Vertigo has joined the “first one is free club” by posting the first issues of most of their signature titles for free on these here internets. Everything from SANDMAN #1 and SWAMP THING #1 to EXTERMINATORS and TESTAMENT. The latter has the added bonus of notes by writer Douglas Rushkoff, which he describes a bit in his blog:
The notes were a real labor of love for me – and took about as much time as writing the comic itself. They’re quite valuable for understanding why the Bible scenes are depicted the way they are, and site all the chapters and verses from which various scenes and insights were culled. I’ve even gone so far as to include the Talmud and Midrash sources I used to come up with some of my interpretations of these scenes. (The notes to the first ten issues will appear in the back of the second collection.)
More in both links.
Hey Heidi,
Thanks for posting this! I was actually looking for your email, and will hit that contact button above.