In Everything’s Racist: The Difficult History Behind Everything, a comic by Joel Christian Gill that appears on The Emancipator, the cartoonist unapologetically explores the difficult fact that racism is inexplicable from history… maybe especially American history.
Everything’s Racist
The first entry of Everything’s Racist was released on the one-year anniversary of the Make America Great Again insurrection at the Capitol Building (although Gill’s comic refers to it as the blizzard of January 6th, on account of all the snowflakes).
In a follow-up entry, the strip explores the history of Black History Month, and how February simply doesn’t contain enough days to cover all of Black history in a single month.
Previously, some one of Gill’s other comic strips has been featured in A Year of Free Comics, ones which follow his trials and travails in the classroom. While those comics did includes topics like awkward student comments about race, Everything’s Racist gives the cartoonist a venue to more completely examine these issues.
However, while Everything’s Racist does cover more serious ground, you still may find yourself smirking at Gill’s ability to illustrate the absurd hypocrisy of these white “snowflakes” using a character literally named “Snowflake,” a man who can’t help but be triggered just as soon as he hears any opinion that contradicts his hard-held racist beliefs.
Available to read now
If you’re interested in catching up with Everything’s Racist, you can read the full comics through the links to The Emancipator‘s Twitter page included in this article.
Have you had a chance to read Everything’s Racist yet? How about the Cartoonist Studio Prize Award-winning graphic novel Fights: One Boy’s Triumph Over Violence, or any of the other graphic novels by Gill?
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