It seems that the Amazon Artist Fail matter we reported the other day has led to the entire situation being reexamined. You’ll recall that cartoonist George O’Connor was thwarted in his attempt to list the books he drew on his Amazon Author page. However, there seems to have been a happy ending. O’Connor writes:

It might be obvious if you’re reading this post via the rss feed on my Amazon Author page, but Amazon has reversed their previous decision that I was not a prominent enough contributor to several titles that they had recently pulled from my page. Amongst the pulled-but-now-reinstated titles are the upcoming graphic novel Ball-Peen Hammer, written by the amazingly talented Adam Rapp, but with artwork by yours truly. Comics are truly a collaborative effort (a comic without pictures is something entirely different) and I am heartened to see that my letter has played some part in having Amazon reexamine this practice of theirs.

Full text of Amazon’s reply below:

Dear Mr. O’Connor,

My name is Sarah Beaudette of Author Central. I’ve reviewed previous correspondence with you, and would like to apologize for the misunderstanding. Normally illustrators are not allowed to add books to their bibliography, but we’ve researched these titles and have concluded that you are a primary contributor to them. Your example has driven us to re-consider our policy, and we appreciate your feedback as we continue to look for ways to make our service more useful to authors.

Your bibliography now includes “Alien Feast” and “Ball Peen Hammer,” as well as “The Glass Cat of Oz.” These changes will appear online within 3 days.

I hope this helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Justice! Congrats, George!


  1. Yeah, victory! The several mails they have received throught the “no” link probably help also.
    Just a small remark about the whole “your name is on the cover, that means you’re a major contributor to the book”. It fails when some small publisher put the name of a famous artist on the cover even if he’s only doing…the covers (but it probably help sales so you can’t be mad at hem for that).

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