Juan Santapau’s The Secret Knots is a launchpad for a variety of different comics – sometimes a long-form work, sometimes a single story in a page, and sometimes an extended work of fiction within a long, single frame. It’s an absolutely lovely piece of work, punctuated by superb, charming writing and utterly gorgeous artwork.


His work reminds me a little of Fiona Staples, but with a more washed-out use of watercolours on each page — which gives things a wonderful sense of life as the flatter-colouring on the characters pops out at the reader.



It’s only recently that Santapau has made a consistently-updated story, in the form of The Strange World of Martin Kardec. I’d tell you more about it – but really, I’m just utterly charmed and spellbound by the words, art, story and creation. It’s a story of the occult, and of childhood – like much of the work on the site – but told through the eyes of the children. And in their eyes, the ideas seem magical and tangible. It’s a stunning thing, and I really hope you go take a look. Find more at http://www.thesecretknots.com


Steve is tweets @stevewmorris


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