN AND... ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2009: Batman and Robin #4 -- 106,925 09/2010: Batman and Robin #14 -- 82,894 09/2011: Batman and Robin #1 -- 94,713 [116,053] 09/2012: Batman and Robin #0 -- 69,146 ---------------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Two-Face -- 77,073 (+ 38.4%) 09/2013: #23.2: Court of Owls -- 75,546 (- 2.0%) 09/2013: #23.3: Ra's al Ghul -- 73,746 (- 2.4%) 09/2013: #23.4: Killer Croc -- 69,428 (- 5.9%) 10/2013: and Two-Face #24 -- 52,060 (- 25.0%) 11/2013: and Two-Face #25 -- 53,374 (+ 2.5%) 12/2013: and Two-Face #26 -- 46,611 (- 12.7%) 01/2014: and Two-Face #27 -- 45,462 (- 2.5%) 02/2014: and Two-Face #28 -- 43,380 (- 4.6%) 03/2014: and Aquaman #29 -- 43,295 (- 0.2%) 04/2014: and Wonder Woman #30 -- 44,832 (+ 3.6%) 05/2014: and Frankenstein #31 -- 42,150 (- 6.0%) 06/2014: and Ra's al Ghul #32 -- 56,311 (+ 33.6%) 07/2014: Batman and Robin #33 -- 56,269 (- 0.1%) 08/2014: Batman and Robin #34 -- 53,403 (- 5.1%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 83,783 (+ 56.9%) ---------------- 6 months: + 93.5% 1 year : + 13.3% 2 years : + 21.2% 5 years : - 21.6% Since #1: - 27.8%
3D/Std: 74,129 / 9,654
Standard Drill.
14, 210 - SUPERMAN ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Superman #209 -- 116,827 [118,289] 09/2009: Superman #692 -- 37,695 09/2010: -- 09/2011: Superman #1 -- 131,529 [150,128] 09/2012: Superman #0 -- 60,493 --------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Bzarro -- 59,589 (+ 41.4%) 09/2013: #23.2: Brniac -- 58,197 (- 2.3%) 09/2013: #23.3: H'el -- 55,069 (- 5.4%) 09/2013: #23.4: Prsite -- 59,811 (+ 8.6%) 10/2013: Superman #24 -- 39,580 (- 33.8%) 11/2013: Superman #25 -- 39,295 (- 0.7%) 12/2013: Superman #26 -- 36,877 (- 6.2%) 01/2014: Superman #27 -- 35,266 (- 4.4%) 02/2014: Superman #28 -- 34,296 (- 2.8%) 03/2014: Superman #29 -- 33,633 (- 1.9%) 04/2014: Superman #30 -- 37,316 (+ 11.0%) 05/2014: Superman #31 -- 40,534 (+ 8.6%) 06/2014: Superman #32 -- 89,140 (+155.4%) [103,508] 07/2014: Superman #33 -- 62,998 (- 39.1%) 08/2014: Superman #34 -- 56,568 (- 10.2%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 77,949 (+ 37.8%) ----------------- 6 months: + 131.8% 1 year : + 34.0% 2 years : + 28.9% 5 years : + 106.8% 10 years: - 34.1% Since #1: - 48.1%
3D/Std: 68,860 / 9,089
There was also a Superman by Geoff Johns & John Romita Jr Director’s Cut, whose 7,536 copies I’ve rolled in to issue #32, making it now a 100K+ issue.
15, 213 - GREEN LANTERN ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Green Lantern #181 -- 41,531 [46,196] 09/2009: Green Lantern #46 -- 103,666 09/2010: Green Lantern #57 -- 85,179 09/2011: Green Lantern #1 -- 141,682 [169,159] 09/2012: Green Lantern #0 -- 89,909 -------------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Relic -- 66,495 (+ 12.4%) 09/2013: #23.2: Mongul -- 63,731 (- 4.2%) 09/2013: #23.3: Black Hand -- 62,753 (- 1.5%) 09/2013: #23.4: Sinestro -- 70,893 (+ 13.0%) 10/2013: Green Lantern #24 -- 57,109 (- 19.4%) 11/2013: Green Lantern #25 -- 54,322 (- 5.2%) 12/2013: Green Lantern #26 -- 51,420 (- 5.0%) 01/2014: Green Lantern #27 -- 48,831 (- 5.0%) 02/2014: GL/Red Lanterns#28 -- 49,200 (+ 5.6%) [51,548] 03/2014: Green Lantern #29 -- 45,797 (- 11.2%) 04/2014: Green Lantern #30 -- 44,483 (- 2.9%) 05/2014: Green Lantern #31 -- 43,769 (- 1.6%) 06/2014: Green Lantern #32 -- 56,315 (+ 28.7%) 07/2014: Green Lantern #33 -- 47,279 (- 16.0%) 08/2014: Green Lantern #34 -- 43,846 (- 7.3%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 77,372 (+ 76.5%) ----------------- 6 months: + 68.9% 1 year : + 17.3% 2 years : - 13.9% 5 years : - 25.4% 10 years: + 67.5% Since #1: - 54.3%
3D/Std: 68,370 / 9,002
Standard Drill.
16, 215 - SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN ($3.99/$2.99) 10/2013: Superman/Wonder Woman #1 -- 94,859 11/2013: Superman/Wonder Woman #2 -- 60,185 (- 36.6%) 12/2013: Superman/Wonder Woman #3 -- 51,357 (- 14.7%) 01/2014: Superman/Wonder Woman #4 -- 47,350 (- 7.8%) 02/2014: Superman/Wonder Woman #5 -- 44,847 (- 5.3%) 03/2014: Superman/Wonder Woman #6 -- 43,308 (- 3.4%) 04/2014: Superman/Wonder Woman #7 -- 45,157 (+ 4.3%) 05/2014: Superman/Wonder Woman #8 -- 47,803 (+ 5.9%) 06/2014: Superman/Wonder Woman #9 -- 62,659 (+ 31.1%) 07/2014: Superman/Wonder Woman #10 -- 50,254 (- 19.8%) 08/2014: Superman/Wonder Woman #11 -- 50,550 (+ 0.6%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 77,169 (+ 52.7%) ----------------- 6 months: + 78.2% Since #1: - 18.6%
3D/Std: 68,271 / 8,898
Standard Drill.
17, 206 - GRAYSON ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Nightwing #97 -- 44,038 [44,961] 09/2011: Nightwing #1 -- 66,686 [87,561] 09/2012: Nightwing #0 -- 53,109 --------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Nightwing #24 -- 39,853 (- 1.7%) 11/2013: Nightwing #25 -- 44,039 (+ 10.5%) 12/2013: Nightwing #26 -- 38,452 (- 12.7%) 01/2014: Nightwing #27 -- 38,325 (- 0.3%) 02/2014: Nightwing #28 -- 36,940 (- 3.6%) 03/2014: Nightwing #29 -- 36,814 (- 0.3%) 04/2014: -- 05/2014: Nightwing #30 -- 43,923 (+ 19.3%) 06/2014: -- 07/2014: Grayson #1 -- 81,433 (+ 85.4%) 08/2014: Grayson #2 -- 56,486 (- 30.6%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 76,551 (+ 52.7%) ----------------- 6 months: +107.9% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 44.1% 10 years: + 70.3% Since #1: - 6.0%
3D/Std: 67,109 / 9,442
Oddly the standard cover sells a bit better than the other titles around it on the chart.
As a sign of how far the comics market has come over the past ten years, cast your mind back to 2004, when re-order activity of a mere 923 additional copies was enough for Nightwing #97 to re-chart in the top 300; the #300 title on the chart this month is at 6,306 copies.
18, 216 - ACTION COMICS ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Action Comics #819 -- 42,385 09/2009: Action Comics #881 -- 36,183 09/2010: Action Comics #893 -- 33,948 09/2011: Action Comics #1 -- 182,748 [200,947] 09/2012: Action Comics #0 -- 78,626 -------------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Cyborg Smn -- 69,796 (+ 63.8%) 09/2013: #23.2: Zod -- 69,356 (- 0.6%) 09/2013: #23.3: Lex Luthor -- 67,621 (- 2.5%) 09/2013: #23.4: Metallo -- 51,807 (- 23.4%) 10/2013: Action Comics #24 -- 39,620 (- 23.5%) 11/2013: Action Comics #25 -- 46,550 (+ 17.5%) 12/2013: Action Comics #26 -- 37,489 (- 19.5%) 01/2014: Action Comics #27 -- 36,042 (- 3.9%) 02/2014: Action Comics #28 -- 35,305 (- 2.0%) 03/2014: Action Comics #29 -- 34,231 (- 3.0%) 04/2014: Action Comics #30 -- 37,809 (+ 10.5%) 05/2014: Action Comics #31 -- 41,081 (+ 8.7%) 06/2014: Action Comics #32 -- 55,400 (+ 34.9%) 07/2014: Action Comics #33 -- 49,457 (- 10.7%) 08/2014: Action Comics #34 -- 46,746 (- 5.5%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 74,497 (+ 59.4%) ----------------- 6 months: +117.6% 1 year : + 15.2% 2 years : - 5.3% 5 years : +105.9% 10 years: + 75.8% Since #1: - 62.9%
3D/Std: 65,632 / 8,865
Standard Drill.
20, 222 - NEW SUICIDE SQUAD ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2011: Suicide Squad #1 -- 49,979 [61,815] 09/2012: Suicide Squad #0 -- 31,875 ----------------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Suicide Squad #24 -- 27,762 (+ 25.3%) 11/2013: Suicide Squad #25 -- 27,067 (- 2.5%) 12/2013: Suicide Squad #26 -- 25,346 (- 6.4%) 01/2014: Suicide Squad #27 -- 24,175 (- 4.6%) 02/2014: Suicide Squad #28 -- 22,882 (- 5.3%) 03/2014: Suicide Squad #29 -- 22,162 (- 3.1%) 04/2014: -- 05/2014: Suicide Squad #30 -- 22,063 (- 0.4%) 06/2014: -- 07/2014: New Suicide Squad #1 -- 49,260 (+123.3%) 08/2014: New Suicide Squad #2 -- 38,477 (- 21.9%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 73,599 (+ 91.3%) ----------------- 6 months: + 232.1% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 130.9% Since #1: + 49.2%
3D/Std: 64,884 / 8,715
Outsells its debut issue. By a lot.
21, 219 - JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED ($3.99/$2.99) 04/2014: Justice League United #0 -- 68,431 05/2014: Justice League United #1 -- 64,209 (- 6.2%) 06/2014: Justice League United #2 -- 62,928 (- 2.0%) 07/2014: Justice League United #3 -- 47,919 (- 23.9%) 08/2014: Justice League United #4 -- 42,504 (- 11.3%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 72,839 (+ 71.4%) ----------------- Since #0: + 6.4%
3D/Std: 64,057 / 8,782
Outsells its debut issue.
24, 221 - FLASH ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Flash #214 -- 44,124 [46,894] 09/2009: -- 09/2010: Flash #5 -- 62,063 09/2011: Flash #1 -- 129,260 [147,818] 09/2012: Flash #0 -- 56,890 ----------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Grodd -- 52,901 (+ 36.1%) 09/2013: #23.2: RvrsFlsh -- 53,359 (+ 0.9%) 09/2013: #23.3: Rogues -- 51,072 (- 4.3%) 10/2013: Flash #24 -- 38,190 (- 25.2%) 11/2013: Flash #25 -- 41,838 (+ 9.6%) 12/2013: Flash #26 -- 36,601 (- 12.5%) 01/2014: Flash #27 -- 34,902 (- 4.6%) 02/2014: Flash #28 -- 33,853 (- 3.0%) 03/2014: Flash #29 -- 33,241 (- 1.8%) 04/2014: Flash #30 -- 33,300 (+ 5.8%) [35,157] 05/2014: Flash #31 -- 34,240 (- 2.6%) 06/2014: Flash #32 -- 47,188 (+ 37.8%) 07/2014: Flash #33 -- 39,669 (- 15.9%) 08/2014: Flash #34 -- 37,109 (- 6.5%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 70,368 (+ 89.6%) ----------------- 6 months: +111.7% 1 year : + 34.2% 2 years : + 23.7% 5 years : n.a. 10 years: + 50.1% Since #1: - 52.4%
3D/Std: 61,637 / 8,731
Standard Drill.
25, 229 - WONDER WOMAN ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Wonder Woman #208 -- 26,628 09/2009: Wonder Woman #36 -- 28,806 09/2010: Wonder Woman #603 -- 38,852 09/2011: Wonder Woman #1 -- 76,214 [95,902] 09/2012: Wonder Woman #0 -- 49,778 ------------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Cheetah -- 49,297 (+ 41.9%) 09/2013: #23.2: First Born -- 44,154 (- 10.4%) 10/2013: Wonder Woman #24 -- 34,308 (- 22.3%) 11/2013: Wonder Woman #25 -- 33,532 (- 2.3%) 12/2013: Wonder Woman #26 -- 32,773 (- 2.3%) 01/2014: Wonder Woman #27 -- 32,035 (- 2.3%) 02/2014: Wonder Woman #28 -- 31,464 (- 1.8%) 03/2014: Wonder Woman #29 -- 30,989 (- 1.5%) 04/2014: Wonder Woman #30 -- 31,094 (+ 0.3%) 05/2014: Wonder Woman #31 -- 30,655 (- 1.4%) 06/2014: Wonder Woman #32 -- 48,235 (+ 57.3%) 07/2014: Wonder Woman #33 -- 37,431 (- 22.4%) 08/2014: -- 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 69,497 (+ 85.7%) ----------------- 6 months: +124.3% 1 year : + 48.7% 2 years : + 39.6% 5 years : +141.3% 10 years: +161.0% Since #1: - 27.5%
3D/Std: 61,637 / 8,731
Standard Drill.
(Issue #34 slipped to the first week of October.)
26, 228 - BATGIRL ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Batgirl #56 -- 39,493 [42,088] 09/2009: Batgirl #2 -- 40,626 09/2010: Batgirl #14 -- 26,861 09/2011: Batgirl #1 -- 90,543 [107,055] 09/2012: Batgirl #0 -- 50,441 ---------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Batgirl #24 -- 36,666 (- 2.8%) 11/2013: Batgirl #25 -- 40,752 (+ 11.1%) 12/2013: Batgirl #26 -- 34,885 (- 14.4%) 01/2014: Batgirl #27 -- 37,226 (+ 6.7%) 02/2014: Batgirl #28 -- 34,567 (- 7.1%) 03/2014: Batgirl #29 -- 33,223 (- 3.9%) 04/2014: Batgirl #30 -- 32,698 (- 1.6%) 05/2014: Batgirl #31 -- 31,522 (- 3.6%) 06/2014: Batgirl #32 -- 47,304 (+ 50.1%) 07/2014: Batgirl #33 -- 37,186 (- 21.4%) 08/2014: Batgirl #34 -- 34,590 (- 7.0%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 67,933 (+ 96.4%) ----------------- 6 months: +104.5% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 34.7% 5 years : + 67.2% 10 years: + 61.4% Since #1: - 36.5%
3D/Std: 59,563 / 8,370
Standard Drill.
The new creative team debuts in September.
30, 233 - AQUAMAN ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Aquaman #22 -- 23,358 09/2011: Aquaman #1 -- 80,302 [108,545] 09/2012: Aquaman #0 -- 61,227 ------------------------------ 09/2013: #23.1: BMta -- 58,207 (+ 31.9%) 09/2013: #23.2: OMtr -- 53,679 (- 7.8%) 10/2013: Aquaman #24 -- 42,248 (- 21.3%) 11/2013: Aquaman #25 -- 41,264 (- 2.3%) 12/2013: Aquaman #26 -- 38,841 (- 5.9%) 01/2014: Aquaman #27 -- 36,610 (- 5.7%) 02/2014: Aquaman #28 -- 34,939 (- 4.6%) 03/2014: Aquaman #29 -- 33,907 (- 3.0%) 04/2014: Aquaman #30 -- 32,859 (- 3.1%) 05/2014: Aquaman #31 -- 32,076 (- 2.4%) 06/2014: Aquaman #32 -- 44,853 (+ 39.8%) 07/2014: Aquaman #33 -- 36,140 (- 19.4%) 08/2014: Aquaman #34 -- 33,380 (- 7.6%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 65,212 (+ 95.4%) ----------------- 6 months: + 92.3% 1 year : + 16.6% 2 years : + 6.5% 10 years: +179.2% Since #1: - 39.9%
3D/Std: 57,042 / 8,170
Standard Drill.
32, 230 - EARTH 2 ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2012: Earth 2 #0 -- 69,111 ------------------------------ 09/2013: #15.1: Desd -- 51,850 (+ 26.9%) 09/2013: #15.2: SlGr -- 52,369 (+ 1.0%) 10/2013: Earth 2 #16 -- 38,389 (- 26.7%) 11/2013: Earth 2 #17 -- 39,846 (+ 3.8%) 12/2013: Earth 2 #18 -- 37,130 (- 6.8%) 01/2014: Earth 2 #19 -- 36,103 (- 2.8%) 02/2014: Earth 2 #20 -- 35,732 (- 1.0%) 03/2014: Earth 2 #21 -- 35,295 (- 1.2%) 04/2014: Earth 2 #22 -- 34,970 (- 0.9%) 05/2014: Earth 2 #23 -- 34,531 (- 1.3%) 06/2014: Earth 2 #24 -- 47,277 (+ 36.9%) 07/2014: Earth 2 #25 -- 39,726 (- 16.0%) 08/2014: Earth 2 #26 -- 37,396 (- 5.9%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 65,212 (+ 73.7%) ---------------- 6 months: + 84.8% 1 year : + 25.1% 2 years : - 5.6% Since #1: - 36.6%
3D/Std: 56,675 / 8,298
In an odd bit of coincidence, the combined sales for Earth 2 come in exactly the same as the combined sales for Aquaman.
19 - THE MULTIVERSITY ($4.99) 08/2014: The Multiversity #1 -- 90,551 09/2014: SoS-H: CotC-W #1 -- 65,022 (- 28.2%)
Despite being labeled as a #1 issue, The Society of Super-Heroes: Conquerors of the Counter-World exhibits a typical second issue drop. Still, those are good sales for an extra-sized $5 comic.
38, 236 - TEEN TITANS ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Teen Titans #15 -- 63,136 09/2004: Teen Titans #16 -- 64,177 [66,695] 09/2009: Teen Titans #75 -- 32,808 09/2010: Teen Titans #87 -- 23,259 09/2011: Teen Titans #1 -- 73,675 [89,056] 09/2012: Teen Titans #0 -- 47,318 ----------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Trigon -- 48,974 (+ 54.3%) 09/2013: #23.2: Dthstroke -- 49,920 (+ 1.9%) 10/2013: Teen Titans #24 -- 34,536 (- 30.8%) 11/2013: Teen Titans #25 -- 32,395 (- 6.2%) 12/2013: Teen Titans #26 -- 29,149 (- 10.0%) 01/2014: Teen Titans #27 -- 27,558 (- 5.5%) 02/2014: Teen Titans #28 -- 26,732 (- 3.0%) 03/2014: Teen Titans #29 -- 25,969 (- 2.9%) 04/2014: Teen Titans #30 -- 25,709 (- 1.0%) 05/2014: -- 06/2014: -- 07/2014: Teen Titans #1 -- 52,358 (+103.7%) 08/2014: Teen Titans #2 -- 40,687 (- 22.3%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 62,915 (+ 54.6%) ----------------- 6 months: +142.3% 1 year : + 27.2% 2 years : + 33.0% 5 years : + 91.8% 10 years: - 3.1% Since #1: + 20.2%
3D/Std: 54,951 / 7,964
Outsells its debut issue.
23 - SUPERMAN UNCHAINED ($3.99) 09/2013: -- 10/2013: -- 11/2013: Superman Unchained #4 -- 110,611 (-18.9%) 12/2013: Superman Unchained #5 -- 96,322 (-12.9%) 01/2014: -- 02/2014: -- 03/2014: Superman Unchained #6 -- 94,147 (- 2.3%) 04/2014: -- 05/2014: -- 06/2014: -- 07/2014: Superman Unchained #7 -- 69,523 (-26.2%) 08/2014: -- 09/2014: Superman Unchained #8 -- 62,815 (- 9.6%) ---------------- 6 months: - 33.3% 1 year : n.a. Since #1: - 76.9%
Penultimate issue of the delay-plagued Jim Lee showcase.
41, 238 - GREEN ARROW ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Green Arrow #42 -- 31,714 09/2009: Arrow/Canary #24 -- 18,780 09/2010: Green Arrow #4 -- 44,220 09/2011: Green Arrow #1 -- 61,680 [72,359] 09/2012: Green Arrow #0 -- 28,408 ----------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: CtVertigo -- 43,234 (+ 69.9%) 10/2013: Green Arrow #24 -- 24,620 (- 43.1%) 11/2013: Green Arrow #25 -- 29,591 (+ 20.2%) 12/2013: Green Arrow #26 -- 24,687 (- 16.6%) 01/2014: Green Arrow #27 -- 23,785 (- 3.7%) 02/2014: Green Arrow #28 -- 26,725 (+ 12.4%) 03/2014: Green Arrow #29 -- 23,698 (- 11.3%) 04/2014: Green Arrow #30 -- 23,577 (- 0.5%) 05/2014: Green Arrow #31 -- 23,475 (- 0.4%) 06/2014: Green Arrow #32 -- 23,602 (+ 0.5%) 07/2014: Green Arrow #33 -- 23,452 (- 0.6%) 08/2014: Green Arrow #34 -- 22,927 (- 2.2%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 61,915 (+170.1%) ----------------- 6 months: +161.3% 1 year : + 43.2% 2 years : +117.9% 5 years : +229.7% 10 years: + 95.2% Since #1: - 14.4%
3D/Std: 54,198 / 7,717
Okay, something unusual is going on here, as Green Arrow is punching way above its weight class.
42, 252 - SINESTRO ($3.99/$2.99) 04/2014: Sinestro #1 -- 46,480 05/2014: Sinestro #2 -- 34,640 (- 25.5%) 06/2014: Sinestro #3 -- 30,422 (- 12.2%) 07/2014: Sinestro #4 -- 28,095 (- 7.6%) 08/2014: Sinestro #5 -- 26,867 (- 4.4%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 60,761 (+126.2%) ----------------- Since #1: + 30.7%
3D/Std: 53,304 / 7,457
Outsells its debut issue.
47, 255 - JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2011: Justice League Dark #1 -- 69,840 [81,955] 09/2012: Justice League Dark #0 -- 34,287 ------------------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Creeper -- 46,326 (- 34.9%) 09/2013: #23.2: Eclipso -- 45,138 (- 2.6%) 10/2013: Justice League Dark #24 -- 45,401 (+ 0.6%) 11/2013: Justice League Dark #25 -- 38,760 (- 14.6%) 12/2013: Justice League Dark #26 -- 36,353 (- 6.2%) 01/2014: Justice League Dark #27 -- 32,576 (- 10.4%) 02/2014: Justice League Dark #28 -- 30,519 (- 6.3%) 03/2014: Justice League Dark #29 -- 29,202 (- 4.3%) 04/2014: Justice League Dark #30 -- 27,695 (- 5.2%) 05/2014: Justice League Dark #31 -- 25,337 (- 8.5%) 06/2014: Justice League Dark #32 -- 38,219 (+ 50.8%) 07/2014: Justice League Dark #33 -- 28,297 (- 26.0%) 08/2014: Justice League Dark #34 -- 25,258 (- 10.7%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 58,529 (+131.7%) ----------------- 6 months: +111.3% 1 year : + 28.0% 2 years : + 70.7% Since #1: - 28.6%
3D/Std: 51,128 / 7,401
Standard Drill.
48, 258 - GREEN LANTERN CORPS ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2009: Green Lantern Corps #40 -- 83,112 09/2010: Green Lantern Corps #52 -- 63,577 09/2011: Green Lantern Corps #1 -- 83,077 [94,800] 09/2012: Green Lantern Corps #0 -- 47,309 ------------------------------------------ 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Green Lantern Corps #24 -- 37,312 (+ 3.0%) 11/2013: Green Lantern Corps #25 -- 38,369 (+ 2.8%) 12/2013: Green Lantern Corps #26 -- 32,797 (- 14.5%) 01/2014: Green Lantern Corps #27 -- 31,447 (- 4.1%) 02/2014: Green Lantern Corps #28 -- 29,142 (- 7.3%) 03/2014: Green Lantern Corps #29 -- 27,754 (- 4.8%) 04/2014: Green Lantern Corps #30 -- 26,640 (- 4.0%) 05/2014: Green Lantern Corps #31 -- 28,449 (+ 6.8%) 06/2014: Green Lantern Corps #32 -- 40,734 (+ 43.2%) 07/2014: Green Lantern Corps #33 -- 32,877 (- 19.3%) 08/2014: Green Lantern Corps #34 -- 29,471 (- 10.4%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 58,325 (+ 97.9%) ---------------- 6 months: +110.1% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 23.3% 5 years : - 29.8% Since #1: - 68.9%
3D/Std: 51,011 / 7,314
Standard Drill.
50, 239 - BOOSTER GOLD ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2009: Booster Gold #24 -- 21,731 09/2010: Booster Gold #36 -- 18,504 ----------------------------------- 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 57,579 ---------------- 5 years : +165.0%
3D/Std: 49,913 / 7,666
In a month of in-the-dark ordering for retailers, this must have been one of the most in-the-darkest.
51, 269 - CATWOMAN ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Catwoman #35 -- 37,784 [41,239] 09/2011: Catwoman #1 -- 59,633 [75,566] 09/2012: Catwoman #0 -- 39,117 --------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Catwoman #24 -- 35,134 (+ 44.8%) 11/2013: Catwoman #25 -- 29,471 (- 16.1%) 12/2013: Catwoman #26 -- 26,482 (- 10.1%) 01/2014: Catwoman #27 -- 24,956 (- 5.8%) 02/2014: Catwoman #28 -- 23,974 (- 3.9%) 03/2014: Catwoman #29 -- 22,236 (- 7.2%) 04/2014: Catwoman #30 -- 20,968 (- 5.7%) 05/2014: Catwoman #31 -- 20,144 (- 3.9%) 06/2014: Catwoman #32 -- 33,694 (+ 67.3%) 07/2014: Catwoman #33 -- 18,945 (- 43.8%) 08/2014: Catwoman #34 -- 23,497 (+ 24.0%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 56,939 (+142.3%) ----------------- 6 months: +156.1% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 45.6% 10 years: + 38.1% Since #1: - 24.6%
3D/Std: 49,912 / 7,027
Standard Drill.
54, 267 - RED LANTERNS ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2011: Red Lanterns #1 -- 73,940 [89,170] 09/2012: Red Lanterns #0 -- 38,928 ----------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Red Lanterns #24 -- 30,771 (+ 3.9%) 11/2013: Red Lanterns #25 -- 27,786 (- 9.7%) 12/2013: Red Lanterns #26 -- 26,242 (- 5.6%) 01/2014: Red Lanterns #27 -- 24,477 (- 6.7%) 02/2014: Green Lant/RL#28 -- 49,200 (+110.6%) [51,548] 03/2014: Red Lanterns #29 -- 25,153 (- 51.2%) 04/2014: Red Lanterns #30 -- 24,350 (- 3.2%) 05/2014: Red Lanterns #31 -- 24,307 (- 0.2%) 06/2014: Red Lanterns #32 -- 23,720 (- 2.4%) 07/2014: Red Lanterns #33 -- 23,355 (- 1.5%) 08/2014: Red Lanterns #34 -- 22,761 (- 2.5%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 56,030 (+146.2%) ---------------- 6 months: +122.8% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 43.9% Since #1: - 37.2%
3D/Std: 48,939 / 7,091
55, 268 - GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2011: New Guardians #1 -- 84,033 [96,596] 09/2012: New Guardians #0 -- 46,718 ------------------------------------ 09/2013: -- 10/2013: New Guardians #24 -- 35,417 (+ 2.7%) 11/2013: New Guardians #25 -- 32,069 (- 9.5%) 12/2013: New Guardians #26 -- 30,489 (- 4.9%) 01/2014: New Guardians #27 -- 28,346 (- 7.0%) 02/2014: New Guardians #28 -- 27,212 (- 4.0%) 03/2014: New Guardians #29 -- 25,296 (- 7.0%) 04/2014: New Guardians #30 -- 24,727 (- 2.2%) 05/2014: New Guardians #31 -- 23,886 (- 3.4%) 06/2014: New Guardians #32 -- 23,142 (- 3.1%) 07/2014: New Guardians #33 -- 22,797 (- 1.5%) 08/2014: New Guardians #34 -- 22,052 (- 3.3%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 55,863 (+153.3%) ---------------- 6 months: +120.8% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 19.6% Since #1: - 42.2%
3D/Std: 48,809 / 7,054
The two auxiliary Green Lantern titles are within fewer than 200 copies of each other.
31, 34, 35, 37 - BATMAN ETERNAL ($2.99) 04/2014: Batman Eternal #1 -- 105,754 [110,916] 04/2014: Batman Eternal #2 -- 84,566 (- 20.2%) [ 88,468] 04/2014: Batman Eternal #3 -- 79,703 (- 4.8%) [ 84,183] 04/2014: Batman Eternal #4 -- 78,009 (- 1.7%) [ 82,743] 05/2014: Batman Eternal #5 -- 73,475 (- 11.2%) 05/2014: Batman Eternal #6 -- 70,983 (- 3.4%) 05/2014: Batman Eternal #7 -- 68,251 (- 3.8%) 05/2014: Batman Eternal #8 -- 68,523 (+ 0.4%) 06/2014: Batman Eternal #9 -- 68,295 (- 0.3%) 06/2014: Batman Eternal #10 -- 67,203 (- 1.6%) 06/2014: Batman Eternal #11 -- 65,770 (- 2.1%) 06/2014: Batman Eternal #12 -- 65,374 (- 0.6%) 07/2014: Batman Eternal #13 -- 63,828 (- 2.4%) 07/2014: Batman Eternal #14 -- 63,138 (- 1.1%) 07/2014: Batman Eternal #15 -- 62,137 (- 1.6%) 07/2014: Batman Eternal #16 -- 61,149 (- 1.6%) 07/2014: Batman Eternal #17 -- 60,013 (- 1.9%) 08/2014: Batman Eternal #18 -- 58,998 (- 1.7%) 08/2014: Batman Eternal #19 -- 58,368 (- 1.1%) 08/2014: Batman Eternal #20 -- 57,906 (- 0.8%) 08/2014: Batman Eternal #21 -- 57,525 (- 0.7%) 09/2014: Batman Eternal #22 -- 56,793 (- 1.3%) 09/2014: Batman Eternal #23 -- 56,152 (- 1.1%) 09/2014: Batman Eternal #24 -- 56,002 (- 0.3%) 09/2014: Batman Eternal #25 -- 55,662 (- 0.6%) ----------------- Since #1: - 49.8%
Continues the pattern of dropping about 1% per issue.
At nearly the halfway point of the 52-issue weekly series, sales have dropped to nearly half of those of the debut issue. But it is not atypical for a series to drop about 50% sixth months in, and Batman Eternal was able to spread those drops over 25 issues instead of 6. I’d expect DC to launch another Batman weekly after Eternal wraps up.
56, 266 - SUPERGIRL ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2009: Supergirl #45 -- 32,240 09/2010: Supergirl #56 -- 25,034 09/2011: Supergirl #1 -- 19,764 09/2012: Supergirl #0 -- 30,420 --------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Supergirl #24 -- 23,321 (- 5.8%) 11/2013: Supergirl #25 -- 25,377 (+ 8.8%) 12/2013: Supergirl #26 -- 22,646 (- 10.8%) 01/2014: Supergirl #27 -- 21,954 (- 3.1%) 02/2014: Supergirl #28 -- 23,567 (+ 7.3%) 03/2014: Supergirl #29 -- 22,883 (- 2.9%) 04/2014: Supergirl #30 -- 23,410 (+ 2.3%) 05/2014: Supergirl #31 -- 22,783 (- 2.7%) 06/2014: Supergirl #32 -- 22,481 (- 1.3%) 07/2014: Supergirl #33 -- 22,802 (+ 1.4%) 08/2014: Supergirl #34 -- 26,510 (+ 16.3%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 55,706 (+110.1%) ----------------- 6 months: +143.4% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 83.1% 5 years : + 72.8% Since #1: - 24.9%
3D/Std: 48,597 / 7,109
Standard Drill.
57, 261 - WORLDS' FINEST ($3.99/$2.99) 08/2012: Worlds' Finest #0 -- 42,770 ------------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Worlds' Finest #16 -- 22,987 (- 4.9%) 11/2013: Worlds' Finest #17 -- 21,920 (- 4.6%) 12/2013: Worlds' Finest #18 -- 21,039 (- 4.0%) 01/2014: Worlds' Finest #19 -- 20,998 (- 0.2%) 02/2014: Worlds' Finest #20 -- 25,585 (+ 31.5%) [27,613] 03/2014: Worlds' Finest #21 -- 25,676 (- 7.0%) 04/2014: Worlds' Finest #22 -- 21,485 (- 16.3%) 05/2014: Worlds' Finest #23 -- 21,118 (- 1.7%) 06/2014: Worlds' Finest #24 -- 20,900 (- 1.0%) 07/2014: Worlds' Finest #25 -- 19,957 (- 4.5%) 08/2014: Worlds' Finest #26 -- 19,772 (- 0.9%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 55,376 (+153.3%) ----------------- 6 months: +115.7% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 29.5% Since #1: - 20.4%
3D/Std: 48,207 / 7,169
Standard Drill.
58, 270 - RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2010: Red Hood Lost Days #4 -- 24,104 09/2011: Red Hood & Outlaws #1 -- 56,112 [70,244] 09/2012: Red Hood & Outlaws #0 -- 39,511 ------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Red Hood & Outlaws #24 -- 27,128 (- 5.9%) 11/2013: Red Hood & Outlaws #25 -- 30,632 (+ 12.9%) 12/2013: Red Hood & Outlaws #26 -- 25,382 (- 17.1%) 01/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #27 -- 24,813 (- 2.2%) 02/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #28 -- 23,236 (- 6.4%) 03/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #29 -- 22,316 (- 4.0%) 04/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #30 -- 21,718 (- 2.7%) 05/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #31 -- 21,257 (- 2.1%) 06/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #32 -- 33,081 (+ 55.6%) 07/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #33 -- 20,669 (- 37.5%) 08/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #34 -- 20,069 (- 2.9%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 54,984 (+174.0%) ---------------- 6 months: +146.4% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 39.2% Since #1: - 21.7%
3D/Std: 48,002 / 6,982
Standard Drill.
59, 270 - AQUAMAN AND THE OTHERS ($3.99/$2.99) 04/2014: Aquaman & Others #1 -- 34,056 05/2014: Aquaman & Others #2 -- 26,198 (- 23.1%) 06/2014: Aquaman & Others #3 -- 23,109 (- 11.8%) 07/2014: Aquaman & Others #4 -- 20,520 (- 11.2%) 08/2014: Aquaman & Others #5 -- 18,639 (- 9.2%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 53,531 (+174.0%) ----------------- Since #1: + 57.2%
3D/Std: 46,549 / 6,982
Outsells its debut issue.
62, 285 - CONSTANTINE ($3.99/$2.99) 08/2004: Hellblazer #200 -- 16,342 [17,636] 08/2009: Hellblazer #259 -- 10,813 08/2010: Hellblazer #271 -- 9,851 08/2011: Hellblazer #283 -- 9,597 08/2012: Hellblazer #295 -- 9,143 ---------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Constantine #7 -- 22,954 (- 8.8%) 11/2013: Constantine #8 -- 20,981 (- 8.6%) 12/2013: Constantine #9 -- 22,403 (+ 6.8%) 01/2014: Constantine #10 -- 20,729 (- 7.5%) 02/2014: Constantine #11 -- 20,385 (- 1.7%) 03/2014: Constantine #12 -- 20,051 (- 1.6%) 04/2014: Constantine #13 -- 18,454 (- 8.0%) 05/2014: Constantine #14 -- 17,422 (- 5.6%) 06/2014: Constantine #15 -- 16,704 (- 4.1%) 07/2014: Constantine #16 -- 16,235 (- 2.8%) 08/2014: Constantine #17 -- 15,647 (- 2.8%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 51,990 (+232.3%) ----------------- 6 months: +159.3% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : +468.6% 5 years : +380.8% 10 years: +194.8% Since #1: + 38.4%
3D/Std: 45,392 / 6,598
Outsells its debut issue.
63, 284 - SWAMP THING ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Swamp Thing #7 -- 20,238 09/2011: Swamp Thing #1 -- 54,757 [73,683] 09/2012: Swamp Thing #0 -- 40,123 ---------------------------------- 09/2013: #23.1: Arcane -- 40,390 (+ 78.0%) 10/2013: Swamp Thing #24 -- 21,724 (- 46.2%) 11/2013: Swamp Thing #25 -- 21,141 (- 2.7%) 12/2013: Swamp Thing #26 -- 20,247 (- 4.2%) 01/2014: Swamp Thing #27 -- 19,755 (- 2.4%) 02/2014: Swamp Thing #28 -- 19,146 (- 3.1%) 03/2014: Swamp Thing #29 -- 18,837 (- 1.6%) 04/2014: Swamp Thing #30 -- 18,458 (- 2.0%) 05/2014: Swamp Thing #31 -- 18,249 (- 1.1%) 06/2014: Swamp Thing #32 -- 18,483 (+ 1.3%) 07/2014: Swamp Thing #33 -- 17,905 (- 3.1%) 08/2014: Swamp Thing #34 -- 17,570 (- 1.9%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 51,918 (+195.5%) ---------------- 6 months: +181.3% 1 year : + 28.5% 2 years : + 29.4% 10 years: +156.5% Since #1: - 29.5%
3D/Std: 45,303 / 6,615
Standard Drill.
65, 287 - BATWOMAN ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2011: Batwoman #1 -- 72,228 [87,952] 09/2012: Batwoman #0 -- 41,684 -------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Batwoman #24 -- 25,609 (- 2.3%) 11/2013: Batwoman #25 -- 25,987 (+ 1.5%) 12/2013: Batwoman #26 -- 23,311 (- 10.3%) 01/2014: Batwoman #27 -- 22,461 (- 3.6%) 02/2014: Batwoman #28 -- 20,672 (- 8.0%) 03/2014: Batwoman #29 -- 19,750 (- 4.5%) 04/2014: Batwoman #30 -- 19,204 (- 2.8%) 05/2014: Batwoman #31 -- 18,463 (- 3.9%) 06/2014: Batwoman #32 -- 33,538 (+ 81.6%) 07/2014: Batwoman #33 -- 23,922 (- 28.7%) 08/2014: Batwoman #34 -- 16,909 (- 29.3%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 50,914 (+201.1%) ---------------- 6 months: +157.8% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 22.1% Since #1: - 42.1%
3D/Std: 44,428 / 6,486
Standard Drill.
69, 293 - SUPERBOY ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2011: Superboy #1 -- 55,608 [69,283] 09/2012: Superboy #0 -- 31,840 -------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Superboy #24 -- 18,341 (- 9.4%) 11/2013: Superboy #25 -- 21,449 (+ 16.9%) 12/2013: Superboy #26 -- 17,690 (- 17.5%) 01/2014: Superboy #27 -- 17,392 (- 1.7%) 02/2014: Superboy #28 -- 16,448 (- 5.4%) 03/2014: Superboy #29 -- 15,776 (- 4.1%) 04/2014: Superboy #30 -- 15,382 (- 2.5%) 05/2014: Superboy #31 -- 14,795 (- 3.8%) 06/2014: Superboy #32 -- 14,451 (- 2.3%) 07/2014: Superboy #33 -- 14,004 (- 3.1%) 08/2014: Superboy #34 -- 13,785 (- 1.6%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 49,407 (+258.4%) ----------------- 6 months: +213.2% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 55.2% Since #1: - 28.7%
3D/Std: 42,971 / 6,436
Final issue.
71, 294 - BIRDS OF PREY ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2004: Birds of Prey #73 -- 32,070 09/2004: Birds of Prey #74 -- 31,835 09/2010: Birds of Prey #5 -- 40,146 09/2011: Birds of Prey #1 -- 56,073 [66,423] 09/2012: Birds of Prey #0 -- 30,574 ------------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Birds of Prey #24 -- 18,382 (- 5.1%) 11/2013: Birds of Prey #25 -- 22,751 (+ 23.8%) 12/2013: Birds of Prey #26 -- 17,497 (- 23.1%) 01/2014: Birds of Prey #27 -- 19,387 (+ 10.8%) 02/2014: Birds of Prey #28 -- 18,092 (- 6.7%) 03/2014: Birds of Prey #29 -- 16,795 (- 7.2%) 04/2014: Birds of Prey #30 -- 16,358 (- 2.6%) 05/2014: Birds of Prey #31 -- 15,947 (- 2.5%) 06/2014: Birds of Prey #32 -- 16,397 (+ 2.8%) 07/2014: Birds of Prey #33 -- 15,379 (- 6.2%) 08/2014: Birds of Prey #34 -- 15,397 (+ 0.1%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 49,316 (+220.3%) ----------------- 6 months: +193.6% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 22.8% 10 years: + 54.3% Since #1: - 25.8%
3D/Std: 42,894 / 6,422
Final issue.
53 - SUPERMAN: DOOMED ($4.99) 05/2014: Doomed #1 -- 63,424 06/2014: -- 07/2014: -- 08/2014: -- 09/2014: Doomed #2 -- 49,044 (- 22.7%)
The sales for the final installment of “Doomed” fall just like any other second issue.
72, 300 - INFINITY MAN AND THE FOREVER PEOPLE ($3.99/$2.99) 06/2014: Infinity Man & FP #1 -- 24,907 07/2014: Infinity Man & FP #2 -- 15,903 (- 36.2%) 08/2014: Infinity Man & FP #3 -- 12,390 (- 22.1%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 45,586 (+267.9%) ----------------- Since #1: + 83.0%
3D/Std: 39,280 / 6,306
Outsells its debut issue.
74, ??? - TRINITY OF SIN: THE PHANTOM STRANGER ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2012: Phantom Stranger #0 -- 40,103 -------------------------------------------- 09/2013: -- 10/2013: ToS: Phantom Stranger #12 -- 19,732 (- 26.9%) 11/2013: ToS: Phantom Stranger #13 -- 17,779 (- 9.9%) 12/2013: ToS: Phantom Stranger #14 -- 18,649 (+ 4.9%) 01/2013: ToS: Phantom Stranger #15 -- 17,435 (- 6.5%) 02/2014: ToS: Phantom Stranger #16 -- 17,012 (- 2.4%) 03/2014: ToS: Phantom Stranger #17 -- 16,395 (- 3.6%) 04/2014: ToS: Phantom Stranger #18 -- 14,788 (- 9.8%) 05/2014: ToS: Phantom Stranger #19 -- 13,641 (- 7.8%) 06/2014: ToS: Phantom Stranger #20 -- 12,720 (- 6.8%) 07/2014: ToS: Phantom Stranger #21 -- 11,682 (- 8.2%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 44,729 (+255.9%) ** ---------------- 6 months: +172.8% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 11.5% Since #0: + 11.5%
3D/Std: 38,729 / 6,000**
Final issue. Outsells its debut issue.
One of the titles for which the standard edition didn’t chart. Given where the standard editions of other titles near it sold, we can guestimate that it was probably somewhere around 6K, so in the interest of trying to get this data to be as consistent as possible, I’m going to assume standard sales of 6,000 for the standard edition (which is probably a bit low). It’s an assumption, but one that I believe is valid (YMMV).
76, ??? - TRINITY OF SIN: PANDORA ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2013: -- 10/2013: ToS: Pandora #4 -- 25,708 (- 25.6%) 11/2013: ToS: Pandora #5 -- 21,267 (- 17.3%) 12/2013: ToS: Pandora #6 -- 20,563 (- 3.3%) 01/2014: ToS: Pandora #7 -- 18,984 (- 7.7%) 02/2014: ToS: Pandora #8 -- 17,703 (- 6.7%) 03/2014: ToS: Pandora #9 -- 17,032 (- 3.8%) 04/2014: ToS: Pandora #10 -- 15,337 (- 10.0%) 05/2014: ToS: Pandora #11 -- 13,859 (- 10.9%) 06/2014: ToS: Pandora #12 -- 12,540 (- 8.2%) 07/2014: ToS: Pandora #13 -- 11,299 (- 9.9%) 08/2014: ToS: Pandora #14 -- 10,651 (- 5.7%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 44,562 (+318.4%) ** ---------------- 6 months: +161.6% 1 year : n.a. Since #1: + 6.9%
3D/Std: 38,562 / 6,000**
Final issue.
Another title for which the standard edition didn’t chart (see ToS: Phantom Stranger above).
80, 289 - STAR-SPANGLED WAR STORIES FEAT GI ZOMBIE ($3.99/$2.99) 07/2014: SSWS GI Zombie #1 -- 18,762 08/2014: SSWS GI Zombie #2 -- 11,724 (- 37.5%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 44,333 (+278.1%) ----------------- Since #1: + 136.3%
3D/Std: 37,861 / 6,472
Outsells its debut issue. By a truckload. Let’s hope that at least some of those many extra copies were read and not just sealed into a bag.
82, ??? - BATWING ($3.99/$2.99) 09/2011: Batwing #1 -- 45,980 [53,721] 09/2012: Batwing #0 -- 22,135 ------------------------------ 09/2013: -- 10/2013: Batwing #24 -- 11,114 (- 4.1%) 11/2013: Batwing #25 -- 16,207 (+ 45.8%) 12/2013: Batwing #26 -- 10,753 (- 33.7%) 01/2014: Batwing #27 -- 12,461 (+ 15.9%) 02/2014: Batwing #28 -- 11,786 (- 5.4%) 03/2014: Batwing #29 -- 9,864 (- 16.3%) 04/2014: Batwing #30 -- 9,313 (- 5.6%) 05/2014: Batwing #31 -- 8,941 (- 4.0%) 06/2014: Batwing #32 -- 8,664 (- 3.1%) 07/2014: Batwing #33 -- 8,380 (- 3.3%) 08/2014: Batwing #34 -- 8,223 (- 1.9%) 09/2014: Futures End #1 -- 43,389 (+427.7%) ** ---------------- 6 months: +339.9% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : + 96.0% Since #1: - 19.2%
3D/Std: 37,389 / 6,000**
Final issue.
Another title for which the standard edition didn’t chart (see ToS: Phantom Stranger above).
73, 77, 78, 79 - The New 52 Futures End ($2.99) 05/2014: Futures End #0 -- ?????? 05/2014: Futures End #1 -- 77,867 05/2014: Futures End #2 -- 62,862 (- 19.3%) 05/2014: Futures End #3 -- 59,148 (- 5.9%) 05/2014: Futures End #4 -- 58,496 (- 1.1%) 06/2014: Futures End #5 -- 53,645 (- 8.3%) 06/2014: Futures End #6 -- 51,543 (- 3.9%) 06/2014: Futures End #7 -- 50,266 (- 2.5%) 06/2014: Futures End #8 -- 49,138 (- 2.2%) 07/2014: Futures End #9 -- 52,083 (+ 6.0%) 07/2014: Futures End #10 -- 46,001 (- 11.7%) 07/2014: Futures End #11 -- 45,222 (- 1.7%) 07/2014: Futures End #12 -- 43,228 (- 4.4%) 07/2014: Futures End #13 -- 42,803 (- 1.0%) 08/2014: Futures End #14 -- 41,185 (- 3.8%) 08/2014: Futures End #15 -- 40,541 (- 1.6%) 08/2014: Futures End #16 -- 40,077 (- 1.1%) 08/2014: Futures End #17 -- 39,750 (- 0.8%) 09/2014: Futures End #18 -- 38,778 (- 2.4%) 09/2014: Futures End #19 -- 38,377 (- 1.0%) 09/2014: Futures End #20 -- 37,990 (- 1.0%) 09/2014: Futures End #21 -- 37,861 (- 0.3%) ----------------- Since #1: - 51.4%
Issues of the weekly series were outsold by every issue of the tie-ins. So on the plus side the mediocre sales of the weekly didn’t have an adverse affect on the one-shots. But that’s also a likely sign that retailers ordered as if customers on the whole were interested in the gimmick, not the story.
It also makes the Futures End weekly the worst-selling DCU title for September.
110 - BATMAN '66 MEETS THE GREEN HORNET (Digital-First) ($2.99) 06/2014: Batman 66/GH #1 of 6 -- 32,983 07/2014: Batman 66/GH #2 of 6 -- 25,392 (- 23.0%) 08/2014: Batman 66/GH #3 of 6 -- 24,409 (- 3.9%) 09/2014: Batman 66/GH #4 of 6 -- 23,397 (- 4.1%) ----------------- Since #1: - 29.1%
The best-selling non-DCU title of September, and doing quite well at this stage for a digital-first comic.
116 - SENSATION COMICS FEAT WONDER WOMAN (Digital-First) ($3.99) 08/2014: Sensation Comics #1 -- 29,640 09/2014: Sensation Comics #2 -- 22,085 (- 25.5%)
A typical second issue drop. So far sales are pretty much on par with how Adventures of Superman fared in its early days.
135, 207 - BATMAN ESSENTIALS ($1.00) 09/2014: Batman and Son #1 -- 18,188 09/2014: Gotham Central #1 -- 9,252
A bargain-priced edition of the first couple issues of Grant Morrison’s Batman saga, and the first issue of the excellent Gotham Central.
(These reprints are not included in the summary charts near the end of the column.)
136, 138 - INJUSTICE: YEAR TWO (Digital-First) ($2.99) 09/2013: Injustice #9 -- 24,333 (- 3.5%) 10/2013: Injustice #10 -- 24,788 (+ 1.9%) 11/2013: Injustice #11 -- 22,704 (- 8.4%) 12/2013: Injustice #12 -- 21,871 (- 3.7%) 01/2014: Injustice Y2 #1 -- 24,700 (+12.9%) 02/2014: Injustice Y2 #2 -- 22,703 (- 8.1%) 03/2014: Injustice Y2 #3 -- 20,693 (- 8.9%) 04/2014: Injustice Y2 #4 -- 20,310 (- 1.9%) 05/2014: Injustice Y2 #5 -- 19,834 (- 2.3%) 06/2014: Injustice Y2 #6 -- 19,353 (- 2.4%) 07/2014: Injustice Y2 #7 -- 19,811 (+ 2.4%) 07/2014: Injustice Y2 #8 -- 18,931 (- 4.4%) 08/2014: Injustice Y2 #9 -- 18,397 (- 2.8%) 08/2014: Injustice Y2 #10 -- 18,068 (- 1.8%) 09/2014: Injustice Y2 #11 -- 18,086 (+ 0.1%) 09/2014: Injustice Y2 #12 -- 17,829 (- 1.4%) ---------------- 6 months: - 13.2% 1 year : - 26.2% Since #1: - 27.8%
The final issue of Year Two dips below 18K. No worries though as this is DC’s best-selling title on digital.
Year Three launches in October.
151 - THE NAMES (Vertigo) ($2.99) 09/2014: The Names #1 of 8 -- 17,266
Returnable, so adjusted up 10% from the reported numbers (see the disclaimers at the end of this column for why we make this adjustment).
The top Vertigo title of the month.
Debuts at almost exactly the same level as the first issue of Bodies a couple of months ago. So it looks like retailers are pretty consistent on their ordering for these Vertigo limited series that are largely unknown quantities.
143 - BATMAN '66 (Digital-First) ($3.99) 09/2013: Batman '66 #3 -- 32,954 (-11.2%) 10/2013: Batman '66 #4 -- 30,099 (- 8.7%) 11/2013: Batman '66 #5 -- 26,785 (-11.0%) 12/2013: Batman '66 #6 -- 24,374 (- 9.0%) 01/2014: Batman '66 #7 -- 21,802 (-10.6%) 02/2014: Batman '66 #8 -- 19,795 (- 9.2%) 03/2014: Batman '66 #9 -- 18,802 (- 5.0%) 04/2014: Batman '66 #10 -- 17,917 (- 4.7%) 05/2014: Batman '66 #11 -- 18,642 (+ 4.0%) 06/2014: Batman '66 #12 -- 17,286 (- 7.3%) 07/2014: Batman '66 #13 -- 17,264 (- 0.1%) 08/2014: Batman '66 #14 -- 21,456 (+24.3%) 09/2014: Batman '66 #15 -- 16,842 (-21.5%) ----------------- 6 months: - 10.4% 1 year : - 48.9% Since #1: - 66.6%
No variant this month, so sales drop right back down to normal levels.
164 - BATMAN BEYOND UNIVERSE (Digital-First) ($3.99) 09/2012: Unlimited #8 -- 20,897 --------------------------------- 09/2013: Universe #2 -- 18,332 (-21.5%) 10/2013: Universe #3 -- 17,658 (- 3.7%) 11/2013: Universe #4 -- 16,889 (- 4.4%) 12/2013: Universe #5 -- 15,857 (- 6.1%) 01/2014: Universe #6 -- 15,070 (- 5.0%) 02/2014: Universe #7 -- 14,435 (- 4.2%) 03/2014: Universe #8 -- 14,097 (- 2.3%) 04/2014: Universe #9 -- 13,807 (- 2.1%) 05/2014: Universe #10 -- 13,869 (+ 0.4%) 06/2014: Universe #11 -- 14,068 (+ 1.4%) 07/2014: Universe #12 -- 14,419 (+ 2.5%) 08/2014: Universe #13 -- 14,215 (- 1.4%) 09/2014: Universe #14 -- 14,061 (- 1.1%) ---------------- 6 months: - 0.3% 1 year : - 23.3% 2 years : - 32.7% Since #1: - 39.8%
Drops a few dozen copies.
166 - INFINITE CRISIS: FIGHT FOR THE MULTIVERSE (Digital-First) ($3.99) 07/2014: Infinite Crisis FftM #1 -- 26,096 08/2014: Infinite Crisis FftM #2 -- 15,340 (- 41.2%) 09/2014: Infinite Crisis FftM #3 -- 13,884 (- 9.5%) ---------------- Since #1: - 46.8%
After a hefty second-issue drop, the drop for the third issue is more typical.
169 - FABLES (Vertigo) ($2.99) 09/2004: Fables #29 -- 25,025 09/2009: Fables #88 -- 21,508 09/2010: Fables #98 -- 19,594 09/2011: Fables #109 -- 18,072 09/2012: Fables #121 -- 16,596 ------------------------------ 09/2013: Fables #133 -- 14,639 (- 1.7%) 10/2013: Fables #134 -- 14,575 (- 0.4%) 11/2013: Fables #135 -- 14,383 (- 1.3%) 12/2013: Fables #136 -- 14,220 (- 1.1%) 01/2014: Fables #137 -- 14,172 (- 0.3%) 02/2014: Fables #138 -- 14,109 (- 0.4%) 03/2014: Fables #139 -- 13,936 (- 1.2%) 04/2014: -- 05/2014: Fables #140 -- 13,977 (+ 0.3%) 06/2014: Fables #141 -- 13,997 (+ 0.1%) 07/2014: Fables #142 -- 13,831 (- 1.2%) 08/2014: Fables #143 -- 13,672 (- 1.1%) 09/2014: Fables #144 -- 13,551 (- 0.9%) ---------------- 6 months: - 2.8% 1 year : - 7.4% 2 years : - 18.3% 5 years : - 37.0% 10 years: - 45.9% Since #1: - 38.5%
Six months from the end…
174 - ASTRO CITY (Vertigo) ($3.99) 09/2004: -- 09/2009: Astra #1 -- 14,627 09/2010: -- 09/2011: -- 09/2012: -- --------------------------------------- 09/2013: Astro City #4 -- 17,641 (- 6.2%) 10/2013: Astro City #5 -- 16,927 (- 4.1%) 11/2013: Astro City #6 -- 16,031 (- 5.3%) 12/2013: Astro City #7 -- 15,360 (- 4.2%) 01/2014: Astro City #8 -- 14,831 (- 3.4%) 02/2014: Astro City #9 -- 14,289 (- 3.7%) 03/2014: Astro City #10 -- 14,094 (- 1.4%) 04/2014: Astro City #11 -- 13,909 (- 1.3%) 05/2014: Astro City #12 -- 13,795 (- 0.8%) 06/2014: Astro City #13 -- 13,419 (- 2.7%) 07/2014: -- 08/2014: Astro City #14 -- 13,069 (- 2.6%) 08/2014: Astro City #15 -- 12,660 (- 3.1%) ----------------- 6 months: - 10.2% 1 year : - 28.2% 2 years : n.a. 5 years : - 13.4% 10 years: n.a. Since #1: - 54.3%
Standard attrition.
177 - HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE ($2.99) 09/2012: He-Man & MotU #2 -- 19,737 ------------------------------------ 09/2013: He-Man & MotU #6 -- 16,294 (- 3.6%) 10/2013: He-Man & MotU #7 -- 16,059 (- 1.4%) 11/2013: He-Man & MotU #8 -- 15,154 (- 5.6%) 12/2013: He-Man & MotU #9 -- 14,465 (- 4.5%) 01/2014: -- 02/2014: He-Man & MotU #10 -- 13,816 (- 4.5%) 03/2014: He-Man & MotU #11 -- 13,090 (- 5.3%) 04/2014: He-Man & MotU #12 -- 12,718 (- 2.8%) 05/2014: He-Man & MotU #13 -- 12,430 (- 2.3%) 06/2014: He-Man & MotU #14 -- 12,144 (- 2.3%) 07/2014: He-Man & MotU #15 -- 11,905 (- 2.0%) 08/2014: He-Man & MotU #16 -- 11,721 (- 1.5%) 09/2014: He-Man & MotU #17 -- 11,756 (+ 0.3%) ---------------- 6 months: - 10.2% 1 year : - 27.9% 2 years : - 40.4% Since #1: - 53.4%
Adds a few issues in September. Set for a relaunch in December.
184 - ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN (Digital-First) ($3.99) 09/2013: Adventures of Superman #5 -- 16,011 (- 7.8%) 10/2013: Adventures of Superman #6 -- 14,484 (- 9.5%) 11/2013: Adventures of Superman #7 -- 13,140 (- 9.3%) 12/2013: Adventures of Superman #8 -- 12,142 (- 7.6%) 01/2014: Adventures of Superman #9 -- 11,425 (- 5.9%) 02/2014: Adventures of Superman #10 -- 11,075 (- 3.1%) 03/2014: Adventures of Superman #11 -- 11,102 (+ 0.2%) 04/2014: Adventures of Superman #12 -- 10,130 (- 8.8%) 05/2014: Adventures of Superman #13 -- 10,045 (- 0.8%) 06/2014: Adventures of Superman #14 -- 11,144 (+10.9%) 07/2014: Adventures of Superman #15 -- 10,004 (-10.2%) 08/2014: Adventures of Superman #16 -- 10,758 (+ 7.5%) 09/2014: Adventures of Superman #17 -- 11,110 (+ 3.3%) ---------------- 6 months: + 0.1% 1 year : - 30.6% Since #1: - 64.2%
Adds a few hundred more issues for its final issue. It will be missed, at least by this long-time Superman fan.
190 - FAIREST (Vertigo) ($2.99) 09/2012: Fairest #7 -- 18,626 ------------------------------ 09/2013: Fairest #19 -- 13,278 (- 1.7%) 10/2013: Fairest #20 -- 13,008 (- 2.0%) 11/2013: -- 12/2013: Fairest #21 -- 12,718 (- 2.2%) 01/2014: Fairest #22 -- 12,434 (- 2.2%) 02/2014: Fairest #23 -- 12,350 (- 0.7%) 03/2014: Fairest #24 -- 11,872 (- 3.9%) 04/2014: Fairest #25 -- 11,801 (- 0.6%) 05/2014: Fairest #26 -- 11,493 (- 2.6%) 06/2014: -- 07/2014: Fairest #27 -- 11,329 (- 1.4%) 08/2014: Fairest #28 -- 10,989 (- 3.0%) 09/2014: Fairest #29 -- 10,772 (- 2.0%) ---------------- 6 months: - 9.3% 1 year : - 18.9% 2 years : - 42.2% Since #1: - 66.1%
Set to end in January with issue #33. Not for lack of sales, but because the parent title (Fables) is ending a couple of months after that.
193 - SANDMAN OVERTURE SPECIAL EDITION (Vertigo) ($4.99) 11/2013: Sandman Overture SE #1 -- 14,506 12/2013: -- 01/2014: -- 02/2014: -- 03/2014: -- 04/2014: -- 05/2014: Sandman Overture SE #2 -- 11,499 (-20.7%) 06/2014: -- 07/2014: -- 08/2014: -- 09/2014: Sandman Overture SE #3 -- 10,190 (-11.4%) ----------------- 6 months: n.a. Since #1: - 29.8%
I’m treating this as a separate title instead of merging with the regular edition, because it seems like a different class of product to me. The regular edition of #3 did 72,563 back in July.
202 - SMALLVILLE SEASON 11 CHAOS (Digital-First) ($3.99) 09/2004: Smallville #10 -- 12,324 09/2012: Smallville S11 #5 -- 19,499 -------------------------------------- 09/2013: Smallville S11 #17 -- 14,153 (- 3.3%) 10/2013: Smallville S11 #18 -- 13,794 (- 2.5%) 11/2013: Smallville S11 #19 -- 13,286 (- 3.7%) 12/2013: Smallville Alien #1 -- 13,019 (- 2.0%) 01/2014: Smallville Alien #2 -- 11,768 (- 9.6%) 02/2014: Smallville Alien #3 -- 11,061 (- 6.0%) 03/2014: Smallville Alien #4 -- 10,570 (- 4.4%) 04/2014: Smallville Lantern #1 -- 12,391 (+17.2%) 05/2014: Smallville Lantern #2 -- 11,372 (- 8.2%) 06/2014: Smallville Lantern #3 -- 11,401 (+ 0.3%) 07/2014: Smallville Lantern #4 -- 11,243 (- 1.4%) 08/2014: Smallville Chaos #1 -- 10,716 (- 4.7%) 09/2014: Smallville Chaos #2 -- 9,801 (- 8.5%) ---------------- 6 months: - 7.3% 1 year : - 30.7% 2 years : - 49.7% 10 years: - 20.5%
Print sales fall below 10K for the first time.
226 - BODIES (Vertigo) ($2.99) 07/2014:Bodies #1 of 8 -- 17,500 08/2014:Bodies #2 of 8 -- 11,283 (-33.8%) 09/2014:Bodies #3 of 8 -- 9,439 (-16.3%) ---------------- Since #1: - 44.6%
Issue #3 was returnable, like issue #1 but unlike issue #2. Confused? So am I. In any event, the trajectory here is not very good.
235 - TINY TITANS: RETURN TO THE TREEHOUSE (All-Ages) ($2.99) 09/2009: Tiny Titans #20 -- 8,435 09/2010: Tiny Titans #32 -- 8,073 09/2011: Tiny Titans #44 -- 7,619 --------------------------------------- 06/2014: Treehouse #1 of 6 -- 13,021 (+ 55.7%) 07/2014: Treehouse #2 of 6 -- 11,387 (- 12.5%) 08/2014: Treehouse #3 of 6 -- 8,929 (- 21.6%) 09/2014: Treehouse #4 of 6 -- 8,824 (- 1.2%) ----------------- 5 years : + 4.6% Since #1: - 32.2%
Returnable, and adjusted accordingly.
After a heftier than normal third issue drop, that’s a very mild drop for the fourth issue. Looking over the sales numbers for the previous Tiny Titans series, I think it’s safe to say that the 7 & 8 thousands are the natural level for this title.
223 - LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT 100-PAGE SUPER SPECTACULAR (Digital-First) ($9.99) 12/2013: LoDK 100p Super Spect #1 -- 11,091 (-14.8%) 01/2014: -- 02/2014: -- 03/2014: LoDK 100p Super Spect #2 -- 9,926 (-10.5%) 04/2014: -- 05/2014: -- 06/2014: LoDK 100p Super Spect #3 -- 9,109 (- 8.2%) 07/2014: -- 08/2014: -- 09/2014: LoDK 100p Super Spect #4 -- 8,656 (- 5.0%) ----------------- 6 months: - 12.8% Since #1: - 22.0%
Selling quite well for a $10 comic reprinting digital-first stories.
246 - SCOOBY-DOO TEAM-UP (All-Ages) ($2.99) 11/2013: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #1 -- 13,036 12/2013: -- 01/2014: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #2 -- 9,882 (-31.1%) 02/2014: -- 03/2014: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #3 -- 8,452 (-14.5%) 04/2014: -- 05/2014: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #4 -- 8,159 (- 3.5%) 06/2014: -- 07/2014: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #5 -- 9,042 (+10.8%) 08/2014: -- 09/2014: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #6 -- 8,333 (- 7.8%) ----------------- 6 months: - 1.4% Since #1: - 41.9%
Returnable, and adjusted accordingly.
254 - COFFIN HILL (Vertigo) ($2.99) 10/2013: Coffin Hill #1 -- 24,129 11/2013: Coffin Hill #2 -- 14,472 (-40.0%) 12/2013: Coffin Hill #3 -- 12,337 (-14.8%) 01/2014: Coffin Hill #4 -- 11,306 (- 8.4%) 02/2014: Coffin Hill #5 -- 10,435 (- 7.7%) 03/2014: Coffin Hill #6 -- 9,982 (- 4.3%) 04/2014: Coffin Hill #7 -- 9,547 (- 4.4%) 05/2014: -- 06/2014: Coffin Hill #8 -- 8,764 (- 8.2%) 07/2014: Coffin Hill #9 -- 8,396 (- 4.2%) 08/2014: Coffin Hill #10 -- 7,710 (- 8.1%) 09/2014: Coffin Hill #11 -- 7,422 (- 3.7%) ----------------- 6 months: - 22.3% Since #1: - 69.2%
Has been solicited so far through the end of its second storyline in issue #14. No issue was solicited for January 2015, but it may be taking a month off between arcs, as Vertigo have been doing for their series as of late.
296 - THE UNWRITTEN V2 APOCALYPSE (Vertigo) ($3.99) 09/2010: The Unwritten #17 -- 12,796 09/2011: The Unwritten #29 -- 10,511 09/2012: The Unwritten #41 -- 8,943 ------------------------------------ 09/2013: The Unwritten #53 -- 8,982 (- 0.6%) 10/2013: The Unwritten #54 -- 8,871 (- 1.2%) 11/2013: -- 12/2013: -- 01/2014: Unwritten vol2 #1 -- 11,975 (+35.0%) 02/2014: Unwritten vol2 #2 -- 8,291 (-30.8%) 03/2014: Unwritten vol2 #3 -- 7,890 (- 4.8%) 04/2014: Unwritten vol2 #4 -- 7,652 (- 3.0%) 05/2014: Unwritten vol2 #5 -- 7,267 (- 5.0%) 06/2014: Unwritten vol2 #6 -- 7,133 (- 1.8%) 07/2014: Unwritten vol2 #7 -- 6,918 (- 3.0%) 08/2014: Unwritten vol2 #8 -- 6,575 (- 5.0%) 09/2014: Unwritten vol2 #9 -- 6,400 (- 2.7%) ---------------- 6 months: - 18.9% 1 year : - 28.7% 2 years : - 28.4% Since #1: - 46.6%
The final issue is scheduled for December.
+302 - HINTERKIND (Vertigo) ($2.99) 10/2013: Hinterkind #1 -- 23,516 11/2013: Hinterkind #2 -- 13,994 (-40.5%) 12/2013: Hinterkind #3 -- 11,659 (-16.7%) 01/2014: Hinterkind #4 -- 9,693 (-16.9%) 02/2014: Hinterkind #5 -- 8,948 (- 7.7%) 03/2014: Hinterkind #6 -- 8,306 (- 7.2%) 04/2014: -- 05/2014: Hinterkind #7 -- 7,487 (- 9.9%) 06/2014: Hinterkind #8 -- 7,212 (- 3.7%) 07/2014: Hinterkind #9 -- 6,686 (- 7.3%) 08/2014: Hinterkind #10 -- 6,283 (- 6.0%) 08/2014: Hinterkind #11 -- ????? (< 6,262) ----------------- 6 months: ???% Since #1: ???%
+302 - DEAD BOY DETECTIVES (Vertigo) ($2.99) 12/2013: Dead Boy Detectives #1 -- 21,478 01/2014: Dead Boy Detectives #2 -- 12,276 (-42.8%) 02/2014: Dead Boy Detectives #3 -- 9,889 (-19.4%) 03/2014: Dead Boy Detectives #4 -- 8,872 (-10.3%) 04/2014: Dead Boy Detectives #5 -- 7,957 (-10.3%) 05/2014: Dead Boy Detectives #6 -- 7,305 (- 8.2%) 06/2014: -- 07/2014: Dead Boy Detectives #7 -- ????? (< 6,594) 08/2014: Dead Boy Detectives #8 -- 5,968 09/2014: Dead Boy Detectives #9 -- ????? (< 6,262) ----------------- 6 months: ???% Since #1: ???%
+302 - SCRIBBLENAUTS UNMASKED - CRISIS OF IMAGINATION (Digital-First) ($2.99) 01/2014: Scribblenauts Crisis #1 -- 11,572 02/2014: Scribblenauts Crisis #2 -- 7,101 (-38.6%) 03/2014: Scribblenauts Crisis #3 -- 6,738 (- 5.1%) 04/2014: Scribblenauts Crisis #4 -- 6,467 (- 4.0%) 05/2014: Scribblenauts Crisis #5 -- 6,045 (- 6.5%) 06/2014: Scribblenauts Crisis #6 -- 5,833 (- 3.5%) 07/2014: Scribblenauts Crisis #7 -- ????? (< 6,594) 08/2014: Scribblenauts Crisis #8 -- ????? (< 5,357) 09/2014: Scribblenauts Crisis #9 -- ????? (< 6,262) ---------------- 6 months: ???% Since #1: ???%
+302 - SCOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU? (All-Ages) ($2.99) 09/2004: Scooby-Doo #88 -- 5,571 09/2009: Scooby-Doo #148 -- 4,108 09/2010: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #1 -- 6,186 09/2011: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #13 -- 4,701 09/2012: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #25 -- 4,979 ---------------------------------------- 09/2013: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #37 -- 4,840 (-1.3%) 10/2013: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #38 -- 4,983 (+3.0%) 11/2013: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #39 -- ????? 12/2013: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #40 -- 4,754 01/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #41 -- 4,649 (-2.2%) 02/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #42 -- 4,540 (-2.3%) 03/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #43 -- 4,623 (+1.8%) 04/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #44 -- 4,650 (+0.6%) 05/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #45 -- 4,840 (+4.1%) 06/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #46 -- ????? (< 4,560) 07/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #47 -- ????? (< 6,594) 08/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #48 -- ????? (< 5,357) 09/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #49 -- ????? (< 6,262) ----------------- 6 months: ???% 1 year : ???% 2 years : ???% 5 years : ???% 10 years: ???% Since #1: ???%
Four titles, two Vertigo and two all-ages, missed the top 300 chart this month. In fact a lot of comics probably missed the top 300 this month due to the double listing of the Futures End one-shots; if ever we needed a return to Diamond releasing the top 400, this was the month.
For purposes of the charts below, the non-listed titles are assumed to have sold either 6,262 copies or their most recently known issue, whichever is lower.
Average Periodical Sales (not counting reprints, reorders shipping after the initial month of release, and magazines)
DC COMICS 09/2004: 31,690 09/2009: 28,493 09/2010: 23,212 09/2011: 57,224 09/2012: 35,811 --------------- 09/2013: 54,892 (+ 78.0%) 10/2013: 31,928 (- 41.8%)** 11/2013: 32,664 (+ 2.3%) 12/2013: ?????? 01/2014: 27,881 02/2014: 27,070 (- 2.9%) 03/2014: 26,776 (- 1.1%) 04/2014: 29,202 (+ 9.1%)** 05/2014: 31,764 (+ 8.8%) 06/2014: 32,834 (+ 3.4%)** 07/2014: 32,760 (+ 0.2%)** 08/2014: 28,951 (- 11.6%)** 09/2014: 46,869 (+ 61.9%)** ----------------- 6 months: + 75.0% 1 year : - 14.6% 2 years : + 30.9% 5 years : + 64.5% 10 years: + 47.9% DC UNIVERSE 09/2004: 36,445 09/2009: 36,725 09/2010: 32,042 09/2011: 67,411 09/2012: 39,408 --------------- 09/2013: 61,036 (+ 81.8%) 10/2013: 33,568 (- 45.0%)** 11/2013: 35,282 (+ 5.1%) 12/2013: ?????? 01/2014: 33,120 02/2014: 33,327 (+ 0.6%) 03/2014: 32,007 (- 4.0%) 04/2014: 36,447 (+ 13.9%) 05/2014: 39,555 (+ 8.5%) 06/2014: 42,733 (+ 8.0%) 07/2014: 40,945 (- 4.2%) 08/2014: 36,645 (- 10.5%) 09/2014: 63,401 (+ 73.0%)** ----------------- 6 months: + 74.0% 1 year : + 3.9% 2 years : + 60.9% 5 years : + 72.6% 10 years: + 74.0% VERTIGO 09/2004: 17,046 09/2009: 11,345 09/2010: 11,622 09/2011: 9,995 09/2012: 11,710 --------------- 09/2013: 14,951 (+ 5.8%) 10/2013: 22,228 (+ 48.7%)** 11/2013: 13,958 (- 37.2%) 12/2013: ?????? 01/2014: 11,473 02/2014: 13,215 (+ 15.2%) 03/2014: 19,179 (+ 45.1%) 04/2014: 11,214 (- 41.5%) 05/2014: 11,778 (+ 5.0%) 06/2014: 11,372 (- 3.4%) 07/2014: 15,803 (+ 39.0%)** 08/2014: 9,082 (- 42.5%) 09/2014: 10,022 (+ 10.4%)** ----------------- 6 months: - 47.7% 1 year : - 33.0% 2 years : - 14.4% 5 years : - 11.7% 10 years: - 41.2% 6 month comparisons =================== + 339.9% - Batwing + 232.1% - New Suicide Squad (Suicide Squad) + 213.2% - Superboy + 193.6% - Birds of Prey + 181.3% - Swamp Thing + 172.8% - Trinity of Sin: Phantom Stranger + 161.6% - Trinity of Sin: Pandora + 161.3% - Green Arrow + 159.3% - Constantine + 157.8% - Batwoman + 156.1% - Catwoman + 146.4% - Red Hood and the Outlaws + 143.4% - Supergirl + 142.3% - Teen Titans + 131.8% - Superman + 124.3% - Wonder Woman + 122.8% - Red Lanterns + 120.8% - Green Lantern New Guardians + 117.6% - Action Comics + 115.7% - Worlds' Finest + 111.7% - Flash + 111.3% - Justice League Dark + 110.1% - Green Lantern Corps + 107.9% - Grayson (Nightwing) + 104.5% - Batgirl + 93.5% - Batman and Robin + 92.3% - Aquaman + 88.8% - Harley Quinn + 84.8% - Earth 2 + 78.2% - Superman/Wonder Woman + 73.2% - Detective Comics + 68.9% - Green Lantern + 22.3% - Batman + 0.1% - Adventures of Superman - 0.3% - Batman Beyond Universe - 1.4% - Scooby-Doo Team-Up - 2.8% - Fables - 7.3% - Smallville Season 11 - 9.3% - Fairest - 10.2% - Astro City - 10.2% - He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - 10.4% - Batman '66 - 12.8% - Legends of the Dark Knight 100p Super Spectacular - 13.2& - Injustice - 18.9% - Unwritten Apocalypse - 22.3% - Coffin Hill - 33.3% - Superman Unchained 1 year comparisons =================== + 48.7% - Wonder Woman + 43.2% - Green Arrow + 34.2% - Flash + 34.0% - Superman + 28.5% - Swamp Thing + 28.0% - Justice League Dark + 27.2% - Teen Titans + 25.1% - Earth 2 + 24.3% - Detective Comics + 17.3% - Green Lantern + 16.6% - Aquaman + 15.2% - Action Comics + 13.3% - Batman and Robin + 7.5% - Justice League + 5.8% - Batman - 7.4% - Fables - 9.4% - Batman/Superman - 18.9% - Fairest - 23.3% - Batman Beyond Universe - 26.2% - Injustice - 27.9% - He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - 28.2% - Astro City - 28.7% - Unwritten Apocalypse - 30.6% - Adventures of Superman - 30.7% - Smallville Season 11 - 48.9% - Batman '66 2 year comparisons =================== + 468.6% - Constantine (Hellblazer) + 130.9% - New Suicide Squad (Suicide Squad) + 117.9% - Green Arrow + 96.0% - Batwing + 83.1% - Supergirl + 70.7% - Justice League Dark + 55.2% - Superboy + 45.6% - Catwoman + 44.1% - Grayson (Nightwing) + 43.9% - Red Lanterns + 39.6% - Wonder Woman + 39.2% - Red Hood and the Outlaws + 34.7% - Batgirl + 33.0% - Teen Titans + 29.5% - Worlds' Finest + 29.4% - Swamp Thing + 28.9% - Superman + 23.7% - Flash + 23.3% - Green Lantern Corps + 22.8% - Birds of Prey + 22.1% - Batwoman + 21.2% - Batman and Robin + 19.6% - Green Lantern New Guardians + 14.3% - Detective Comics + 11.5% - Trinity of Sin: Phantom Stranger + 6.5% - Aquaman - 5.3% - Action Comics - 5.6% - Earth 2 - 8.7% - Batman - 13.9% - Green Lantern - 18.3% - Fables - 27.0% - Justice League - 28.4% - Unwritten Apocalypse - 32.7% - Batman Beyond - 40.4% - He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - 42.2% - Fairest - 49.7% - Smallville Season 11 5 year comparisons =================== + 380.8% - Constantine (Hellblazer) + 229.7% - Green Arrow + 165.0% - Booster Gold + 141.3% - Wonder Woman + 140.4% - Batman/Superman (Superman/Batman) + 106.8% - Superman + 105.9% - Action Comics + 91.8% - Teen Titans + 85.7% - Batman + 72.8% - Supergirl + 68.4% - Detective Comics + 67.2% - Batgirl + 65.6% - Justice League (Justice League of America) + 4.6% - Tiny Titans - 13.4% - Astro City - 21.6% - Batman and Robin - 25.4% - Green Lantern - 29.8% - Green Lantern Corps - 37.0% - Fables 10 year comparisons =================== + 194.8% - Constantine (Hellblazer) + 179.2% - Aquaman + 161.0% - Wonder Woman + 156.5% - Swamp Thing + 98.0% - Detective Comics + 96.2% - Batman + 95.2% - Green Arrow + 75.8% - Action Comics + 70.3% - Grayson (Nightwing) + 67.5% - Green Lantern + 61.4% - Batgirl + 54.3% - Birds of Prey + 50.8% - Justice League (JLA) + 50.1% - Flash + 38.1% - Catwoman - 3.1% - Teen Titans - 20.5% - Smallville - 34.1% - Superman - 45.9% - Fables - 49.7% - Batman/Superman (Superman/Batman) Sales Indices ============= DCU: Average: 63,401*. Median: 57,579*. 2.3 - Batman 1.9 - Harley Quinn 1.6 - Justice League (FE) 1.5 - Detective Comics 1.4 - Batman/Superman 1.3 - Batman and Robin 1.3 - Justice League (33) 1.2 - Superman 1.2 - Green Lantern 1.2 - Superman/Wonder Woman 1.2 - Grayson 1.2 - Action Comics 1.2 - New Suicide Squad 1.1 - Justice League United 1.1 - Flash 1.1 - Wonder Woman 1.1 - Batgirl 1.0 - Aquaman 1.0 - Earth 2 1.0 - The Multiversity SoS-H 1.0 - Teen Titans 1.0 - Superman Unchained 1.0 - Green Arrow 1.0 - Sinestro 0.9 - Justice League Dark 0.9 - Green Lantern Corps 0.9 - Booster Gold 0.9 - Catwoman 0.9 - Batman Eternal (22) 0.9 - Batman Eternal (23) 0.9 - Red Lanterns 0.9 - Batman Eternal (24) 0.9 - Green Lantern New Guardians 0.9 - Supergirl 0.9 - Batman Eternal (25) 0.9 - Worlds' Finest 0.9 - Red Hood & Outlaws 0.8 - Aquaman & the Others 0.8 - Constantine 0.8 - Swamp Thing 0.8 - Batwoman 0.8 - Superboy 0.8 - Birds of Prey 0.8 - Superman Doomed 0.7 - Infinity Man & Forever People 0.7 - ToS Phantom Stranger * 0.7 - ToS Pandora * 0.7 - Star-Spangled War Stories 0.7 - Batwing * 0.6 - Futures End (18) 0.6 - Futures End (19) 0.6 - Futures End (20) 0.6 - Futures End (21) Vertigo: Average: 10,022*. Median: 9,815* 1.7 - The Names 1.4 - Fables 1.3 - Astro City 1.1 - Fairst 1.0 - Sandman Overture Special Ed. 0.9 - Bodies 0.7 - Coffin Hill 0.6 - Unwritten Apocalypse 0.6 - Hinterkind * 0.6 - Dead Boy Detectives * Digital First & Other: Average: 13,022*. Median: 11,756*. 1.8 - Batman '66 Meets the Green Hornet 1.7 - Sensation Comics feat. Wonder Woman 1.4 - Injustice Year 2 (11) 1.4 - Injustice Year 2 (12) 1.3 - Batman '66 1.1 - Batman Beyond Universe 1.1 - Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse 0.9 - He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 0.9 - Adventures of Superman 0.8 - Smallville Chaos 0.7 - Tiny Titans Return to the Treehouse 0.7 - Legends of the Dark Knight 100p Super Spectacular 0.6 - Scooby-Doo Team-Up 0.4 - Scribblenauts Unmasked * 0.4 - Scooby-Doo Where Are You? *
The sales index number is a ratio of the title’s current month sales to the average sales figure of the line to which is belongs for that month. So a sales index number of 1.0 means that a title sold very close to the sales average for that line.
The Fine Print (Disclaimers, et cetera)
The numbers above are estimates for comic-book sales in the North American direct market, as calculated by according to the chart and index information provided by Diamond Comic Distributors.’s estimates are somewhat lower than the actual numbers, but they are consistent from month to month, so the trends they show are fairly accurate. Since it’s a “month-to-month” column, the comments, unless otherwise noted, are on the most recent month.
Bear in mind that the figures measure sales of physical comics to retailers, not customers. Also, these numbers do not include sales to bookstores, newsstands, other mass-market retail chains or the United Kingdom. Re-orders are included, so long as they either reached stores in a book’s initial calendar month of release or were strong enough to make the chart again in a subsequent month. Keep in mind that sales for some titles may include incentives to acquire variants and not every unit sold is necessarily even intended to be sold to a customer.
If additional copies of an issue did appear on the chart after a book’s initial calendar month of release, you can see the total number of copies sold in brackets behind those issues (e.g. “[36,599]”). Should more than one issue have shipped in a month which is relevant for one of the long-term comparisons, the average between them will be used.
Titles which are returnable have their numbers artificially adjusted down by Diamond. To make up for that this column increases the reported numbers for those titles by 10%. Which is likely also wrong, but it’s a different and likely less wrong kind of wrong, and experience has shown that this leads to sales figures which are more consistent.
Titles released under the All-Ages line and magazines, such as Mad, mostly sell through channels other than the direct market, so direct-market sales don’t tell us much about their performance. For most Vertigo titles, collection sales tend to be a significant factor, so the numbers for those books should be taken with a grain of salt as well. To learn (a little) more about Vertigo’s collection sales, go right here.
Please keep in mind that raw sales numbers do not tell us about how profitable a book is for a publisher or for the creators.
Above all, do not allow sales numbers to dictate your purchasing and enjoyment of a particular comic. If you enjoy reading a comic series then go right on buying and reading that comic, no matter what the sales figures say.
** Two asterisks after a given month in the average charts mean that one or more periodical release did not make the Top 300/400 chart in that month. In those cases, it’s assumed that said releases sold as many units as the No. 300/400 comic on the chart for that month for the purposes of the chart, although its actual sales are likely to be less than that.
Opinions expressed in this column are mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer, Heidi MacDonald or anyone at The Comics Beat, Major League Baseball, or my neighbor’s dog Miles.
The author of this column does weekly snapshots of Amazon comic sales charts at and tweets about comics and related subjects on Twitter at @davereadscomics (PM me there is you need to contact me).
As always, we welcome your comments and corrections below. Please try to keep things civilized.
“Okay, something unusual is going on here, as Green Arrow is punching way above its weight class.”
FWIW, the Green Arrow issue was a bit more specifically tied into the story from the Futures End weekly.
A correction: The 3D/Std. breakdown for Wonder Woman should be: 61,174/8,323
(The total figure of 69,497 is correct.)
Sorry about that!
It’s also worth noting the Futures End weekly is also doing a Batman Eternal by dropping readers at 1% a week. How come this title was ignored that point?
This column is also always so down on Vertigo, while forgetting that Vertigo does creator-owned stuff. Any chance we can see its sales in with the indie sales column? Be interesting to see how it fares in amongst Image, Boom, etc.
On the two graphs, what’s the x-axis represent?
Can you label them?
So, the 2-D covers are 1:7 variants. I wonder if collectors will treat these as rarities in the coming decades? (Also, how archival is that lenticular plastic? Will it degrade?)
The X-Axis on the graphs is the ordinal sales rank for the Futures End titles. Sorry that wasn’t clearer in the text.
@Rich: This column is always so down on Vertigo because Vertigo sales are pretty bad right now. Ten years ago they fluctuated between average sales of 14-18K each month. Now they’re between 9-11K (except for Sandman months, as that’s a huge outlier). And Fables, their best selling regular monthly and consistent trade seller, is set to end in early 2015.
“So a big month for DC, though not necessarily for retailers. DC might be tempted to go back to the 3D well a third time in September 2015, but retailers likely won’t go along again.”
People were saying same thing last year and instead of not going along it seams that retailers actually order more of it.
As for Green Arrow punching above its weight class, that issue showed his death (wouldn’t consider it spoilers since he died in FE #1) and deaths tend to sell a bit better.
@hsssh: Last year the 3D covers were allocated and the was a speculator run with increased demand due to the shortage (perceived or otherwise). This year there were no allocations and there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that retailers who over-ordered have plenty of the 3D covers left. So not the same as last year. See for example Brian Hibbs’ recent “Tilting” column.
The percentages for the last 3 issues of Justice League seem to be incorrect.
I kept hearing that this years 3D covers did poorly compared to last year. But Majority are higher.
@the4thpip: Yes, the JL percentages are incorrect. I’ll correct for the next column.
@James: This year the 3D covers sold better to retailers, but anecdotally not so much to customers (see my previous comment on 10/28). Also, last year there were shortages due to allocations, which had the twin effect of pushing orders down lower than they could have been , and increasing demand due to perceived scarcity.
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