Tag: Orlando
DC and IDW team for LOVE IS LOVE anthology to honor Orlando shooting victims
DC and IDW are teaming up for LOVE IS LOVE, a project spearheaded by writer Marc Andreyko intended to honor the victims of the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting.
The result is an anthology with more than...
Librarians Converge on Orlando to Celebrate Books, Comics, Diversity
Every summer, thousands of librarians and other bibliophiles meet at the American Library Association's Annual Conference. This year, it's in Orlando (yeah...) and like years past, "ALA Annual" will host feature numerous creators, publishers,...
FlameCon Announces Gun-Free Cosplay Policy Following Orlando Massacre
Flame Con, New York City’s first LGBTQ comic con, has announced that the second year of their event will be “(toy) Gun-Free” in the wake of the June 12 mass shooting in Orlando.