Dark Horse Comics has announced their latest partnership with Disney. Disney Zootopia: Friends to the Rescue is an all-ages graphic novel set prior to the events of the 2016 Zootopia film. The book will be written by Jimmy Gownley (Amelia Rules!), and feature art by Leandro Ricardo da Silva with colors by Wes Dzioba.

Two stories will make up Disney Zootopia: Friends to the Rescue, each focusing on the younger adventures of one of the two leads from the film. The first story will star Judy Hopps as she and her sloth friend, Dinah, attend a county fair, while the latter story features Nick Wilde trying to earn money so he can buy a gift for a friend’s birthday.

The movie Zootopia was not only a fun adventure, it also included commentary about discrimination and living in a pluralist society. On the surface it doesn’t sound like this graphic novel is particularly deep in subject matter, but if it’s a fraction as entertaining as the movie was it’ll be great, and you’ll get no complaints from me about more all-ages comics being published.

Take a look at the cover, and check out more details in the full press release below. Disney Zootopia: Friends to the Rescue leaps into stores in September.

MILWAUKIE, Ore., (May 7, 2018)—Dark Horse is excited to announce a new graphic novel for younger readers set for release in September 2018 titled Disney Zootopia: Friends to the Rescue! This story collection includes two separate tales of friendship, one featuring Zootopia’s Judy Hopps as a youngster in Bunnyburrow, and the other featuring Zootopia’s Nick Wilde and his urban childhood experiences. From writer Jimmy Gownley and artist Leandro Ricardo da Silva, with colors by Wes Dzioba and letters by Chris Dickey, come two tales of how talent and teamwork can overcome sticky situations. Written for younger readers, this volume will appeal to Zootopia fans of all ages with its adventurous characters and engaging artwork. Also included in this original graphic novel are a variety of story-related activities and special features!

Disney Zootopia: Friends to the Rescue finds both Judy and Nick in tricky, but different, situations. Judy is excited to tour the fun at the Bunnyburrow County Fair with her Pop Pop, but Dinah has to sneak out of the house to join her! Then, when Pop Pop says no to a hot air balloon ride, Judy still gets her chance in the air when Dinah stumbles into trouble and needs rescuing! It will take both their talents, rabbit and sloth, to ensure that everyone makes it safely home at the end of the day. Meanwhile, Nick learns it’s the thought that counts when he saves the day at his friend Hedy’s birthday party. While he might not have enough money to buy a gift, Nick has other talents that he puts to good use for a truly unforgettable celebration.

Disney Zootopia: Friends to the Rescue goes on sale September 12, 2018, and is available for preorder on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and at your local comic shop. This 48-page original graphic novel retails for $7.99.


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