Artist Bernard Chang writes us with a few news items:
§ theBlvd art collective will be hosting a book launch party Friday night at Heroes Con, to celebrate the debut of theBLVD sketchbook 3.0, which features guest artist Walter Simonson.
§ Chang supplied the design work on the line of urban vinyl toys that are in the Burger King/Fantastic Four 2 giveaways for their kids meals. The line features Silver Surfer (above), Doctor Doom and the FF. You can see them here. “These are the ‘first of their kind’ for the industry in terms of introducing urban vinyl into the promo/premium market,” says Chang.
§ Finally, in regards to the ruckus over Chang’s HOW TO MAKE MONEY LIKE A PORN STAR, we mentioned yesterday, he says it is now officially banned by the government of Singapore and “I could face a fine of $5000 and up to a year of jail if i step foot in that country (not that I plan to in the near future, but coincidentally I was just on an episode of TAKE HOME CHEF on TLC where we were served Singapore crabs.)”
don’t worry Bernie, the only reason to go to Singapore is the fine silk clothing.
And the whores. Don’t forget the high priced and local village whores. Then of course, there are the trannies.