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San Diego Comic Fest ’17: 25th Anniversary of Batman: The Animated Series with Arlen...

  As a cartoon loving kid of the 90’s, chances are the Batman: The Animated Series was on your “must-watch list.” It’s hard to believe that the iconic show is hitting its 25th year anniversary....

San Diego Comic Fest ’17: Spotlight on John Semper, Jr. – Talks Spider-Man lore...

John Semper, Jr. holds an ever growing list of credits, ranging from his work as a screenwriter, producer, and story editor. His body of work is mostly invested the in the field of animation,...

San Diego Comic Fest ’17: Interview with SDCF’s Founder, Mike Towry, covers Jack Kirby...

For this year’s San Diego Comic Fest, it had a great deal on its plate; A fifth year, a new venue, the announcement of a new Chairman for next year, unseasonal rain, leaking roofs,...

San Diego Comic Fest ’17: Up and Early for Social Fandom for Geek Properties

Bright and early on a Sunday morning, collected in San Diego Comic Fest’s make shift “Kirby Café” panelists Jenny Stiven, Jonathan Tavss (working in digital and social fandoms for over 20 years), Anina Bennett...

San Diego Comic Fest ’17: Arlen Schumer Pays Tribute to Jack Kirby and Denounces...

  Artist, illustrator, writer, and in a way Jack Kirby historian are a few of the titles that Arlen Schumer would claim for himself. The man of many talents is hard at work at...

San Diego Comic Fest Kicks Off with a Heavy Storm and Jack Kirby

As the winds howled outside and rain beat against the roof of the Four Points hotel by Sheraton, one thing was blatantly obvious: bad weather won’t stop dedicated comic book fans. You’d think San Diego...

Does San Diego need both San Diego Comic-Con and San Diego Comic Fest?

Once upon a time, there wasn’t a San Diego Comic-Con. Some would mark this period as “The Dark Ages of Conventions” (those being myself). It was in this “long-long ago” (1970) that a collection of...