Tag: rebellion publishing
New Jobs: Steve Morris at Rebellion; Mad Cave hires three
Steve Morris Joins Rebellion as Marketing Manager, and Mad Cave Studios has hired Adam Wallenta, Marla Eizik, and Christina Harrington as editors
SDCC ‘23: 2000 AD’s SDCC Judge Dredd hardcover features an exclusive Greg Capullo cover
2000 AD is bringing some stunning Judge Dredd exclusives to SDCC, but the quantities are shockingly limited.
PREVIEW: Check out pages from BEST OF 2000 AD VOL. 2
The second installment of the Best Of series will be out at the end of this month
The writer revitalizes the cult classic for a new miniseries at Rebellion Publishing
EXTENDED PREVIEW: JUDGE DREDD: END OF DAYS gives fans a little old school Dredd...
The collection features the future’s greatest lawman doing what he does best in Mega-City One
Jim Killen joins Rebellion Publishing as Editor at Large
Killen will serve as editor at large for SF, fantasy and graphic novels.
INTERVIEW: Alex de Campi talks anime influence on 2000 AD’s all-ages Full Tilt Boogie
Alex de Campi goes full tilt to talk about her all-ages 2000 AD strip Full Tilt Boogie!
DROKKING SCROTNIG!: 7 absurd 2000 AD comics to help you de-stress
Murder! Mayhem! Manners! More isolation!
Rob Williams and Simon Fraser to resurrect Judge Dredd’s greatest supporting character in new...
Someone's back from the dead ... or are they?
Rebellion postpones BEST OF 2000 AD #1, will still offer new 2000 AD and JUDGE DREDD...
If reading "Day of Chaos" and "Block Mania" has taught us anything, it's that it's time to take care of each other and ride this out!
2000 AD releases free comics as well as children’s activity pack!
Just because you're stuck at home doesn't mean you and your kids can't be packed with Thrill-power!