Yesterday seemed to be the tipping point in the ongoing public horror involving Stan Lee and his “handler” Keya Morgan who was an overzealous huckster at best and an abusive con man at worst. According to court papers filed to get a restraining order on Morgan, authorities have been coming to check on Lee, and the last time, just last week, Morgan called 911 to report “armed gunmen.” He also removed Lee from his home, and restricted all access to the 95-year-old icon, even from his daughter JC Lee. Morgan is currently under investigation by the LAPD for elder abuse.

Morgan is a memorabilia dealer and Marilyn Monroe expert who befriended Lee’s daughter and only child J.C. Lee, and since February has increasingly taken personal control of Lee’s life and household, taking advantage of Lee’s age to influence and isolate him, Lee’s attorney Tom Lallas said in the restraining order request.

He got rid of many who had worked for Lee, including Lallas, who had been helping with Lee’s estate planning and other financial matters before his ouster, and has now returned. Morgan prevented friends, employees and relatives, eventually even J.C. Lee, from contact with Lee, police said in reports included with the restraining order.

Detectives said in the reports that in interviews Lee acknowledged that Morgan had helped him, but would frequently forget his name when talking about him.

It’s all heartbreaking to read, but Lallas, Lee’s long time attorney, has been named his guardian and hopefully is not a horrible, exploitive crook, but someone who will make sure Lee is comfortable and happy.

Rob Liefeld is a long time Lee friend, and posted another veiw of all  this on FB last night:

“Fake Sten Lee” refers to whoever – most likely Morgan – had taken over Lee’s Twitter account, while purging his follows, and posting the most un-Stan like tweets and horrible, hostage like videos proclaiming that “only Keya” spoke for Lee. It was ghastly to behold.

One hopes that Liefeld’s report is accurate. Lee’s recent declining health had stopped his convention appearances, although there was some talk of “in home visits” for money, of course.

Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson, like many Hollywood friend of Lee, chimed in on Twitter:

Let’s hope the headline about Lee take a turn for the good with all these developments.


  1. I’m surprised it took so long for anyone to see that Keya Morgan was a lifetime opportunist, seemingly existing to be photographed with celebrities at events to give off the impression that he was personally associated with them on some professional level. He claimed he was “co-creator with Stan Lee”, as if Stan has been “creating” things all this time.

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