Vault Comics has announced their 2021 Cover Artists-in-Residence (or “CAIR”) variant program, featuring Yoshi Yoshitani (Beneath the Moon), Martin Simmonds (The Department of Truth), Joshua Hixson (The Plot), Corin Howell (Dark Red), and Jen Hickman (Test). The CAIR program will see each of these artists drawing open-order variants for the entire run of the Vault series of their choosing.
The program starts with Yoshitani’s cover to Matthew Erman’s and Lisa Sterle’s Witchblood #1, on sale March 31. Hickman’s, Hixson’s, Howell’s, and Simmonds’ cover runs will follow.
“In comics, we want to be judged by our covers, said Vault Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Adrian Wassel. “That’s why we started CAIR—our Cover Artist in Residence program. On top of our phenomenal core teams, our 2021 CAIR roster of Jen Hickman, Joshua Hixson, Corin Howell, Martin Simmonds, and Yoshi Yoshitani will be making covers that leap off the shelf and shake you by the shoulders for our entire 2021 catalogue. This team represents an expansion of last year’s team—our first year of CAIR, that saw astonishingly gorgeous covers from Jen Hickman (returning!), Adam Gorham, and Rebekah Isaacs. So please, between this roster and Tim Daniel’s daring and indelible design, I’d very much like to invite you to judge us by our covers.”
“We’re incredibly fortunate to boast an entire roster of extremely talented and stylistically varied artists that will compliment each new series’ standard covers,” added Vault’s VP of Branding & Design, Tim Daniel. “This newly composed, slightly expanded team of emerging talents and top-tier names follows in the footsteps of 2020’sAdam Gorham(The Blue Flame), Jen Hickman (TEST), and Rebecca Isaacs (Money Shot), presenting our creators’ unique stories (to you) in their own distinctive way! Please join us in welcoming returning alumni Jen Hickman, along with their new teammates Joshua Hixson, Corin Howell, Martin Simmonds, and Yoshi Yoshitani!”
Stay tuned for more updates and cover reveals for 2021.